
  1. 凿石头用的有阔边的凿子。

    A chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone .

  2. 阔边后背遮颈黑油布帽

    Black oil slicker cloth hat with wide brim on back covering neck

  3. 父亲看上去是个典型的马手,仪表堂堂,带阔边帽子,留大胡子。

    The father was an imposing horseback type with a wide hat and moustache .

  4. 降取了波导阔边中央斜缝的无流阻抗。

    Extracted the active-impedance of the center tilt slot in the broad wall of waveguide .

  5. 他们没花多少时间就给他找来了欧洲式样的衣服,甚至还有一顶阔边呢帽(就是常见的那种圆筒形有圆边的帽子,译注)。

    In short order , they made European clothes for him , even finding him awide-awake hat .

  6. 花布女服饰花阔边女帽对于那些花边和能大大增加女性风采的领饰,她现在知道的也不少。

    She had learned much about laces and those little neckpieces which add so much to a woman 's appearance .

  7. 玛提的身边围着一圈嘻嘻哈哈的年轻人,她头上戴着一顶阔边的帽子,漂亮得像一颗乌莓,正在一堆野火上煮咖啡。

    Mattie , encircled by facetious youths , and Bright as a blackberry under her spreading hat , was brewing coffee over a gipsy fire .

  8. 手边茶几上搁一顶阔边大草帽,当然是她的,衬得柔嘉手里的小阳伞落伍了一个时代。

    The large , wide-brimmed straw hat on the tea table by her side was of course hers and made the small parasol in Jou-chia 's hand seem an age behind the times .

  9. 比勒达老头就笔直地坐在那里,他总是这般坐法,从来不稍侧斜,为的是不致压坏他的衣裾。他那顶阔边帽子放在身边;

    and there , bolt upright , sat old Bildad , who always sat so , and never leaned , and this to save his coat-tails . His broad-brim was placed beside him ;

  10. 瞧着吧!于是,他以那一小滴柏油为目标,就把那支标枪嗖地一声掠过比勒达老头的阔边帽顶,直穿过船甲板,把那滴闪烁的柏油打得无影无踪了。

    and taking sharp aim at it , he darted the iron right over old Bildad 's broad brim , clean across the ship 's decks , and struck the glistening tar spot out of sight .

  11. 在他那瘦长的身躯上,并没有一片多余的肉,也没有一根多余的胡须,他的下巴上长着一根柔软的。恰到好处的毛,跟他那顶阔边帽子的旧毛绒一样。

    On his long , gaunt body , he carried no spare flesh , no superfluous beard , his chin having a soft , economical nap to it , like the worn nap of his broad-brimmed hat .

  12. 褐色的皮肤,头发,眉毛胡须,都是黑的,排胸扣的蓝色披风,钮扣上挂着荣誉团军官的玫瑰形勋章,戴阔边帽子,一支藤手杖。

    Dark complexion ; hair , eyebrows , and whiskers , black ; blue frock-coat , buttoned up to the chin ; rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor in his button-hole ; a hat with wide brim , and a cane .