
  • 网络institutional environment;institutional context;institutional settings
  1. MBO的发展现状、制度环境及复合定价模型分析

    Development 's Current Situation , Institutional Environment of MBO and Compound Pricing Model Analysis

  2. 我国ESO的制度环境的完善

    Improvement of ESO Institutional Environment In Our Country

  3. OEM企业持续成长还要有一个良好的外生环境,主要包括发展机遇、制度环境和文化环境等。

    The OEM enterprises ' growth also needs a good external environment , including opportunities , system and culture .

  4. 因而,企业进行ISO9000系列认证上要受经济环境与制度环境因素的影响。

    Thus , the companies ISO9000 series certification is mainly affected by the economic environment and institutional environment factors .

  5. 文章认为,中外MBO在产生和实施的制度环境方面存在显著差异,中国MBO带有强烈的中国特色,从而,导致其在中外实施的效果有很大不同。

    It has a conclusion that there are notable differences in system circumstances of emergence and implement between China 's and foreign countries ' MBO .

  6. 第三,对比分析A股公司和AB股公司的公司治理特征,以考察国际会计准则的执行是否有助于改善其他制度环境。

    Third , comparing firms issuing only A-share and firms issuing both A-share and B-share , I investigate whether IAS contributes to corporate governance and generalize my results to other institutional systems .

  7. 本文基于我国的资本市场与制度环境,运用全样本研究思路,运用Logit回归技术,建立预测模型。

    Based on Chinese capital market and institutions , this study empirically investigates the listed companies in China and builds a forecast model using Logit method .

  8. 接着分析了我国银行业效率低下、处境困难的发展状况,而混业经营能够促进银行的金融创新,为商业银行的发展提供良好的制度环境,从而提高金融效率,促进经济增长。

    The system of universal banking can help improve the situation .

  9. 外部制度环境能够给予某些制度以正当性。

    The outside environment can give some systems with legitimacy .

  10. 会计职业判断的制度环境与道德风险

    The System Entironment of Accountant Professional Judgement and Moral Risk

  11. 上市公司虚假信息披露的制度环境分析

    Analysis of Institution Environment of False Information Disclosure by the Listed Companies

  12. 不同地区之间的公司可能面临着明显差异的制度环境。

    The companies in different regions face different institution environments .

  13. 主要有四项内容,即优化外部制度环境;

    The following four parts is discussed : optimizing external system environment ;

  14. 制度环境如何通过公司特征因素影响资本结构选择?

    How doses institutional environment affect capital structure choice through firm characteristics ?

  15. 制度环境约束下的农村合作医疗制度分析

    Analysis of the Rural Cooperative Medical Care System under the Institutional Environment Restraint

  16. 外部制度环境建设与成人高等教育的发展

    The Construction of External System Environment and the Development of Adult Higher Education

  17. 股份制作为一种企业组织形式,对外在制度环境有相当强的依赖性。

    But the shareholding system will still be highly dependent on the institutional environment .

  18. 经济活动中选择何种技术取决于一定的制度环境;

    Which technology is chosen lies on the definite institution condition in economic activity .

  19. 目前,我国职工持股计划运作欠规范,所需的制度环境不够完善。

    There is yet no norm and perfection in our present Employee Stock Plan .

  20. 两国的社会文化和制度环境塑造了两国大学聘用制度的现状。

    Their respective social culture and system institution have produced the present system state .

  21. 人才在自主创新中的作用及其制度环境

    The Function of Intellectual Resources in the Independent Innovation and the Related Institutional Environment

  22. 一个良好而稳定的农村土地制度环境对农地流转至关重要。

    Good and steady rural land system settings make a great difference in land transfer .

  23. 加强民营经济的制度环境建设

    Enforce System Environmental Construction on Private Economy

  24. 我国开展面向公共决策技术评价的社会制度环境分析

    Social and Institutional Environment for Public Decision-making Oriented Technology Assessment Risk Analysis for IDSS Development Project

  25. 审计绩效的提高是以一定的审计制度环境为条件的。

    The improvement of audit performance is to take certain auditing system environment as the condition .

  26. 我国人口较少民族经济的发展过程就是要不断改变其制度环境的过程。

    The process of economic development of nationalities with little population is that of changing the systems .

  27. 对我国民营企业制度环境的发展做出客观的描述和理论概括。

    Make an objective description and theoretical summary of the development of institutional environment for private enterprises .

  28. 制度环境、企业家政治特征与民营企业的政治关联

    An Empirical Study on Institutional Background , Enterpriser Political Characteristics and Political Connection of Chinese Private Enterprises

  29. 其次,对饭店资产证券化进行一般性分析,分析了饭店资产证券化的特点、产品需求情况、制度环境、必要性与可行性。

    Secondly , it analyzes characteristics , demand , conditions , feasibility of Asset Securitization of hotels .

  30. 企业并购效应的实现除了并购后的整合外,其他影响企业并购活动的外部制度环境也起着不可低估的作用。

    Realizing effect of enterprise merger and acquisition need not only inner conformity but also exterior institution environment .