
  1. 美国一个公益性组织&自由之家称各国大选舞弊大有增长之势。

    And , according to Freedom House , an American NGO , an increasing number are unfree .

  2. 社会司法鉴定机构是为三类诉讼活动提供鉴定服务的公益性组织。

    The non-governmental judicial expertise units are public organizations that provide identification services for three certain litigant activities .

  3. 构建县域循环经济发展模式不仅仅以现有产业特征为内在基础,还需要以政府力量、信息化建设水平、公众和公益性组织参与程度等外部因素为支撑。

    To establish a circular county economy development mode not only should be based on the current industrial characteristics , but also requires the support of such external factors as government presence , information construction level , the participation of the public mass and non-profit organizations .

  4. 有的观点甚至片面地认为,博物馆既然是公益性组织,经费是国家负担的,只要把研究和展览做好就可以了,搞文化产业是不务正业。

    Some views even think one-sidedly , the museum is the Public Service Organization , the funds is that the country bear , so it is all right to do studying and exhibiting well , it is to do no decent work to practice the cultural industry .

  5. 而且,信息披露等自上问责工具都是为监控公益性社会组织提供公共服务的过程和资金运作而开发的。

    What is more , upward accountability tools are developed in order to closely monitor the whole processes of public service provision and funds .

  6. 也就是说,问责主体提出的问责要求能否得到公益性社会组织的优先回应取决于它相对于后者的地位。

    In other words , whether or not accountability subjects can be given priority when public interest-oriented social organization responds multiple accountability demands , it is decided by the status of the former relative to the latter .

  7. 此类新型的公益性服务组织的形成会伴随一系列相关问题的出现,如何运用非营利组织理论与体育公共服务理论对其进行准确定位。

    Formation will be accompanied by a series of issues related to the emergence of this new type of public welfare services organizations , how to apply the theory of non-profit organizations with the sporting public service theory it accurate positioning .

  8. 公益性群众体育组织的非营利性研究将社会上的医疗机构分为营利性和非营利性两类。

    The Study on the Non-Profit Character of Commonweal Mass Sports organization ;

  9. 政府购买公共服务:以公益性非营利组织为重要合作伙伴

    Government Purchase of Public Service Contracting ( GPSC ): Taking Commonweal NPOs as Important Cooperative Partners

  10. 在我国,公募公益性非营利组织的起步较晚,但在广泛的社会生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In China , NPOs started late , but they are been playing an increasingly important role .

  11. 公益性社会中介组织的公共责任机制在目前的中国存在严重的制度缺失。

    At present , Chinas social intermediary organizations have developed rapidly , but there are also prominent problems .

  12. 从公益性劳动中介组织的职能上看,公益性劳动中介组织提供的核心服务是人职匹配。

    From the public service organization intermediation function of labor , the public service workforce intermediary organizations to provide core services are matching the post .

  13. 考虑到制度缺失的完善是需要一个过程的,因此,内部的自律就自然地成了构建公益性社会中介组织责任机制的核心。

    Perfecting the systemic defect needs a course , therefore , inside " self-discipline " becomes the naturally core of building responsibility-system for the public welfare social intermediary organizations .

  14. 自那以后,玛德琳一直保持低调,在纽约为公益性世界儿童组织工作,经两人共同的朋友介绍才与欧尼尔相识。

    Since then , Madeleine has held a lower profile , working for the nonprofit World Childhood Foundation in New York , where she met O'Neill through mutual friends .

  15. 公益性劳动中介组织的目标是提高工作匹配的速度和质量,服务对象主要是失业者、不完全就业者和用人单位。

    Intermediary organizations working for public welfare goal is to improve the work of matching the speed and quality of service targets are mainly the unemployed , not employees and employers .

  16. 环保NGO是以环境保护为主旨,不以营利为目的,不具有行政权力并为社会提供环境公益性服务的民间组织。

    Environmental NGO on environmental protection in mind , non-profit purposes and does not have executive powers and providing environmental nonprofit social service non-governmental organizations .

  17. 但作为公益性事业和社区组织,又必须通过宏观控制达到一定社会目的。

    However , as a commonweal enterprise and community organization , it should attain certain social goal by macro controlling .