
  • 网络secondary damage
  1. 我们希望合成的新型水凝胶在吸附后进行处理可以再次利用,尽量避免对环境造成二次伤害。

    We hope that hydrogels can be reused after treatment to avoid secondary damage to the environment .

  2. 砂岩基质酸化酸岩反应及二次伤害机理试验研究的新方法

    State of arts : new experimental studies on rock / acid reaction and its secondary damage mechanism for matrix acidizing

  3. 然而,传统的手术方法会不可避免的给患者带来二次伤害。

    However , traditional operation procedure inevitably brings patient a subprime damage .

  4. 通过保密调查和禁止报复的措施保护受害人不受二次伤害

    Protect the victim from being harmed again by investigating the claim with confidentiality and prohibiting reprisals ;

  5. 它具有自行在生物体内降解并排出体外的优点,避免了对病人造成的二次伤害。

    It has its own characteristic that completely biological degraded in vivo and discharged out of organisms to avoid secondary victimization for patients .

  6. 缺少专业救援设备,拖延了救援时间,同时加大了二次伤害发生的可能性。

    Lack the speciality and rescue the apparatus , has delayed rescuing time , it injures possibility to happen to strengthen for twice at the same time .

  7. 在英美法系的国家中,很少赋予刑事被害人当事人的诉讼地位,但是却赋予其丰富的权利,注重对被害人的保护,尤其是在避免被害人二次伤害的问题上值得一提。

    In the country of Anglo-American Legal System , the litigant status is not very important , more right is endowed , especially avoiding the " second damage " .

  8. 传统的检测方法是基于临床经验的有创式观察,这种方法不仅无法实时、准确提供检测数据,而且对术后的再植断指产生二次伤害。

    Traditional detection methods are invasive observation based on clinical experience , this method is not only real-time , accurate detection , but also brings secondary damage to finger replantation after surgery .

  9. 这些灾难发生后现场环境具有复杂性、未知性及潜在的二次伤害(比如煤矿的二次爆炸、建筑物的二次坍塌等)等特点,给救援队员的生命安全带来了很大隐患。

    It brings great danger to the rescue members because of the unknown and complex environment , and the potential secondary damage , the second coal mine explosion , the second building collapse , for example .

  10. 这种行为无疑是对历史的歪曲和对中日关系的破坏,同时是对中国人,特别是对东北人民的第二次伤害。

    Undoubtedly , aiming to distort and rewrite history , this action has injured the feelings of Chinese people , especially of those who live in NE China once more , and will definitely lead to the destruction of Sino-Japan relationship .

  11. 但涤纶纤维属于熔融性可燃纤维,燃烧时容易形成熔滴,熔滴易带来包括烫伤等在内的二次伤害,因此对涤纶纤维改性,改善其抗熔滴性能己成为研究的热点。

    However , polyester fibers are thermoplastic and flammable , when burning they tend to form molten drops , which can bring burns and other secondary damages , so the modification of polyester fibers to improve the performance of anti-dripping has become an interest of extensive research .

  12. 中国是一个矿难事故多发的国家,矿难发生后的现场环境具有复杂性、未知性及潜在的二次伤害等特点,在搜救过程中,救护队员时刻面临许多威胁自身安全的危险和挑战。

    China is a mine accident-prone country , and the environment after coal mine accident is with the characteristics of complex , unknown and potential secondary damage . In the rescue process , the ambulance crew will face many risks and challenges that threat to their own security .

  13. 作为缓冲液,能维持酸岩反应体系的低pH值,减小氟化钙、氢氧化铁、氢氧化铝、氟化铝等砂岩酸化中二次反应伤害沉淀物。

    As a buffer fluid , acetic acid can help maintain a low pH in the acid-rock reaction system , reducing the amount of damaging precipitants ( such as calcium fluoride , ferric hydroxide , aluminum hydroxide , and aluminum fluoride etc. ) generated in the acid treatment of sand .

  14. 注释:因为很多人误解了他的工作原理,他的反弹伤害会减少两次,第一次是当你受到伤害时候第二次是对方受到伤害时。

    Extra Note : Since people regularly misunderstand how this works , the damage returned is reduced twice , first when you get the damage and then again when you deal it back .

  15. 因此如何在发生矿难时,为受困井下的矿工提供一个较好的避难场所,来减少二次矿难造成的伤害,已成为我们迫切需要解决的重大问题。

    Therefore , how to provide a better shelter for the trapped miners to reduce the second casualties caused by mine accidents , has become an urgent need to address the major issues .