
  • 网络strategic warning
  1. 企业战略预警反应系统研究

    Research on the Enterprise Strategy Forewarned Response System

  2. 企业战略预警系统是从企业战略层面建立的一个对企业活动进行预警预控的自组织系统。

    Enterprise strategic early-warning system is a self-organized system from the view of strategy .

  3. 网络安全战略预警系统的攻击检测技术研究

    Study of the Attack Detection Technology for the Strategic Indication Warning Systems of Network Security

  4. 超视距雷达主要用于战略预警及远程战术警戒情报雷达系统。

    The over-the-horizon radar is mainly used for strategic early warning and long range tactical warning information radar systems .

  5. 本文的工作是基于国家863高科技项目&大规模入侵检测与战略预警技术。

    This work is based on National 863 High Tech Program & Large-scale Intrusion Detection and Stratagem Pre-alerting Technology .

  6. 弹道导弹防御系统担负着现代战争条件下战略预警的重要任务,系统中核心技术之一就是对真假弹头的识别。

    In the modern warfare , Ballistic missile defense ( BMD ) system undertakes the important task of strategic defense warning system .

  7. 为了保障国家信息基础设施的安全,建立和发展一个高效、可靠的网络安全战略预警系统是十分必要的。

    For protecting the National Information Infrastructure ( Nil ) from attack , it is essential to establish and develop an efficient and reliable Network Security Strategic Indication Warning ( NSSI W ) .

  8. 网络安全战略预警系统是一个针对开放性信息源的决策支持系统,它是一个概念性的体系结构,目的是针对信息战的攻击提供威胁评测和预警。

    Network Security Strategic Indication / Warning is a concept that aims to provide threat assessment and Indicators & Warnings of an IW attack . It is the conceptual architecture of an open source decision support system .

  9. 如何建立企业战略预警反应系统,使得企业在战略危机爆发之前采取有效的防范措施,从而实现企业的长远发展就成为一个很现实的问题。

    So how to construct the enterprise strategy forewarned response system to help the enterprise to take effective measures before the breakout of the strategy crisis so that the enterprise can achieve the long-term development has been a realistic problem .

  10. 企业战略风险预警管理研究

    Research on the Strategic Risk Early-warning Management in the Enterprises

  11. 核心能力战略危机预警系统设计原理与方法

    The Designing Principles and Processing of a Crisis Early Warning System of Core Competence Strategy

  12. 基于云模型关联规则的企业转型战略风险预警从碧佳伲药业看中小型企业的战略转换

    Study on Risk Alert of Enterprise Industry Transition Strategy Based on Cloud Model Association Rules

  13. 中国流体机械行业技术性贸易措施战略与预警工程的思路与对策

    Thought and Countermeasure of Technical Trade Step , Strategy and Early-warning Engineering for Chinese Fluid Machinery Industry

  14. 第四章是在上一章的基础上完成了企业战略危机预警模型的设计工作。

    Chapter 4 in the previous chapter on the basis of the completed corporate strategic warning model design work .

  15. 企业战略风险预警管理是战略风险管理理论的一种改进或延伸。

    The strategic risk early-warning management in the enterprises is an improvement or extendibility of the strategic risk management .

  16. 战略风险预警管理的具体过程,包括预警分析和预警对策两项内容。

    The concrete process of the strategic risk early-warning management in the enterprises includes two parts named the early-warning analysis and the early-warning countermeasures .

  17. 设计核心能力战略危机预警系统的目的就在于及时发现和预见偏差以便实施控制,保证核心能力战略的可持续性和高效性。

    An early warning systems designed to find out and forecast the core competence strategy crisis on time , to control it in real time and maintain the sustainability and high efficiency .

  18. 根据系统仿真相关结论,论文运用预警理论相关内容构建了高新技术企业战略风险预警体系,该体系的构建为高新技术企业战略风险预警提供了理论参考。

    Through the relevant conclusion of systematic emulation , the thesis constructs the High-tech enterprises strategic risk management forecasting system which will offer the useful reference to High-tech enterprises strategic risk forecasting , which uses the forecasting theory .

  19. 核心能力战略的危机预警系统设计

    An Early Warning System Design for the Core Competence Strategy Crisis

  20. 其次是构建了战略风险的预警机制和模型。

    Second , early warning system and model are constructed .

  21. 有更强的战略轰炸机、预警机、大运输机和加油机。

    More strategic bombers , airborne warning aircraft , large transport planes and tanker aircraft .

  22. 因此本文对构建企业竞争战略的风险预警管理体系具有一定的参考价值。

    Therefore , this article on the risks of competitive strategy to build early-warning management system has a certain reference value .

  23. 第四章在第三章的分析基础上,从战略、战术和预警三个方面,研究改善伊泰煤炭现金流管理的方法,以期为企业提高现金流管理水平提供指导性意见。

    The fourth chapter , which based on the analysis of the third chapter , study the approaches to improve the cash flow of coal enterprise from three areas : a strategic , tactical and early warning .

  24. 同其他任何一种企业的组织形式一样,虚拟企业也面临着不同表现形式的战略风险,这就要求对虚拟企业的战略风险预警进行研究,从而对虚拟企业战略风险进行准确预测和合理控制。

    Like other organization forms of enterprises , virtual enterprises also have to face strategic risk , which demands that virtual enterprises should research the early warning of strategic risk so as to accurately forecast and reasonably control the virtual enterprises ' strategic risk .

  25. 最后,提出了操作战略转型的对策和思考,建议企业建立战略管理机构、战略预警机制和战略控制体系以正确操作战略转型、把握战略转型时机和识别战略转型的阵痛。

    In the end , this thesis put forward countermeasures for strategy transition , and suggest that companies establish strategic management institutions , strategy early warning mechanism and strategy control system to grasp transition occasions , to differentiate transition travail and operate strategy transition rightly .