
  1. 深陷困境面临退市风险的ST公司迫切寻求转机的可能。

    ST companies urgently seek turnaround possible when they facing delisting risk and dilemma .

  2. 本文采用统计学中的Logistic回归模型,建立我国网络概念上市公司退市风险预警模型,并通过对模型进行实证检验,证明新模型的有效性。

    This article uses the Logistic Regression Model in statistics to establish a withdrawal risks warning model for Internet concept Public Limited Company ( PLC ) in China , and verifies the applicability and effectiveness of this new model .

  3. 本文研究的是上市公司退市风险问题。

    This paper researches withdrawal risk problem of listed firms .

  4. 这类公司除股票交易涨幅限额受到限制以外,还面临退市风险。

    In addition to stocks of these companies are subject to restrictions , but also face the risk of delisting .

  5. 实证研究表明,潜变量的引入能更好的分析与解释退市风险。

    The empirical result also shows that the bringing in of the latent variable gives better analysis and expression of the withdrawal risk .

  6. 上市公司极有可能面临退市的巨大风险。

    Listing Corporation are likely to face a great risk of delisting .

  7. 随着我国证券市场制度和破产法律的完善,持续处于财务困境的企业最终走向退市或者破产的风险不断加大。

    As the stock market and the bankruptcy law become more perfect , companies which falls into financial distress is easier to be delisted or bankruptcy .