
  • 网络solid phase extraction;solid-phase extraction;Spe
  1. 介绍了六种食品分析中样品制备新技术:超临界萃取技术,微波协助萃取技术,固相萃取技术,固相微萃取技术,顶空技术和流动注射分析技术。

    In this review , six latest analytical techniques that are being used for sample preparation are examined : SFE , MAE , SPE , SPME , HS , FIA .

  2. 固相萃取、液液萃取等经典的离线预处理方法不但会消耗大量溶剂,操作繁琐、费时,还会造成组分的损失。

    Traditional offline pretreatment method such as SPE or LLE consumes lots of solvent and takes long time . In addition either method will lead to partial loss of the compounds . So on-line pretreatment technique coupled with HPLC methods are created .

  3. 阴离子交换树脂固相萃取分离纯化DNA

    Separation / purification of DNA by solid phase extraction with 330 anion exchange resin

  4. 水中12种农药的固相萃取及GC-MS测定方法研究

    SPE of 12 Pesticides in Water and Their Ion Trap GC-MS Analysis

  5. 目的:建立酱油中3-氯-1,2-丙二醇固相萃取净化GC检测方法。

    Object : To develop a method for 3-chloro-1,2-propandiol , using solid-phase extraction and capillary gas chromatography .

  6. 采用液相萃取法、固相萃取法提取肝中丁丙诺啡,考察不同提取剂、pH值等因素对萃取率的影响。

    To investigate the influence of solution , pH , adsorbents and so on , on the efficiency of extracting buprenorphine in liver .

  7. 方法:选用SPECMulti-Modal混合相固相萃取柱,建立系统化的固相萃取方法。

    Methods : The SPEC Multi Modal columns were used to develop a systematic SPE extraction method .

  8. 固相萃取ICP-AES法测定多种微量元素的研究

    Analysis of Multi Trace Elements by Solid Phase Extraction ICP AES with Microcrystalline Naphthalene

  9. 土壤中链霉素以水为提取剂,超声提取,固相萃取柱净化,HPLC进行含量测定。

    Water is used as extraction agent , extract with ultrasonic . The sample was purified by SPE column and detected by HPLC .

  10. 固相萃取RP-HPLC法同时测定人全血中艾司洛尔和代谢物对映体

    RP-HPLC Analysis of the Enantiomers of Esmolol and Its Metabolite in Human Blood with Solid-Phase Extraction

  11. 而由于纳米TiO2具有优良的理化性质和应用效能,现已成为一种倍受重视的固相萃取剂。

    Nano-TiO_2 has become an excellent solid sorbent due to its good physical and chemical characteristics .

  12. 固相萃取(SPE)是近年来新开发出并得到广泛应用的一种新技术。

    Solid phase extraction ( SPE ) is a newly developed technique with wide application .

  13. 方法采用n,n-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMA)作内标物,采用固相萃取/离心分离/吸附/GC方法。

    Methods Solid phase extraction / gas chromatography ( SPE / GC ) was established with N , N-dimethyl acrylamide as internal standard .

  14. 以PSA分散固相萃取净化,液相色谱柱分离,直接荧光法测定灭定威,研究建立了测定蔬菜、水果中灭定威的分析方法。

    Pirimicarb in vegetables and fruits was determined with PSA dispersive solid-phase extraction cleanup and HPLC fluorescence detection .

  15. 用80%的甲醇溶液回流提取烟叶中的多酚物质,然后用WatersSEP-Park-C(18)固相萃取柱分离脱脂;

    Polyphenols can be extracted from tobacco leaf with 80 % methanol by heating circumfluence , then subjected to degrease by Waters Sep-Park-C18 solid phase extraction cartridge .

  16. 目的建立固相萃取反相高效液相色谱法测定人血浆麦考酚酸(MPA)浓度,探讨MPA与其代谢产物间的转化。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the concentration of mycophenolic acid ( MPA ) in plasma using a solid phase extraction and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography .

