
  1. 它是中国华侨文化的集中表现部分,极具历史、文化、科学和艺术价值。

    They are concentrated display of overseas Chinese culture , and of superb historical , cultural , scientific , and artistic value .

  2. 文章主要探讨行政建置的变化、华侨文化的作用、近代文化的传入和殖民文化的影响等四个方面在这一时期对海南文化发展的影响。

    The paper mainly discusses the influences of alterations of administrative regionalization , effects of oversea Chinese culture , diffusions of neoteric culture and consequences of colonial culture on cultural development in Hainan .

  3. 中国华侨经济文化基金会

    China Economic and Cultural Foundation of Overseas Chinese

  4. 关于东南亚华侨华人宗教文化与现代化问题的理论思考

    Theoretical Ponderation over Religious Culture and Modernization of Southeast Asian Chinese

  5. 时至今日,华侨仍在闽南文化的传承上起着举足轻重的作用,而历久不衰的闽南文化也成为加强华侨对家乡的认同感的重要纽带。

    Up to now , they still play an important part in the inheritance of South Fujian culture , which is in turn an important bond for the identity with their hometown those returned overseas Chinese .

  6. 近代广东旅美华侨华人与中美文化交流学生会的宗旨是服务于整个社区的文化生活,弘扬中国文化、育民族精神,促进中美文化交流。

    The mission of CSSA includes , but is not limited to : serving the cultural life of the Chinese community , upholding Chinese traditions and modern culture , and promoting cultural communication and friendship between China and America .

  7. 欧洲华侨华人研究述评关于华侨华人文化研究的若干问题

    A Blooming Research Field : Review of the Studies of the Ethnic Chinese in Europe On Overseas Chinese Culture