
  1. 煤矿掘进巷道爆破作业对通风构筑物的破坏作用

    The damage effects on ventilation structures in mine excavation roadway during blasting operation

  2. 它不仅与冲击波的作用情况有关,而且与通风构筑物的形状、大小、自振周期等因素有关。

    It is a very complicated problem that is not only related to the shock wave interaction , but also to the shape , size and natural frequency of the ventilation structure .

  3. 该系统是数字化矿山的一个子系统,它具有自动绘制通风网络图、自动进行节点标注、自动绘制通风构筑物、任意巷道数据查询、数据可视化显示和通风系统仿真等功能。

    The function of the system contains the auto-plotting for ventilation network map , and the automatic stanchion for nodes , and the auto-plotting for air-construction , and querying the parameter of tunnels , and system-simulating for ventilation system .