
  • 网络signaling cascade
  1. 这些药物的作用机制是阻断酪氨酸激酶启动信号级联反应,后者可以促进肿瘤细胞生长。

    The drugs work by preventing an enzyme called tyrosine kinase from launching a signaling cascade that fuels tumor cell growth .

  2. 许多酪氨酸激酶都可以通过刺激信号级联反应激活丝裂原活化蛋白激酶通路。目前已发现至少四种类型的MAPK途径在不同的生物反应中发挥作用。

    Many tyrosine kinases stimulate signaling cascades that lead to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) pathways .

  3. 由胞膜上的受体分子开始,启动多级信号级联反应。

    Extracellular signals are transmitted from membrane receptors to multiple signaling cascades .

  4. 尼古丁与各种受体结合,促发不同的信号级联反应;

    Nicotine can bind to each combination and spur a cascade of distinct events ;

  5. Ras是一个原癌基因,具有GTPase活性,通过受体酪氨酸激酶激活信号传导级联反应。

    The Ras is a proto-oncogene , have GTPase activity , through receptor tyrosine kinases activate signaling cascade .

  6. AP-1作为对外界信号发生反应的转录因子而且位于信号级联反应的末端,使外界信号和细胞功能之间建立起一定的联系。

    AP-1 which locat in the end of cascade of signal pathway is a bridge of external stimulus and cell function .

  7. 迁移运动受内部和外部信号控制,这些信号激活复杂的信号传导级联反应,导致actin-myosin和微管细胞骨架高度动态和集中的重塑,以及细胞与细胞、细胞与基质之间的相互作用。

    Movement is controlled by internal and external signals , which acive complex signal transduction cascades resulting in highly dynamic and localised remodelling of the actin-myosin cytoskeleton and the microtubule system , cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions .

  8. 前者为孕酮控制的信号通路,后者作为前者的后续阶段则触发了一系列组织崩解的作用因子。两阶段涉及完全不同的信号通路和级联反应体系。

    The former stage is controlled by progesterone . The subsequent latter stage trigger a series of cascade of reactions related to tissue breakdown factors .