
  • 网络symbolic representation
  1. 知觉符号表征形式具有低认知负荷、易存储于长时记忆、提取快捷等优点。

    Perception symbolic representation is low cognitive load and easy to store in the long-term memory , and it can be quickly retrieved .

  2. 信息加工模型(符号表征取向、联结主义取向);

    Information process model ( symbolic representation , connectionism );

  3. 其次,是由书面符号表征到口头语言表征的转化。

    Then comes the translation from written symbols to spoken symbols .

  4. 言语理解中的知觉符号表征与命题符号表征

    Perceptual symbol representation and propositional symbol representation in language comprehension

  5. 儿童的书面数符号表征与他们的基数概念发展水平密切相关。

    Children 's ability to represent written number symbols closely relates to their concept of cardinals .

  6. 过分强调符号表征;无限制地夸大婴幼儿的学业学习能力;狭隘地、简单化地理解学习与发展的关系。

    They often overemphasize symbolic representation and aggrandize infant 's ability of academic learning and misunderstand the relationship between learning and development .

  7. 而语言是对一类事物进行概括的符号表征,习语作为一种特殊的语言形式集中反映了这些概念结构。

    Language is the symbolic representation of things in categories . Idioms , as a special language form , epitomize these conceptual structures .

  8. 从早期华夏文明演进规律看,原始礼乐文化的发生、发展,既是华夏文明得以盟生的动力,也使华夏文明形成礼乐文化符号表征的原因。

    From its evolution , we know the forming and development of primitive ceremony is both the impetus and symbolic feature of Chinese civilization .

  9. 结果表明:学生善于利用符号表征进行算法类问题解决,而拙于利用微观表征解决相关概念类问题。

    The results suggest : Most students are good at solving algorithm problems with symbolic representation , while ill at conceptual problems with microscopic representation .

  10. 实验1中被试读完句子以后马上进行图画探测任务,结果表明这时被试头脑中进行的是知觉符号表征。

    The results in experiment 1 showed that there is perceptual symbol representation in comprehension when subjects complete recognition task once after they read the key sentence .

  11. 结果显示,部分旅游地网站旅游地宣传口号缺失,同时网站上各符号表征内容存在不和谐之处。

    The results show that publicized slogans lack in part of tourism destination websites and there exists sense of disharmony in the contents of symbol expression on websites .

  12. 复杂叙述条件和以人为参照条件下,读者进行知觉符号表征,既表征了类别距离,又表征了几何距离。结构内因素能够促使空间情境模型更加清晰生动。

    In detail , the readers characterize both category distance and metric distance . The above suggest that structural factors make spatial situation model more clear and vivid . 3 .

  13. 对小数乘法和分数除法而言,最容易获得的是由现实情境表征或者口头语言表征到书面符号表征的转化。

    As far as the multiplication of decimal and division of fraction are concerned , it is easiest for students to understand the translation from real world situation or spoken symbols to written symbols .

  14. 总的实验结果表明言语理解中既存在知觉符号表征,也存在命题符号表征,知觉符号表征是信息表征的一种早期状态,人类头脑中最终的信息表征形式主要是命题符号表征。

    The total results suggest that there are both perceptual symbol representation and propositional symbol representation in language comprehension , and perceptual symbol representation is only preliminary , whereas propositional symbol representation is final in human brain .

  15. 本文综合了目前国内外对于数学表征的主要分类以及在初中低年级学生的实际情况,将数学表征方式分为:文字表征、符号表征、图形表征和表格表征。

    This paper integrate current home and abroad researches about primary classification of mathematical representations and actual situations of middle school junior students , classify mathematic representations into : word representation , symbol representation , figure representation and table representation .

  16. 调查发现,初中阶段的化学学习,符号表征的分化作用最大。三重表征是一种能体现化学学科特征的思维方式,它有利于学生更好地理解化学,具有一系列独特的魅力和价值。

    The research shows that differentiation of symbolic representation functions most in junior Chemistry learning , and threefold representation is able to embody Chemistry characteristic thinking mode , which , of course , is beneficial and valuable to the understanding of Chemistry .

