
  • 网络information dominance;Information Supremacy
  1. 未来信息化战场上夺取制信息权,综合电子战是主要作战形式。

    IEW will be the main operation form to capture the information dominance in the informational battlefield of the future .

  2. 在联合战役中,制信息权将成为赢得战争主动权的关键,指挥自动化系统是夺取制信息权的重要保证。

    Information dominance plays a crucial role in achieving the operation superiority in joint operations , command automation system is the guarantee of obtaining information dominance .

  3. 该文结合现代高技术战争的新特征,对Lanchester作战模型进行了分析和改进,给出了具有综合电子信息系统(C4ISR或C3I)的作战损耗模型和制信息权作战的Lanchester模型。

    In this paper , some new characters of modern warfare are analyzed , and some Lanchester models are improved . Some Lanchester models with C3I system and information warfare are established by using of Lanchester equation .

  4. 为保证未来信息化战争中的制信息权,解决C4ISR系统作战效能评估问题,提出了一种基于信息熵的C4ISR信息优势评估模型。C~4ISR系统信息优势与制信息权评估方法研究

    An entropy-based evaluation model of C ~ 4ISR information superiority is presented in an effort to ensure information dominance in joint operations and solve operational effectiveness evaluation problem . Research on the Evaluation Method of Information Superiority and Information Dominance

  5. 取得制信息权的一方占有巨大优势。

    The side that gai information superiority holds an enormous advantage .

  6. 试析信息化战争中的精神对抗与政治工作制信息权

    On Spirit Antagonism and Information Power of Politics Work in Information Warfare

  7. 取得制信息权更重要。

    It is more important to achieve the information superiority .

  8. 制信息权是现代战争的主要特征之一。

    The mastery of information is an important feature of modern warfare .

  9. 信息优势与制信息权的定量评估是一个非常重要的研究课题。

    Quantify evaluation of information superiority and dominance is a very important subject .

  10. 最后提出信息优势能力与制信息权之间定量的数学描述。

    At last , the relationship between information superiority and information dominance is suggested .

  11. 信息能力的定量分析对于科学地理解和把握信息优势和制信息权具有重要作用。

    The quantitative analysis on information capability is of a great significance to scientifically understand information superiority and information domination .

  12. 在信息时代的战场上,获取信息优势、掌握制信息权已成为夺取战争胜利的重要前提。

    In information age warfare , it is an important premise of winning a battle obtaining information superiority and information dominance .

  13. 信息在现代战争中的地位越来越重要,获得信息优势与制信息权是夺取战争胜利的关键。

    Information is becoming increasingly important in modern warfare . It is the key of winning a battle obtaining information superiority and dominance .

  14. 因此,以获得空间制信息权为中心的卫星通信对抗技术,在现代信息化战争中有着举足轻重的作用。

    Therefore , the counterwork of satellite communications , which aims at controlling spatial communications , has great significance in modern info warfare .

  15. 将精确打击中的制信息权用于绑架勒索案件的侦查,是保障人质安全,及时抓捕绑匪的有效手段。

    Information form ation in accurately combating kidnapping and blackmailing cases is an efficient method to guarantee the safely of hostages and timely catch the kidnappers .

  16. 太空是信息化战争的制高点,抢占太空优势已成为各国谋求制信息权的优先发展战略;

    Outer space is the main key in information war , striving for outer space predominance is the prior development strategy for information dominance for all countries .

  17. 介绍了美、英、澳等军事大国在网络中心战领域的研究状况,阐释了制信息权的概念,给出了网络中心战的定义。

    Researches on Network Centric Warfare in American , England , Australian and so on are introduced , and the concepts of Information superiority and NCW are set forth .

  18. 21世纪的战争是信息化战争,争夺制信息权、确保信息优势将成为实现作战空间所有其它联合作战能力的关键。

    The war fighting of 21st-century is the information warfare , the contest of information domination , to make sure information superiority are the key of realizing operation space and other joint operation capacity .

  19. 现代信息化战争的特点决定了未来信息化作战中交战双方更加注重争夺制信息权、制空权。

    In the informatization warfare , the the two parties must pay more attention to achieve the mastery of information and the administration right of space and sky in order to win in the battle .

  20. 众所周知,信息战已经成为现代战争中的主要组成部分,怎样才能掌握战场中的制信息权成为军事通信领域主要研究对象。

    It is well known that information warfare is the most important part in modern warfare , so how to get the power to controlling information has already become the primary research object in military communications domain .

  21. 即针对有大量侦察卫星对地面防御系统所有电磁辐射信号进行侦收的现实,采取有效的反侦察措施,以适应太空作战制信息权任务的需求。

    There are so many spy satellites to reconnaissance the electromagnetic radiation signals from the ground defense system , so effective countermeasures must be adopted for adapting the task of acquiring information predominance during the space war .

  22. 基于卫星侦察的目标综合识别已经成为夺取制太空信息权的重要手段。

    Target identification fusion based on satellite reconnaissance has become an essential means of getting the controlling power of spacial information .

  23. 现代海战将是现代化的信息战,制海信息权将是交战双方争夺的重要方面。

    Modern naval battles will be modernized informational warfare , and informational thalassocracy is becoming the important aspect that disputed by both engaging sides .

  24. 美国21世纪前期的军事战略重点将是争夺外空优势,夺取制天权和制信息权。

    In the beginning of 21st century , the military strategy of the United States is focusing on obtaining the priority of outer space , acquiring the right of space control and information control .

  25. 军事通信网的核心是地域通信网,研究地域通信网的对抗对于我军武力攻敌时,在战场上取得制电子权、制信息权的绝对优势是非常必要的。

    The Field Communication Network is the core of the Military Communication Network , research the network countermine which made us easy to obtain the absolute control of the power of electronic and information in the battle .