
  • 网络UPGRADE;Firmware Upgrade;Firmware update;Upgrade Firmware;Update Firmware
  1. 固件升级完成。

    This completes firmware update .

  2. 固件升级活动所需要的时间取决于您的Internet带宽速度。

    The firmware upgrade activity will need time depending on your Internet bandwidth speed .

  3. USB设备固件升级系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of USB Device Firmware Upgrade System

  4. 基于USB的便携式设备固件升级程序的设计

    Design of firmware upgrade program of portable device based on USB interface

  5. USB设备固件升级的驱动程序的开发

    Developing USB device driver for firmware upgrade

  6. 这个Toolkit将在配置变更或固件升级被应用之前停顿一个域。

    The Toolkit will quiesce a domain before configuration changes or firmware upgrades are applied .

  7. 在此基础上对系统集成CRC校验算法以保证固件升级传输的可靠性进行了一些讨论。

    Furthermore , this paper discussed the CRC checkout algorithm to ensure the security and reliability of data transmission .

  8. 固件升级和设置BMC地址

    Firmware updates and setting BMC addresses

  9. 研究分析了固件升级和移植的方法,设计和移植了WLAN模块,实现了UI界面通过WLAN模块连接到互联网的终端功能。

    This paper then studies and analyzes the firmware upgrade and migration , and implements the transplantation of the WLAN module and implement the UI interface for connecting to internet via WLAN module as well .

  10. 期待通过本课题的研究能给TCC主控播放器用户的固件升级带来方便,也期待能为其他固件修复工具的研究带来一定的启发和指导意义。

    Through the study of this subject TCC master player , looking forward to giving users the convenience of firmware upgrades , and bringing some inspiration and guidance for studies of other firmware restoration tool .

  11. 这一特性使您可以简化多个设备固件升级。

    This feature lets you simplify firmware upgrades of multiple devices .

  12. 最后提示您的照相机已完成固件升级。

    Follow the steps in " Completing the Firmware Upgrade of Your Camera " .

  13. 把刀片服务器的固件升级到EA340043039。

    Upgraded the blades firmware to EA340_043_039 .

  14. 我们需要为手持设备客户提供一种安全而经济的固件升级方法。

    We need a secure , yet economical way to deliver firmware upgrades to our handset customers .

  15. 理想情况下,这只会在计划断电的情况下才会发生,比如您必须要进行一次带固件升级。

    Ideally , that will only happen with a planned outage , such as when you have to do a disruptive firmware upgrade .

  16. 如果出了问题,您就必须等待“固件升级”&这也许能够解决您的问题,也许不能够解决您的问题。

    If there 's a problem , you have to wait for a " firmware upgrade " & which may or may not address your problem .

  17. 该设计方法不仅能够在设计前期对系统进行软件仿真、验证,而且在产品成形以后能按照需求进行固件升级,无需修改硬件结构。

    Not only can such method avail the simulation and verification in the early stage of design , but also make it possible to upgrade the firmware without modifying hardware .

  18. 当您购买新硬件时,最佳实践是将所有固件都升级到最新水平。

    When you purchase a new hardware , the best practise is to upgrade all the firmware to the latest level .

  19. 固件下载升级是时下电子产品,特别是数字电视、机顶盒等必须具备的一项功能,其性能(速度、稳定性)有时会影响电子产品的整体性能指标。

    Firmware updating is the essential function which is necessary for the popular electronic products such as digital TV and set top box .

  20. 为改进服务并降低成本,移动运营商和制造商希望通过无线机制提供手持设备固件性能升级和补丁程序。

    In order to improve service and reduce costs , mobile operators and manufacturers would like to deliver feature upgrades and patches to a handset 's firmware through an over-the-air mechanism .

  21. 在本节中,让我们学习如何使用FTP方法,使用存储在远程存储库中的固件代码来升级系统。

    In this section , let us learn how to use the FTP method to upgrade the system using the firmware code stored in a remote repository .

  22. PS3固件的未来升级很可能将提供一些改进,例如新的内核版本或驱动程序。

    It 's quite possible that future updates to the PS3 firmware will improve things , as might new kernel versions or drivers .

  23. 我们将在IBMFixCentral中使用此信息,以获得系统可用的最新固件更新或升级信息,并使用以下各节中的说明将固件更新或升级到较新发行版。

    We will be using this information in IBM Fix Central to obtain information on the latest firmware updates or upgrades available for the system and proceed with the firmware update or upgrade to newer release using the instructions described in the following sections .

  24. 能随着固件的的升级而升级。

    This can be updated with a firmware update .

  25. 用户管理和配置主要通过Web页面的方式,并且提供灵活的固件(firmware)升级功能。

    And the consumer manages and deploys the way facing mainly page by Web , provide the newer firmware ( firmware ) update function .

  26. 对于PLC内部固件和控制程序升级,编写工作程序,并严格执行工作程序。

    For the PLC internal firmware and control program upgrade , To prepare work procedures that shall be reviewed by the purchaser and shall strictly implement the work procedures .

  27. 如第1节所述,知道系统上的当前固件级别后,为了升级动到所需的最新可用更新,我们有多种固件更新和升级方法,如下文所述。

    Having known the current firmware levels on the system as described in Section 1 and in order to move up to the necessary latest update that is available , we have various firmware update and upgrade methods as mentioned below .

  28. 以上两个模块配合固件工程师预先写入设备的设备代码,就够成了一个完整的USB设备固件升级系统。

    The two modules mentioned above cooperating with the device code which has been written into the DFU device by the firmware engineer in advance can constitute a complete USB device firmware upgrade system .