  17. 在香港电视连续剧中广泛存在着江湖母题,香港电视连续剧正是通过江湖这个母题构建了香港人文化认同的基础,以表现生存境遇的图象符号表征出香港社会的现实。

    " Rivers and lakes " is very popular in Hong Kong 's TV series , through which Hong Kong 's TV series establish the base of cultural identity of Hong Kong people in that TV signs of living conditions reflect deeply the social reality .

  18. 从公文语言内在的文化蕴涵和文化特质探寻其审美形象时就会发现,现代公文语用在特定的文化语境中,富有典型的语义符号表征意义。

    When we search for its aesthetic figure from cultural implication and cultural characteristics inside the language of official document , we 've found that in the certain cultural context , the modern language usage of official document is of typical significance of semantic symbol characteristics .

  19. 在解决化学问题时,中学生通常以一种自己熟悉的表征方式表征问题(也常使用符号表征、数学表征、图文表征、言语表征等多种表征方式表征同一个问题);

    When high school students are solving chemical problems , they usually choose a familiar way to represent the problem , or sometimes may use several representation methods ( symbol representation , mathematical representation , chart-word representation , words representation and so on ) to represent the same problem .

  20. 5~6岁儿童对书面数符号的表征和理解能力的发展

    Kindergarten Children 's Representation and Understanding of Written Number Symbols

  21. 所有的艺术都是以符号作为表征,来体现它们的内涵,实现它们的审美价值,电影也是如此,符号在电影中无处不在。

    All art is characterized by the symbol as to reflect their content to achieve the aesthetic value of art , the film is also true .

  22. 对小说中多元化孔子形象的研究,侧重点不是探求和追寻历史上真实的孔子容貌,而是寻求孔子在文学作品中作为象征性符号的表征意义。

    In the novel of Confucius multiple characters of the research , exploration and search focuses not on the history of the real Confucius looks , but to seek Confucius in literary works as a symbol of the symbolic meaning representation .

  23. 至中班末期,大多数5岁儿童能够较熟练地运用至少1-17的书面数符号来表征数量,尽管其中有人在两位数的表征和数字的正确写法上有困难。

    The majority of the children could represent written number symbols , at least 1-17 , at the age of 5 , although some of them still had some problem in representing two digit numbers and in writing some symbols correctly .

  24. 中学生物理问题解决确实是一个问题表征状态不断变化过程,这种变化可以经历无表征状态、外部表征状态、初级内部表征状态、低级范畴性表征状态、高级范畴性表征状态和符号化表征状态。

    The physics problem-solving of the high school students is the variant process of problem representation-state , and this kind of variance evolves through non-representation-state , external representation-state , primary internal representation-state , representation-state by low-level category , representation-state by high-level category and representation-state by symbol .

  25. 当感觉表象被理性思维加工成客观世界中不存在的知觉形象(概念)时,人类就需要创造人工符号来表征它,并使建立在概念基础上的理性经验与人工符号结构形成对应关系。

    When feeling representation constitute a perceptual image ( concept ) not existing in the world by rational thinking process , human beings need create artificial symbols to represent the image and establish corresponding relation between the rational experience based on the concept and artificial symbol structure .

  26. 宏观微观符号三重表征的化学学习研究

    The Research of Chemistry Learning about " Macro-Micro-Symbol " Threefold Representation

  27. 此时的消费者已不能简单地通过一种或几种有限的符号价值来表征自己的社会地位,消费者只有通过奢侈的、甚至是刻意浪费的炫耀性消费方式,才足以真正彰显自己的社会地位。

    Then the consumer can not simply use one or some limited symbol values as a sign of their social status , only by luxury , or even deliberately waste consumption , their social status can be displayed .

  28. 但呈现思想的工具是我们所谓的符号,而不是表征。

    But a device for presenting an idea is what we call a symbol , not a symptom .

  29. 现在您想点菜呈,先生?但呈现思想的工具是我们所谓的符号,而不是表征。

    Will you like to order now , sir ? But a device for presenting an idea is what we call a symbol , not a symptom .

  30. 物理符号主义假设认为符号表征的计算对于认知是充分和必要的,一些持强耦合观点的动力主义者认为表征对于认知系统是不必要的。

    The Physical Symbol System Hypothesis ( PSSH ) holds that the computation of representation of symbols is both sufficient and necessary , while some dynamicists who support the view of Strong Coupling believe that representation is not necessary for a cognitive system .