
zhàn shù xìnɡ nénɡ
  • Tactical performance;tactical characteristics;tactical data
  1. EPMO不断地汇集并审查关于项目组合管理中每个计划的战术性能数据和战略联盟信息。

    The EPMO continuously assembles and reviews tactical performance data and strategic alignment information about each initiative in a portfolio .

  2. 其中,制导多采用标准总线和一体化设计,在开放式系统中采用COTS电子组件,具有较好的扩展性能,可快速进行软件升级和硬件改进,及时提高战术性能。

    In guidance system , the standard common bus , integrated design and open architecture system with commercial-off-the shelf ( COTS ) electronics are usually utilized for easy extension , rapid upgrade of software and hardware , and improvement of tactical performance .

  3. 操纵性是与潜艇航行安全和战术性能密切相关的一种重要航海性能。

    Maneuverability is one of the most important sea-going performances of submarine .

  4. 其工作状态直接影响飞机的飞行速度、战术性能的发挥及飞行安全。

    Its working state affects the flight velocity , tactics performance and flight security .

  5. 基于灰色关联法的鱼雷战术性能指标的综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Torpedo Tactical Performance Indices Based on Gray Relational Degree Analysis Method

  6. 从武器技战术性能目标、经济目标、资源目标、环境目标等几个方面来建立核武器产品的绿色性评价指标体系。

    The nuke greenness evaluation index system include tactics capability target , economic target , resource target , environment target .

  7. 关内道军事地形的战术性能和战略价值(第三、四章)。

    Second , the tactical capability and strategy value of Guan-nci Dao ( chapter 2 , chapter 4 . 1 ) .

  8. 快速启动陀螺罗经,对提高罗经的工作性能及改善舰船战术性能具有重要意义。

    It is important significance to fast start gyrocompass for the increasing the work performance of gyrocompass and improving warship 's tactical performance .

  9. 可在不进行求导数运算的条件下,通过区间运算获得作战效能随武器装备的技术战术性能和作战使用方式改变而变化的情况。

    The method can be used to obtain the change of operational effectiveness with technical performance of weapon system and the operation mode without using operations of partial derivatives .

  10. 潜艇因具有优良的战术性能、良好的隐蔽性、较强的自给力和续航力、较大的突击力而受到世界各国海军的普遍重视。

    The submarine receives all around the world attention of navy because of its fine tactical performance , good disguise , stronger self-sufficiency strength 、 endurance and greater assault strength .

  11. 超视距引导的导弹攻击,导弹对目标的捕捉能力取决于引导配系的引导精度和导弹本身的技术、战术性能。

    In over-the-horizon guided missile attack , the catch ability of the missile is lie on the guided precision of the guided force , as well as technical and tactical capability of itself .

  12. 从未来无人机的军事需求及其战术性能入手,结合技术发展趋势和发展可行性,对未来无人机发展需要的一些关键技术进行了分析研究,这些关键技术对提高未来无人机的战术性能具有重要作用。

    Starting with the military requirement and its tactical performance for future UAVs , based on the UAVs ′ developing trend and feasibility , the research on those key techniques which are essential to tactical performance of UAVs is made .

  13. 本文结合我国引信产品方案论证的实际,论述了应用价值工程原理,综合考虑引信战术性能、可靠性、安全性、寿命、费用等进行引信方案论证的方法、步骤和原则。

    Based on the fact of scheme demonstration of fuze in our country , the method , steps and rules of scheme demonstration of fuze are discussed while adopting the Value Engineering principle , considering fuze 's property , reliability , safety , life , cost , etc.

  14. 依据航空反潜鱼雷的战术技术性能,采用Kalman滤波法对目标运动要素进行估计,并在计算机上模拟。

    Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation antisubmarine torpedo , the target moving elements with Kalman filtering was estimated and Simulated by the computer .

