
  • 网络secondary mullite
  1. 红柱石颗粒分解产生的SiO2玻璃相难以全部与氧化铝反应形成二次莫来石;

    SiO2 glass phase originated from the decomposed andalusite aggregate can 't fully react with alumina to form secondary mullite .

  2. 适当增加长石含量,可促进二次莫来石晶体生长并提高电瓷的致密度和机械强度。

    Adding proper amount of feldspar may promote the growth of secondary mullite crystal , the density and the mechanical strength of aluminous porcelain .

  3. 刚玉颗粒与基质中SiO2反应生成的二次莫来石与基质中的原生莫来石交错存在,构成网状结构;

    The net structure is formed by the mullite in the matrix and the second mullite that is created by the alumina particles with SiO 2 in matrix .

  4. 研究了铝氧原料种类及长石用量对铝质高强度电瓷中二次莫来石结晶形态的影响。

    Effects of types of alumina materials and the amount of feldspar on crystalline shape of secondary mullite in high-strength aluminous electric porcelain have been discussed in this paper .

  5. 在1400℃以上锆英石与刚玉反应生成莫来石,其显微结构特征不同于二次莫来石,故称为三次莫来石。

    The mullite formed in the reaction of zircon and corundum crystals at 1400 ℃ and above differs from secondary mullite in microstructure and is thereby designated as " tertiary mullite " .