
  • 网络stripping;deplating
  1. 铜镍电镀退镀废液资源化处理工艺

    Recovery Process of Nitric Acid , Copper and Nickel in Deplating Wastewater

  2. 锌镀层退镀废液中锌酸治理回收技术

    Study on zinc ━━ acid recovery technique in waste liquid of zinc coat deplating

  3. 测试了不同HF与HNO3组合的退镀液的性能,并分别测定了不同HF与HNO3含量对退镀效果的影响。

    The performance of stripping solution with different content of HF and HNO_3 and the influence of different content of HF and HNO_3 on stripping effect were tested respectively .

  4. 电镀挂具退镀液的研究进展

    Progress of the Solutions for Stripping Metal Coatings on Plating Hangers

  5. 从镍、铜退镀废液中回收硫酸镍的工艺研究

    A StUdy on Technique for Recovering Nickel Sulfate from Deplating Solution Bearing Nickel-Copper

  6. 硝酸退镀液中铜镍分离回收与资源化工艺研究

    Research on Extracting Cu and Ni from Nitric Stripping Solution and the Recycling Technology

  7. 铜-镍-铬(镍铁-铬)镀层酸性电解退镀液

    Acidic Stripping Electrolyte for Cu-Ni-Cr and NiFe-Cr Deposits

  8. 电解退镀法退除金银镀层废件中的金和银

    Electrolytic Stripping Process for Withdrawing Gold and Silver from Cheap Scraps Plating Gold and Silver

  9. 退镀的电流密度、时间和浴温容易控制。

    Time is * Moreover , the current density , duration and temperature can be readily controled .

  10. 由于镀金件的退镀困难,加上高的镀金成本,所以对不良镀金件的返镀处理显得特别重要。

    Because gilded parts are deplated with difficulty and high cost , replating treatment is particularly important for substandard parts .

  11. 阐述了压铸铝汽缸镀路工艺及不合格镀层的无铬电解退镀方法,并提供工艺配方。

    Chromium plating process of aluminium diecasting cylinder , and non-chromium electrolytic stripping of the defective deposis are presented with formulas given .

  12. 在退镀的过程当中会产生大量的黄烟,形成一种在业内称之为黄龙的现象。

    A lot of yeLlow smoke would be producted during the rack-coating-stripping by nitric acid and this phenomena called " yeLLow dragon " in this industry .

  13. 针对深圳市工业废物处理站铜镍退镀废液,确定了溶剂萃取法分离提取铜、沉淀分离法回收镍的工艺路线。

    The recovery process route of useful materials from the Cu / Ni Deplating Wastewater in shenzhen industry waste treatment station that copper can be recovered by solvent and nickel by precipitation was determined .