  17. 方法:以C18固相萃取小柱预处理样品。

    Method : Sotalol in plasma sample was enriched with C18 solid phase extraction column .

  18. 目的:建立固相萃取-分光光度法测定血浆微量亚甲蓝(MB)的方法。

    Objective : A spectrophotometry method was developed for the determination of a trace level of methyl-ene blue ( MB ) in human plasma .

  19. PSA分散固相萃取液相色谱柱后衍生荧光法测定蔬菜和水果中的13种氨基甲酸酯

    Study on determination of thirteen carbamate pesticides in vegetables and fruits by HPLC with post-column derivatization and fluorescence detection after PSA dispersive solid-phase extraction cleanup

  20. 根据固相萃取法应用SPEC(18)柱,回收率为93.7%,证明该方法符合药动学中血样处理要求。

    According to extracting the law by using SPE C_ ( 18 ) column , the recovery is 93 . 7 % . The method was identified to extract the plasma .

  21. 固相萃取结合HPLC-MS测定人血浆中佐米曲坦及相对生物利用度

    Determination of Zolmitriptan in Human Plasma by HPLC-MS and Study on Bioequivalence of Domestic and Import Zolmitriptan Tablets

  22. 方法:固相萃取方法用于血清中伊曲康唑的浓缩和纯化,用HPLC测定伊曲康唑的血药浓度,并进行药代动力学计算。

    METHODS : Solid phase extraction ( SPE ) method was used to concentrate and purify the serum samples after itraconazole was given . Serum concentrations of itraconazole were determined by HPLC method .

  23. 肉制品中合成着色剂和苏丹红染料的改进HPLC法测定固相萃取高效液相色谱法测定辣椒油中苏丹红和对位红染料

    Determination of Four Edible Synthesized Coloring Matter and Sudan Dyes in Meat Products by Performance Liquid Chromatography ; Solid-phase Extraction and HPLC Determination of Six Sudan Reds and Para Red in Pepper Oil

  24. 利用圆盘型固相萃取GCMS测定水样中的PCBs,同时采用溶剂超声萃取GCMS分析了各种土壤样品和植物样品中的PCBs。

    Solid phase extraction and GC MS were used to determine PCBs in water samples . Meanwhile PCBs in various soil samples and plant samples were analyzed by supersonic extraction and GC-MS.

  25. 应用微量化学法和固相萃取技术,建立了粮谷中恶草酮残留量的气相色谱质谱(GCMS)测定方法。

    An efficient method with microchemical method and solid phase extraction ( SPE ) technique for the determination of oxadiazon residues in cereals by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS ) has been established .

  26. 尿液中吗啡的自动固相萃取&GC/NPD、GC/MS分析检测方法;

    A combination of automated solid phase extraction ( SPE ) and GC / NPD , GC / MS has been developed for the determination of morphine in urine .

  27. 自制了以椰壳质活性炭作为填料的固相萃取柱(SPE),采用固相萃取法作为前处理方法。

    The solid phase extraction column ( SPE ) was used as pretreatment method , which was filled with coconut shell activated carbon by ourselves .

  28. 固相萃取法(SPE)因高效、可靠、易实现自动化等优点,适用于农药残留物分析。

    Due to its efficiency , reliability and conveniency to achieve automation , solid-phase extraction is a suitable means for the analysis of pesticides residue .

  29. 运用组合固相萃取(Solidphaseextraction,SPE)柱净化、GC-ECD检测建立了6种有机氯和6种拟除虫菊酯农药残留的气相色谱同时分析方法。

    A method to simultaneously analyze 6 organochlorine pesticide residues and 6 pyrethroids pesticide residues in vegetables using solid phase extraction ( SPE ) and capillary gas chromatography with electron capture detector was developed .

  30. 样本采用固相萃取提取净化,用气相色谱法在同一根色谱柱上分离后分别进入氮磷检测器(NPD)、电子捕获检测器(ECD)进行检测。

    The procedure included solid-phase extraction , clean up and determination by GC using single capillary column and NPD and ECD detector .