
  • 网络solid conveying
  1. 通过合理地控制加工工艺条件,在UHMWPE专用挤出实验机上对UHMWPE的挤出加工过程(物料的固体输送、熔融和熔体输送过程以及机头口模段)进行了系统的分析和总结。

    The process of UHMW-PE ( solid conveying , melting and melt conveying ) was scientifically analyzed and summarized based on experiments with UHMW-PE single screw extruder .

  2. 本文分析的理论基础为加料段Darnell-Mol固体输送理论,压缩段Tadmor经典熔融理论及其发展理论,计量段流体动力学理论。

    The theory foundations of this paper were Darnell-Mol solid conveying theory for the feeding stage , Tadmor melting theory for the compressing stage , and liquid dynamics theory for the metering stage .

  3. Darnell-Mol固体输送理论的正确应用

    The correct use of DARNELL-MOL solide conveying theory

  4. 固体输送中聚合物形态的层析测量与分析

    Tomography Measurement and Analysis of Polymer Morphology in Solid Conveying

  5. 新型螺杆挤出机固体输送理论的研究

    Study on the Theory of Solid Conveying of the Novel Screw Extruder

  6. 单螺杆挤出机固体输送段摩擦系数的研究

    Study on the Coefficient of Friction of Solids-conveying Section in Single Screw Extruder

  7. 非塞流固体输送理论的简化

    Simplification of Non - Plug Solid Conveying Theory

  8. 摩擦因素对橡胶冷喂料挤出固体输送率的影响

    Influence of frictional factors on solid conveying ratio of rubber cold - feed extrusion

  9. 离心式挤出机固体输送段的传热过程研究单段气流输送干燥器

    Study on Heat Transfer Process of Solid Conveying Part of Centrifugal Extruder single-stage pneumatic conveyor dryer

  10. 非啮合异向旋转双螺杆挤出过程可视化研究(Ⅰ)&固体输送模型化

    Study of Visualization of the Non-intermeshing Counter Rotating Twin Screw Extrusion (ⅰ)── the Modeling of Solid Conveying

  11. 离心式挤出机是一种新型聚合物加工机械,其主要创新点为将离心力场应用于固体输送及增压。

    Centrifugal extruder is a new type of polymer processing machine , used centrifugal force field in polymer processing .

  12. 因此,本文把对该新型挤出机固体输送段特性的研究作为重点。

    Therefore , the study on properties of the solid conveying section was the key point in this paper .

  13. 结合课题组过去所做的固体输送段和熔融段两段的实验,得出了各实验条件下螺杆挤出段的扭矩。

    Combined with the former experiment for solid conveying zone and melting zone , the torque for extruding zone was obtained .

  14. 讨论了牵引角、摩擦因数和螺纹升角对上述三种情况固体输送流率的影响。

    The influences of traction angle , coefficients of friction and helix angle on the flow rate of solids were discussed .

  15. 同向啮合双螺杆挤出过程固体输送可视化研究&螺纹元件中的粒料输送

    Study on Visualization of Solid Conveying in the Extrusion Process of Intermeshing Co rotating Twin screw Extruder-The Solid Pellets Conveying in Flight Elements

  16. 本文从固体输送和黏流体输送的理论计算入手说明了连续混炼的省能情况。

    This article related the fluid transportation from the solid transportation by the theoretical calculation to obtain showed continuously mixing to save energy .

  17. 在固体输送段对内螺杆的两种等效情况下固体塞的运动和受力作了深入分析。

    Motion and force of the solid plug in the solid conveying zone were analyzed deeply in the two equivalent cases of the inner screw .

  18. 固体输送段的建压能力以及输送能力对挤出机的产量及能耗有着重要的影响。

    The conveying ability and pressure building ability in solid conveying section had an important effect on the production and energy consumption of the extruder .

  19. 提出了挤出机固体输送段离散输送的新概念,建立了固体输送段的三维立体离散输送模型。

    This paper presents a new discrete transport concept on extruder 's solid-conveying zone . A three-dimensional stereo-discrete transport model is set up in solid-conveying zone .

  20. 粒子的固体输送特性,在啮合段形成的返向漏流速率是依靠螺杆的设计参数和质量密度。

    Solid particulate conveying characteristic is given by backwards leakage flow rate through intermeshing region and formulated as a conveying efficiency depending upon screw design parameters and bulk density distribution .

  21. 将岩石力学中的研究方法&离散单元法引入塑料挤出固体输送研究中,并建立了固体输送段的离散输送模型。

    This paper introduced the Discrete Element Method which was used in rock mechanics into the research of polymer extruder 's solid-conveying zone , and set up a discrete transport model .

  22. 提出了普通螺杆和屏障螺杆的计算机模拟方法,所用模型包括∶喂料区、固体输送区、熔融区和熔体输送区。

    A simulation method for both conventional and barrier screws extruder was presented . The overall models included submodels for the feed hopper , solids transport zone , melting and melt pumping .

  23. 利用可视化双螺杆挤出机进行挤出观察实验,记录、描述并分析了同向双螺杆挤出中的固体输送现象,根据现象可把固体输送过程分为三个阶段。

    With visualized twin screw extrusion experiment , solid conveying phenomena in twin screw extruders are observed , recorded , described and analyzed . The solid conveying can be devided into three stages .

  24. 螺杆的轴向振动提高了固体输送平均压力,缩短了固体输送的长度,增加了固体输送角。

    The theoretical results reveal that the axial vibration of the screw can increase the average pressure of solids conveying , decrease the channel length of the solids conveying section and increase the solids conveying angle .

  25. 以螺槽中运动的物料为对象建立了振动力场强化固体输送过程的数学模型,并获得了物料沿螺槽方向输送的压力(密度)、速度的近似解析解。

    A mathematical model that described the solids conveying process with the vibration force field was established and the approximate analytical solutions of the pressure and velocity of the solids conveying along the screw channel were obtained .

  26. 建立了橡胶双螺杆塑炼机的塑炼过程中胶料的加料和固体输送、以及熔体输送的数学模型,确定了生胶塑炼的最佳方法。

    Establish the mathematic model of the feeding and solid rubber transfer and fused mass transfer in the plasticating process of twin-screw rubber plasticator , and establish the best method of the raw rubber plasticating . 3 .

  27. 基于聚合物自由体积理论和应力应变关系,提出了对固体输送中聚合物形态进行计算机层析图像测量和形态特征提取与分析的新方法。

    The novel image measurement and analysis with computed digital tomography have been developed for the polymer morphology of solid conveying , which is based on the relation of polymer free volume and the stress and strain .

  28. 通过对粉状或粒状塑料和带状橡胶条在加料段运动的对比分析,指出固体输送理论及其数学模型不能用于指导橡胶的挤出。

    By analyzing the powdered or granular plastics and rubber strip which move in the feed part of an extruder , it is known that the solid conveying theory and its math model cannot be used to instruct the rubber extruding .

  29. 在单螺杆挤出机中,通过螺杆的轴向振动将振动力场引入聚合物固体输送过程,提出振动力场强化固体输送过程的新概念。

    In the single-screw extruder a vibration force field was applied to the solids conveying process by the axial vibration of the screw and a novel concept of the solids conveying process being strengthened with the vibration force field was brought forward .

  30. 模型能体现振动力场对强化单螺杆挤出固体输送的影响,反映电磁动态挤出机固体输送段的输送规律,为新型设备的设计应用提供理论支持。

    This model can incarnate the vibration force field 's influence to intensify single screw extruder , reflect the law of transport in the electromagnetic dynamic extruder 's solid-conveying zone , and provide theory support for the design and application of new device .