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zhuō yì
  • outstanding;remarkable;unusual
卓异 [zhuó yì]
  • [outstanding] 高出于一般;出众

  • 宰以卓异闻。--《聊斋志异.促织》

卓异[zhuō yì]
  1. 博山是明清之际一位志行坚卓的遗民思想家,也是一位见解卓异、创作成绩斐然的文人。

    Fu Shan , a noble-minded , devoted-to-the-past-dynasty thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties , is also a man of letters with outstanding sagacity and fruitful literary works .

  2. 儿童视角的选择,叙述者我的设置,异彩纷呈的意象的展示,共同构成了《红高粱》卓异的艺术风味。

    The choice of the child 's perspective , the arrangement of the first person narrator , and the display of various and colorful images co-build the outstanding art style of Red Sorghum .

  3. 但在设计和营销上,那种对容易被人嘲笑的返朴零食吧技术的生活方式的彻底接纳,让Leap流露出一种资产阶级卓异论,恰好触碰了旧金山担心生活成本上升的神经,没有为其赢得多少支持者。

    But in its design and marketing - in its full-frontal embrace of the easily pilloried paleo-snack-bar techie lifestyle - Leap exuded a kind of bourgeoisie exceptionalism that fed into the city 's fears of gentrification and won it few fans .

  4. 2000年塔利班政府严禁国平易卓异产鸦片,种植罂粟将被视为违法。

    In2000 , the Taliban banned opium production in Afghanistan , making it illegal to grow poppies .

  5. 文吏之争中所具备的卓异的政治操守,奠定文学发展的政治基础。

    During the " literature and history struggles ", their remarkable political personal integrity established the political basis of literature development .

  6. 美国卓异论?我想我们的未来就像巴西一样&寥寥可数几个富豪周围是饥饿的大众。

    American exceptionalism ? I think we are going to end up like Brazil-a few rich surrounded by the hungry masses .

  7. 陈老莲是明末清初著名的艺术家,同时也是一位见解卓异,志行贞刚得移民士子。

    Old Chen Ming and Qing Lin is famous artists , but also an opinion Sublime , Zhi-Xing Chen Gang were immigrants Scholars .

  8. 本文从文学、美学、哲学三方面论说川端康成游记,探讨其独特卓异的旅游文化意义。

    This paper discusses his travel writings in literary , aesthetic , and philosophical perspectives and probes into the peculiar touristic cultural meanings in his works .

  9. 在哲学史上,康德伦理学与众不同的卓异之处在于:他将道德原理置于绝对的先验原则之上。

    In history of philosophy , Kant 's ethics is different from others ' , for he based the principles of morals on the absolute transcendentalism ;

  10. 在国外,这些理论家的思想常常被怀疑为中国卓异主义的借口,和它对自己不喜欢的国际规则进行抵制的托词。

    Abroad these theorists " ideas tend to be greeted with suspicion as excuses for China 's exceptionalism and its rejection of international rules it does not like .

  11. 其高明卓异之处,在于他能从文学发展的角度充分肯定楚辞产生的历史意义和对后世文学的重大影响,即以通变的观点来论述楚辞的渊源、楚辞的新变和楚辞的影响。

    His brilliance lies in the fact that he can fully affirm , from the angle of literature development , the historical significance of the development of The Songs of the South and its great influence on the literature of the later ages .