
tuì chū
  • exit;withdraw;quit;withdraw from;leave;retire;drop out of;pull out of;bow out;walk out;secede;step out;go away;disaffiliate
退出 [tuì chū]
  • (1) [leave;withdraw;quit;secede]∶离开所参与的某事或某种活动

  • 退出虎门外。--《广东军务记》

  • 退出新闻工作而以全部时间致力于写作

  • (2) [go away;walk out]∶退席或退场以示不赞同

  • 退出议会的议员们

退出[tuì chū]
  1. 一直有人呼吁英国退出欧盟。

    There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU .

  2. 据知情者说,他很可能退出领导人竞选。

    The smart money says that he 's likely to withdraw from the leadership campaign .

  3. 国会议员希望推翻英国退出该条约的决定。

    MPs hoped to reverse Britain 's opt-out from the treaty .

  4. 当地俱乐部已退出全国体育联合会。

    The local club has disaffiliated from the National Athletic Association .

  5. 两名队员因伤退出了比赛。

    Two players are out of the team because of injury .

  6. 退出本页面按返回键。

    To exit from this page , press the return key .

  7. 他现年71岁,已经退出了政治角逐。

    At 71 , he has now retired from the political fray .

  8. 我退出数据库后关掉了计算机。

    I exited the database and switched off the computer .

  9. 许多雇员退出了养老金计划的合约。

    Many employees contracted out of the pension plan .

  10. 她摔得很重,扭伤了脚踝,只好退出比赛。

    She fell badly , spraining her ankle , and had to retire .

  11. 她因膝伤退出了比赛。

    She had scratched because of a knee injury .

  12. 越来越多的护士退出这一职业。

    Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers .

  13. 要退出这个选项,就按返回键。

    To exit this option , press return .

  14. 鲁思已挂起舞鞋退出舞台了。

    Ruth has hung up her dancing shoes .

  15. 他失去了信心,在最后一刻退出了协议。

    He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute .

  16. 去年一位合伙人退出后,这家企业就垮掉了。

    Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned .

  17. 她最终认定是退出世界网坛的时候了。

    She has finally decided it 's time to bow out of international tennis .

  18. 他宣布退出足球运动。

    He announced his retirement from football .

  19. 至少这些是他们自称退出这宗交易的理由。

    These , at least , were their professed reasons for pulling out of the deal .

  20. 如果有参赛者退出,我们可以用他作为替补。

    We can use him as a backup if one of the other players drops out .

  21. 她到25岁时就已体力耗尽,退出了体坛。

    By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport .

  22. 我不必退出WordPerfect程序就可以打开其他应用程序。

    I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect .

  23. 拉丁语和希腊语将退出学校的课程表。

    Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables .

  24. 很多国家想退出在日内瓦举行的多边贸易会谈。

    Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva .

  25. 她多少已经预料到他会中途就退出这门课程。

    She 'd half expected him to withdraw from the course .

  26. 非洲国民大会威胁要退出会谈。

    The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks .

  27. 10名参赛者中有4名被淘汰或自行退出了。

    Of the 10 starters , four were eliminated or retired .

  28. 这项从欧洲战场抽身退出的政策遭到了非议。

    This policy of disengagement from the European war had its critics .

  29. 依据该协定,越南有权随时选择退出。

    Under the agreement the Vietnamese can opt out at any time .

  30. 一次比赛中的受伤使斯蒂芬·罗奇不得不退出。

    A racing injury forced Stephen Roche to pull out .