
  • 网络Conservation of Quantity;conservation of number
  1. 一个探索恒河猴和熊猴数量守恒的实验研究

    A study on conservation of quantity in rhesus monkeys and Assamese macaque

  2. 采用负启动研究范式,考察九岁儿童在类皮亚杰数量守恒任务中的负启动效应。

    The study examined negative priming effect in a numerical Piaget-like task with a sample of9-year-old children .

  3. 训练后,被试接受5种后测任务:盒子任务、转移任务、外表-事实任务、来源任务和数量守恒任务。

    After training , all subjects received five posttest tasks : box task , transfer task , appearance-reality task , sources task and number conservation task .

  4. 在序数概念、比较、数量守恒这样依靠图形等直观形象进行判断的项目上,语言基础的影响作用不显著。

    In concept , comparison , number ordinal number of conservation such judgement on graphics the project , the influence of the language foundation is not significant . 3 .

  5. 信念组训练两个误信念任务,知觉组训练两个视觉观点采择任务,控制组训练两个数量守恒任务。

    The belief group was trained on two false belief tasks , the perception group was trained on two visual perspective-taking tasks , and the control group was trained on two number conservation tasks .