
  • 网络Hot bending;Slumping;Thermal Bowing
  1. 目前,国内生产的C型钢主要是冷弯成型,通过热弯轧制成型的此类型钢还很少使用,主要依靠国外进口。

    Currently , the C-section steel is mainly cold forming in domestic production . Rarely used by hot bending rolling , it mainly depends on import .

  2. 瞬态传递矩阵法分析热弯转子系统的热碰摩故障

    Transient Transfer Matrix Method for Thermal Rub-Impact Faults in Hot Bending Rotor System

  3. PLC在热弯炉加热器功率调节控制中的应用

    Application Of The PLC in The Control For Bending Furnace 's Heater Power Regulation

  4. PLC级式编程技术在板簧热弯机上的应用

    An application of PLC stage programming technology on the bender used in leaf spring for automobile and farm vehicle

  5. 基于CC-Link现场总线的热弯炉控制系统的改造

    Control System Rebuilding of the Bending Furnace Base on CC-Link

  6. 用冷、热弯试验及光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线微区分析仪分析研究了含0.3%~0.7%Cu的低合金钢表面氧化层结构及热脆机理。

    The hot brittleness mechanism and structure of surface oxide coating of low-alloy steels containing 0 . 3 % - 0 . 7 % of copper have been investigated by means of hot / cold bending tests , optical microscopy , SEM and EPMA .

  7. 玻璃热弯炉自动控制系统

    Automatic control system of the furnace for curving glass by heat

  8. 复合材料梁的热弯实验

    Laboratory ; bending experiment of composite beams at transient high temperature

  9. 钢制热弯弯管断面畸变的控制方法

    Control method of the section distortion of steel pipe in hot bending

  10. 用热弯实验方法决定导电薄膜的热膨胀系数

    Determining thermal expansion coefficient of conductive thin film by thermal bend test

  11. 29U型钢热弯断裂失效分析

    Failure Analysis of the 29U Steel Cracked in Heat Bending

  12. 轧制热弯矩形管扁坯前滑的研究

    Forward Slip during Rolling Hot Bending Rectangular Flat Tube

  13. 二硅化钼发热元件的热弯研究

    Studies on Hot Bending of MoSi_2 Heating Element

  14. 生产各种热弯玻璃家俱。

    Hot Bend produces kinds of glass furniture .

  15. 汽车后桥半壳热弯成形模设计

    Design of the Hot Bending Die for the Semi - Shell of the Auto Rear Bridge

  16. 复合材料梁的热弯实验热流道注射成型的拖曳换料

    BENDING EXPERIMENT OF COMPOSITE BEAMS AT TRANSIENT HIGH TEMPERATURE Drag material change in hot runner injection molding

  17. 两江/满台城电站水轮机转轮叶片二次热弯成型工艺研究

    Study on Technology of Profile Twice Shaping with Hot-bending for Runner Blade of Liangjiang / Mantaicheng Power Station

  18. 我公司是一家专业生产热弯玻璃机械及加工各种特、异、难热弯玻璃的厂家。

    Our company specializes in the development and production of glass bending technologies with over twenty years of experience .

  19. 精致玻璃家具是一家拥有先进设备,专业设计、生产、销售各类热弯玻璃茶几、餐台、影视柜。

    Jingzhi is with advanced equipment , professional designs , and produces and sells various Hot Bend glass coffee table , buffet , the Television modern .

  20. 产品有钢化玻璃,夹层玻璃,防弹防盗玻璃,防火玻璃,中空及热弯玻璃。

    Currently , the products consist of toughened glass , interlayer glass , bulletproof glass , pickproof glass , fireproof glass , hollow glass and hot bending glass .

  21. 采用焊管作为管坯,焊管弯曲采用专用模具热弯,焊接采用等离子弧焊。

    Welded pipe that bended by hot bending method with a set of specific die and welded by plasma arc welding method was used as tubular blank of SPF .

  22. 介绍了加热辊弯成型工艺的特点,着重就具有加热室的辊弯成型机和热轧&热弯成型机作了分析。

    This article introduces the features of heat roller bend forming process , analyzes the roller bend forming machine with heating unit and the heat rolling & heat bend forming machine .

  23. 因此,深入研究汽车玻璃热弯钢化成形过程,结合有限元数值模拟技术,建立一套完善的数值模型是具有重要理论价值和实际意义的。

    Therefore , the further research of windshield hot-bend and tempering forming process , which combined with finite element numerical simulation technology , established a comprehensive numerical model , has the important theoretical significance and practical value .

  24. 水轮机转轮叶片二次热弯成型技术是一门可以获得叶型准确、铲磨量小、价格适中、生产周期较短的制造技术。

    By means of applying the technology of profile twice shaping with hot bending to turbine blade , the good accuracy and shape of profile molding , less grinding , fit price and short period of manufacturing are obtained .

  25. 建筑外墙的人在墙机上插上碎玻璃以便防贼。产品有钢化玻璃,夹层玻璃,防弹防盗玻璃,防火玻璃,中空及热弯玻璃。

    The builders have toped off the outside wall with broken glass to discourage thieves . Currently , the products consist of toughened glass , interlayer glass , bulletproof glass , pickproof glass , fireproof glass , hollow glass and hot bending glass .

  26. 重点阐述了水轮机转轮制造的新技术,包括转轮叶片数控加工、热弯成型、双电子经纬仪、三维数显划线机计算机辅助测量系统和转轮平衡工艺等。

    New technology of water turbine blade manufacture is presented in this paper . And the digital control processing of runner blades , shaping with hot bending , double electronic longitude and latitude meter and computer aid measure system of three dimensional digital explicit line draw machine are also introduced .

  27. 基于遗传算法的热连轧机弯辊力预设定控制

    Preset control of bending force for hot strip mill based on GA

  28. 热使木板弯翘了。

    The heat has warped the boards .

  29. 基底瓷与饰瓷的厚度比对IpsEmpressⅡ热压铸陶瓷抗弯强度的影响

    Effect of core ∶ dentin thickness ratio on the flexure strength of IPS Empress ⅱ heat-pressed all-ceramic restorative material

  30. 热连轧机液压弯辊控制

    Roll bending hydraulic control for hot continuous rolling mill