
  • 网络solid waste treatment;Solid Waste Management
  1. 制定并负责实施公司固废处理工作制度和流程;

    Establish and implement the solid waste management policy and process .

  2. 上海市固废处理现状及建议

    Actualities and Suggestion on Solid Waste Disposal in Shanghai City

  3. 综述了高梯度磁分离技术在水处理、燃煤脱硫、烟气除尘及固废处理中的应用现状及研究进展,展望了该技术的应用前景。

    E paper summarizes the applied present status and developed conditions of high gradient magnetic separation technology in water treatment , desulfurization , fume . Combining with the application of the new developed technology and superconduction technology in controlling pollution , its future applied prospect has been looked forward to .

  4. 当前对于生物质固废的处理主要是焚烧、堆置、填埋等。

    Commonly , biomass solid waste processing mainly composed of incineration , piling and landfill .

  5. 大庆油田典型含油固废热解处理及资源化探讨油页岩固体热载体流化干馏炼油工艺中试研究

    Treatment Technique and Resourceful Treatment of Oily Solid Waste in Daqing Field Pilot Plant Research on Pulverized Oil Shale Fluidized Bed Retorting

  6. 热解处理废旧线路板方法的研究进展大庆油田典型含油固废热解处理及资源化探讨

    Discussion on Dealing with Printed Circuit Boards Scrap by Pyrolysis Method Treatment Technique and Resourceful Treatment of Oily Solid Waste in Daqing Field

  7. 手机生产行业废水处理及资源化利用技术研究大庆油田典型含油固废热解处理及资源化探讨

    The Research of Reclamation of the Mobile Phone Industry 's Wastewater Treatment Technique and Resourceful Treatment of Oily Solid Waste in Daqing Field

  8. 然而伴随着农作物产量的提高,城市绿化面积的增加,以秸秆、麦草、园林绿化垃圾为代表的木质纤维素类生物质固废的处理成为当前的棘手问题。

    Along with the improvement of crop yields , however , the increase in the area of urban greening , the treatment of lignocellulosic biomass solid waste such as straw , wheat straw , corn stover , landscaping , has become thorny problems .

  9. 滇池流域农村固废源头分类收集处理系统设计初探

    Study on Classification and Collection of Rural Solid Waste at the Source in Dianchi Lake Watershed