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  1. 泉州通政巷历史街区保护规划设计研究

    Research on the Conservation and Renovation Design of the Historical Street in Tongzheng Lane of Quanzhou

  2. 让大家对通政司在明代历史中起到的作用有更深的了解。

    It provides a deepening understanding of the role played by the office of transmission in the history of the Ming dynasty .

  3. 流亡中国的原朝鲜通政大夫金泽荣于1914年完成了一部在当时朝鲜的儒林和旧士大夫中引起了强烈震撼的史著《韩史綮》。

    In1914 , an exile published a history monograph under the title of Nodes of Korean History which strongly shacked the circle of Confucian scholars , literati and previous officialdom in Korea .