
  1. 而由于无线通信广播的特性,这种高密度的AP间将产生相互干扰和竞争,从而导致网络整体的吞吐量下降。

    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless , this density of APs would interfere and compete with each other , naturally lead to a decrease in the total network throughput .

  2. 本文从减小功率通量密度损失,提高接收仰角要求出发,在理论上导出通信广播卫星的最佳轨位的数学模型,经微型计算机模拟,确定中国通信广播卫星的最佳轨位为104.25°E。

    From the viewpoint of reducing the loss of power flux density and increasing receiving elevation angle , a mathematic model of the optimization location is given . The optimization location of the satellite of China is obtained to be east longitude 104.25 degrees with computer analog .

  3. 地球同步通信广播卫星的两种姿态控制方式

    Two different attitude control methods for geostationary communication broadcasting satellite

  4. 通信广播卫星的最佳轨位

    The Optimization Location of Communication and Broadcast Satellite

  5. 热管辐射器设计、试验及其在通信广播卫星上的应用

    Design , test of spacecraft heat pipe radiator and its application for communication and broadcasting satellite

  6. 上周日,我国自行研制的新一代大功率通信广播卫星“鑫诺二号”,在我国西南部的四川西昌卫星发射中心由“长征三号乙”运载火箭发射成功。

    China successfully launched a domestically manufactured high-power communications and broadcast satellite aboard a Long March-3B carrier rocket Sunday .

  7. 为使实用通信广播卫星成为一颗应用型国内通信卫星,对地面测控方案软件进行了改进,从而提高了控制精度。

    To make STW-2 an applied domestic communications satellite , the ground control software has been improved and the accuracy enhanced .

  8. 通信广播卫星对于指定的覆盖区而言,它在静止轨道上的定点位置有个最佳值。

    As regards particular coverage area , the communication and broadcast , satellite has an optimization location on the static satellite orbit .

  9. 该策略利用了无线节点的通信广播性质,通过特殊的数据包激发产生多条与最短路径相交的假路径。

    This strategy takes advantage of the characteristic of broadcast , using special data packets to activate multiple fake paths that intersect with the shortest path .

  10. 本文阐述了太阳噪声干扰使通信广播卫星接收站信号中断的自然现象及规律,导出日凌中断与通信广播卫星定点及卫星接收站,位置关系的数学表示式。

    The natural phenomena and laws of sun-noise interference which can interrupt the receiving signal of communication broadcast satellite television receiving station are set forth in this article .

  11. 本文介绍中国国内通信广播卫星的微波直通式转发器方案、技术指标要求和实测结果。

    This paper describes the scheme , technical specification require - ments and measured results of the microwave transponders with single fre - quency conversion for china domestic communication satellite .

  12. IP组播技术实现了IP网络中点到多点的高效数据传输,它能弥补单播通信和广播通信的不足。

    IP multicast technique realizes efficient data transmission from one point to multiple points in IP network , and remedies the defects of unicast and broadcast communication .

  13. 比较了单播(Unicast)通信、广播(Broadcast)通信、组播通信三种模型的技术,分析了三者的特点及应用范围。

    This paper contrast three IP communication models between unicast , broadcast and multicast . And refer to each characteristic and applying range .

  14. 卫星通信数据广播(DVB-S)系统在江西气象业务中的应用

    Application of Digtal Video Broadcasting-Satallite ( DVB-S ) System in Jiangxi Meteorological Operations

  15. 在MIMO技术基础上,协作中继利用无线通信的广播特性,与终端共同构成虚拟天线阵列,能增加系统覆盖范围,并降低发射功率。

    Based on MIMO , cooperative relay ( CR ) by means of the broadcasting characteristics of wireless channels composes the virtual antenna array with the terminal , which can enlarge system covering range and lower transmit power .

  16. ATM是面向连接的技术,实现组播通信/广播通信是ATM交换机优越于现有STM交换机的重大体现,也是ATM技术能否在现有网络基础上普遍应用的关键。

    ATM is orient-connect technology , realizing multicast / broadcast is important embodiment that ATM exchange is better than STM exchange , and is also hinge that whether ATM technology can apply at large in base of now networks .

  17. 光纤传输在各种通信和广播网中的应用

    Applications of Optical Fiber Transmission in Various Communication and Broadcasting Networks

  18. 利用卫星数据考察平流层传播性行星波活动特征高能通信和广播卫星

    Characteristics of the Stratospheric Travelling Planetary Waves Revealed by Using Satellite Data

  19. 两个名称服务端口都依赖于主机对主机通信和广播通信。

    Both of the name services ports rely on host-to-host communication and broadcast communication .

  20. 试论微波通信在广播电视中的地位和作用

    Discussion on the Position and Function of Microwave Communication in the Broadcasting and Television

  21. 视频压缩技术成为通信、广播以及娱乐多媒体的关键组成部分。

    Video compression has become an essential component of communication , broadcast and entertainment media .

  22. 并行程序设计中的通信和广播

    Communication and broadcast in concurrent programming

  23. 高能通信和广播卫星

    Large-capability communication and broadcasting satellite

  24. 地球同步通信与广播卫星

    Geo-stationary communication and broadcast satellite

  25. 然而,由于无线通信具有广播特性,这使得通信的安全性很难得到有效地保障。

    However , the broadcast nature of wireless networks makes communication security very difficult to be effectively protected .

  26. 一是数字电视的通信与广播有线网;

    It consists of three parts : ( 1 ) The wire network technology for digital TV communication and broadcasting ;

  27. 无线通信的广播特性,使得无线网络缺乏安全的物理边界,这样无线通信系统对潜在的窃听者来说是开放的。

    Because of the broadcast nature of wireless communication , the wireless commu-nication system is lack of secure physical boundary .

  28. 在论文中,笔者首先分析了中国卫星市场的情况,主要是卫星通信和广播电视两大市场的发展情况;

    The author first introduces the Chinese satellite market , especially the major two segments : satellite telecommunications and satellite TV broadcasting .

  29. 同轴线斜置缝隙天线以其独特的辐射特性与阻抗特性,在通信和广播中得到广泛应用。

    The coaxial cable slot antenna is widely used in telecommunication and broadcast due to its special characteristics of impedance and radiation .

  30. 微波电真空器件是雷达、通信、广播、加速器等一些电子系统的心脏部件。

    Abstract Microwave vacuum electron devices are the key components in Radar , communication , broadcasting , accelerators and the other electron systems .