  15. 该文用层次分析法和ADC系统效能模型,对影响轻型牵引火炮系统效能的主要战术技术性能指标进行了灵敏度分析,详细介绍了火炮系统效能灵敏度分析的模型和步骤。

    By use of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) and ADC model , this paper analyzes the sensibilities of the system effectiveness and introduces the analytic models and steps .

  16. 导弹战术技术性能综合评价模型

    The Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Missile Performance in Tactic and Technology

  17. 基于灰色关联度的导弹战术技术性能分析模型

    The Analysis Model of Tactic and Technology Performance of Missile Based on Gray Correlative

  18. 现代飞机的战术技术性能不断提高,对发动机提出了更高的要求。

    The improvement of aeroplane performance has made a greater demand on the propulsor .

  19. 现代战场复杂的地形环境和电磁环境是影响战术通信性能的主要因素。

    Complex terrain and electromagnetic environment are the main factors on the tactical communications .

  20. 在外场考核激光烟雾的战术技术性能是烟雾干扰特性试验的最重要手段。

    It is necessary to test the disturbance capability of smoke screen attenuating Laser in field .

  21. 提出了进一步改进轻武器战术技术性能的主要技术措施。

    The main technical measures to improve technical of performance of small arms are further proposed . 8 .

  22. 预备役高炮师最大可射击时间与预备役高炮师火力武器战术技术性能和弹药携行量有关。

    The max time of reserve high-artillery division to fire is related with capability of firepower weapon tactics technology and carried ammunition .

  23. 火炮牵引行驶转移机动性(制动、转弯和操纵特性)的优劣影响火炮战术转移性能,也是需要关心的问题。

    The moving maneuverability ( the characteristics of braking , steering , manipulation ) of the artillery is also a problem we concern .

  24. 该文依据航空自导鱼雷的战术技术性能,给出了鱼雷水下运动基本模型。

    Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation homing torpedo , a basic model for torpedo underwater movement is given in this paper .

  25. 自潜艇诞生以来,各个国家都在致力于潜艇的研究,以提高其战术技术性能。

    Since the appearance of submarine , various countries are committed to the research of submarine in order to enhance its tactical and technical abilities .

  26. 以灰色关联分析理论为基础,介绍了灰色关联分析法,并将这种方法与评价导弹的战术技术性能相结合,建立模型,论述了用灰色关联度分析导弹性能的具体过程。

    Making use of the principle of AHP and the grey hierarchical theory , this paper puts forward a new method for the evaluation of effectiveness for missile weapon systems .

  27. 镍镉电池是军用光电仪器保持其战术技术性能的基础,快速、高效的充电机又是镍镉电池有效发挥功能的重要保证。

    The nickel-chromium battery ensures photoelectric instruments their tactical properties , while its own efficiency is , on the other hand , guaranteed by the quick and highly efficient charger .

  28. 现代战争规模与复杂程度的提高,使得以灵活、机动著称的武装直升机受到更多的关注与需求。但同时也对参战武装直升机的飞行品质与战术技术性能提出了更高的要求。

    With the advance of the scales and complexity in the modern warfare , more and more concerns have be made to develop the armed helicopter , and highly fly quality and performance is needed .

  29. 针对武器系统试验次数少的特点,用经验分布函数和不确定性极大值原理的方法,研究了小样本条件下武器系统战术技术性能指标的极值分布分位点估计法,并以示例进行了说明。

    Estimation methods for percentiles of extremum distribution related to the evaluation methods of performance indexes of weapon systems in small sample situation are proposed with empirical distribution function and uncertain maximum principle . Then , a example is given .

  30. 根据反舰导弹的作战运用特点及近程点防御导弹武器系统的战术技术性能,分析研究了舰艇编队的对空防御队形、编队反导弹最小预警距离。

    According to operational characteristics of antiship missile and the tactical technical performance of short range and point defense missile weapon systems , the station of air defence and the early warning least distance of antimissile in ship formation are analyzed .