
  • 网络communication vehicle
  1. 基于OpenGL的通信车电磁兼容分析几何建模技术研究

    Study of Geometric Modeling Technology for the Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis to Communication Vehicle Based on OpenGL

  2. 卫星通信车网管系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Network Management System for Satellite Communication Vehicle

  3. 基于Web的应急指挥通信车集控系统实现

    Implementation of a Web-based Centralized Control System of Communication Vehicles in Command of Emergency

  4. 基于Fluent通信车加装气动发电机组储气罐的建模与仿真喷气动力装置;喷气发电机组;喷气功率单位

    Modeling and simulation of communication vehicles to install air storage tank of compressed-air generating sets based on Fluent air-breathing power unit

  5. 指挥通信车系统电磁兼容性能评估

    Evaluation on the System Electromagnetic Compatibility of Command Communication Armored Vehicle

  6. 通信车天线布局仿真设计模型的可视化研究

    Visualization for Simulation Design Model of Antennas Layout of Communication Vehicle

  7. 气动发电机组在军用通信车中的应用分析

    Application analysis of the compressed-air generator sets in the military communication car

  8. 一种新型无线应急指挥通信车的设计方案

    Design of a New Type of Wireless Communication Vehicle in Command of Emergency

  9. 通信车雷电防护系统设计

    Design of Lightning Protection System for Communicational Vehicle Communication ICs Buying a Car Communications ICs

  10. TCM2电子罗盘在移动卫星通信车天线伺服控制中的应用

    Application of TCM 2 Electronic Compass in Antenna Servo Control of Mobile Satellite Uplink Vehicle

  11. 通信车电磁兼容分析模型网格划分技术研究

    Study of Element Meshing Technology for the Analytical Model of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Vehicular Communication System

  12. 本文首先对车载天线布局优化的研究背景及国内外的研究现状进行了阐述,指出其在通信车天线电磁兼容设计过程中的重要意义。

    This paper firstly explains the research background and domestic and international present research situation of position optimal design of vehicular antennae .

  13. 要提高综合通信车上装设备的性能,就必须提高其抗干扰能力,同时也必须降低其对其它设备的干扰。

    To improve the performance of the equipments in the Integrated Communication Vehicle , we must improve their anti-jamming capability and reduce their interference to other equipments .

  14. 本文首先对雷电类型及危害进行阐述,分析了通信车雷电防护的必要性和通信车系统防雷的研究现状。

    The paper firstly introduces the types of lightning and its harm . The necessity of lightning protection for communication vehicle and the background of its study are analyzed .

  15. 最终,对通信车进行了测试,验证了所采用的电磁仿真方法是科学的、有效的,满足了通信车系统的设计要求。

    Finally , the communication vehicle system has been tested , and verified that the electromagnetic simulation is reasonable and effective . The requirements of the communication system are well satisfied .

  16. 随着国防信息化建设的推进,战场的电磁环境日趋复杂,通信车的电磁兼容性也越来越成为一个不能被忽视的问题。

    With the building of national defense information to promote the battlefield of the increasing complexity of electromagnetic environment , communications vehicles and electromagnetic . More and more as a capacitive can not be ignored .

  17. 设备在车内环境工作时,必然会存在各种类别的电磁干扰,所以如何提高综合通信车上装设备的看干扰能力,使之能正常工作已经广泛成为各级机关、研发机构关注的焦点。

    Therefore , how to improve the anti-jamming capability of the equipments in the Integrated Communication Vehicle and make them work normally has widely become the concerned focus of the organs and R & D institutes at all levels .

  18. 根据项目要求,本文进行了需求分析,确定了需要实现的主要功能及达到的主要技术指标,依据相应的设计原则,对指挥通信车系统进行了详细的设计。

    According to the project requirements , we conduct a needs analysis to determine the need to implement the main functions and achieved major technical indicators , based on appropriate design principles , command and communication vehicle for the detailed design of the system .

  19. 车载通信系统车内空间狭小,上装电子设备多,电磁兼容(EMC)问题突出;系统级EMC测试与评估在国内几乎处于空白。

    With narrow room and multitudinal electronic equipment , problem of Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) in vehicular communication system is serious , and there is no research on systematic EMC test and evaluation at home .

  20. 隐身技术在通信电源车中的应用

    The use stealthy technology to communication power vehicle

  21. 第八条城市人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、消防站、消防供水、消防通信、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城市总体规划,并负责组织有关主管部门实施。

    Article 8 Urban people 's governments shall bring the fire control plan into the overall urban planning , including fire control safety layout , fire control station , fire control communication , fire truck passageway and fire control equipment , etc , and take the charge of organizing relevant departments for its implementation .

  22. 基于MATLAB串行通信的智能车车速控制算法研究

    Study of Intelligent Vehicle Velocity Control Based on MATLAB Serial Asynchronous Communication

  23. 本论文研究的CTCS-3级列控RBC(RadioBlockCenter)地面子系统是铁路信号列车控制中一个基于无线通信的实时控车系统,其控车功能是CTCS-3级列控系统功能的核心组成部分。

    This thesis researches CTCS-3 level out the ground control subsystem RBC ( Radio Block Center ), which is a real-time vehicle control system based on wireless communications in the railway signal train control system . Control vehicle functions are the core components in the CTCS-3 level control system .

  24. 近几年来,随着城市应急指挥通信系统的迅速发展,指挥通信车作为其重要组成部分,发挥着越来越重要作用。

    In recent years , with the city emergency command communication system of rapid development , Communication Command Vehicle as its important component , plays a more and more important role .

  25. 在北美新的智能传输系统中,为缓解交通堵塞的表面传输设施的关键是建立在车车无线电通信基础上,而75MHz专用短程通信可通过车路连接满足将来大量媒介的传送。

    In new intelligent transportation system of North American , the emphasis of the surface transportation infrastructure is based on vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communications , while 75 MHz dedicated short range communications may content to future delivery of rich media via vehicle-to-roadside links .

  26. 军用通信电源机组舱是我军“十五”期间军用通信车的新装备,其中,舱内机组的通风散热常常是影响整个装备正常工作的重要部分。

    The generator set cabin for military communication is the new equipment of military communication vehicle during the " tenth five-years " of the PLA .

  27. 整个系统由通信平台、计算机网络、视像设备、指挥控制台、通信指挥车等组成。

    The system is composed of communication platform , computer network , visual equipment , managing and controlling station , communication and dispatching vehicle , etc.

  28. 第三代移动通信技术在消防中的运用管区覆盖网指挥中心与通信指挥消防车

    The Third Generation Mobile Communication Technology in Fire Fighting jurisdictional coverage network

  29. 在军事通信领域,公司的相关技术及产品已成功应用于单兵通信系统、数字化车通系统。

    At present , our products mainly apply to military field , such as Individual Soldier Communication System , Digital Vehicle-mounted Communication system .

  30. 其次,在对平台通信深入研究的基础上,设计了设备的应用层通信功能及协议,包括A类设备通信协议、B类设备通信协议和车地数据传输协议。

    On the basis of in-depth study of the platform communication , I designs equipments ' application layer communication capabilities and protocols , including class A and class B devices ' communication protocols and the protocol of the communication between the monitoring platform and the ground .