
  • 网络individual knowledge;personal knowledge
  1. 知识管理中个体知识能力的一种模糊测评方法

    A Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Individual Knowledge Capability in Knowledge Management

  2. 教师个体知识管理中的工作任务分析

    A Job Task Analysis of Teachers ' Individual Knowledge Management

  3. 基于P2P的个体知识管理平台的研究

    The Study of Personal Knowledge Management Platform Based on P2P Technology

  4. 以建构主义学习理论为基础,通过对新的学习环境下知识的界定和知识获取方式的研究,提出基于Web的知识建构支持系统(KCSS),以有助于个体知识和协作知识的建构。

    Based on the analysis of the definition of knowledge and the study of the way that people acquire knowledge in the new learning environment , web-based knowledge construction support system ( KCSS ) is advanced to assist both individual and collaborative knowledge construction process .

  5. 重视学生的个体知识特别是学生个体的缄默知识在教学中的作用;

    Attach importance to student individual knowledge , especially individual tacit knowledge ;

  6. 个体知识共享意向的社会资本透视

    Determinants of Knowledge Sharing Intention in Organization : A Social Capital Perspective

  7. 个体知识观形成的条件、过程及其教育意义

    The Conditions and Process of Knowledge View Development and Its Educational Significance

  8. 个体知识的管理过程与机制研究

    On the Course and Mechanism of Individual Knowledge Management

  9. 组织内部个体知识转移的激励机制研究

    Motivation Mechanism Research on Individual Knowledge Transfer within Organization

  10. 高校教师个体知识管理绩效评价体系及方法

    Method and Index System of Individual Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation of College Teachers

  11. 个体知识共享绩效评估参考模型

    Reference Model for Evaluating Performance of Individual Knowledge Sharing

  12. 企业中个体知识共享研究

    A Study on Individual Knowledge Sharing Inside Enterprises

  13. 基于复杂适应系统的个体知识转移影响因素分析

    Analyze on the infection factor of knowledge transfer

  14. 两种文化分裂时代个体知识建构的合理化及途径

    Reasonable Construction of Knowledge and the Pathway to It against a background of split in culture

  15. 其中,纵向维度分析将组织知识表示为共享知识、局部知识和个体知识;

    The vertical dimensionality shows organization knowledge as shared knowledge , part knowledge and individual knowledge .

  16. 个体知识观的发展大致经历了由前意识、萌芽到确立并走向定型的发展阶段。

    The development of knowledge view is based on knowledge accumulation and the growth of thinking ability .

  17. 接下来重点探讨了学习活动的社会性所要求的参与主体和参与方式的转变,以及实现学习活动社会性的具体要求:个体知识与意义的呈现与合作一互动。

    The chapter mainly discusses the social nature of learning as activity and the way to realize the nature .

  18. 理论与实际应用相结合,以期激励机制在组织内部个体知识转移中有效发挥作用。

    Combined theory and fact , expect that motivation could bring effectual function for individual knowledge transfer within organization .

  19. 同时,不同特质的教师在个体知识的获得途径方面也有一定差异,具体表现为:骨干教师更能够从有组织的教研活动中获得公共隐性知识。

    Meanwhile , there are some differences in terms of approaches of acquiring personal knowledge among teachers of different qualities .

  20. 审计基本目标是确定我国审计人才总体需求结构和审计人才个体知识能力结构的依据。

    The basic objective of auditing decides the overall demand of auditing talents in China and auditor 's individual knowledge structure .

  21. 接着重点对个体知识共享的过程模型中的因素进行分析,包括个体知识共享的组织因素和个体行为因素。

    Secondly the thesis analyze the factors of he simple model of individual knowledge sharing including organization factors and individual behavioral factors .

  22. 第四部分主要是关于如何根据个体知识创新的规律构建适合的组织环境的策略。

    The fourth part is about how to choose suitable strategy for the organizational environment according to the rules of knowledge innovation .

  23. 虽然学界对个人知识及其作用持肯定态度,但真正意义上的个体知识共享研究仍鲜有成果。

    Although many studies hold a positive attitude on personal knowledge and its role , researches on individual knowledge sharing have few achievements .

  24. 第一阶段是个体知识建构阶段,在该阶段中,合作性理解监控过程是对心理模型的比较过程。

    The first stage is the individual knowledge-building stage , including collaborative comprehension monitoring which collaborators compare their individual mental models with each other .

  25. 在教学中促进个体知识的个性化,对发展学生主体性、提升其实践智慧、培养其创造精神有非常重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to the development of students ' initiative , to the hoist of practical wisdom and the creative power .

  26. 个体知识共享的态度和行为以及知识整合能力会受社会资本量的影响而有所波动。

    Knowledge-sharing attitudes and behavior of individual as well as the ability to integrate knowledge will be affected by the amount of social capital .

  27. 在企业内部由个体知识、团队知识和企业知识构成的知识链是一个互动的、有序的循环系统;

    In corporation , the knowledge-chain composed of personal knowledge , group knowledge and corporation knowledge is an interactive , ordered , recycling system .

  28. 建构了公共知识与个体知识的宏观结构,并揭示了公共知识的中观结构与微观结构。

    It constructs the macro-structure of curriculum knowledge : public knowledge and individual knowledge , and explores the intermediate structure and micro-structure of public knowledge .

  29. 组织共有知识演化过程中一般存在着四种不同的知识状态:个体知识状态、默契知识状态、清晰知识状态和系统知识状态。

    There are four main corporate knowledge stages in the organization evolution process : discrete knowledge , glue knowledge , explicit knowledge and system knowledge .

  30. 依据提出的模型框架,可以容易的实现从个体知识中获取组织知识,有利于提高知识管理的有效性。

    According to the model framework , an organization can easily capture its knowledge from individual knowledge and can heighten the validity of knowledge management .