
  • 网络Capital deepening;Capital Intensity;capital deeping
  1. 从趋势上看,如果政府支出与GDP的比值持续上升,那么政府干预将通过资本深化引致就业弹性持续下降。

    Looking from the trend , if the ratio of government spending to GDP continue to rise , employment elasticity will continues to decline affected by government intervention through capital deepening .

  2. 金融深化、资本深化及其互补性研究

    A Study on Financial Deepening , Capital Deepening and Their Complementarity

  3. 最后,从人均产出、能源消耗、工业化水平、资本深化、财政分权和FDI等角度考察了环境生产率的决定因素。在此基础上,本文给出了相关政策建议。

    Finally , This paper explores the determinants of TFP with taking into account environment from the perspective of GDP per capita , energy use per capita , industrialization , capital-deeping , fiscal decentralization and FDI and puts forward some related policy proposes according to the results .

  4. 而且,经验分析表明中国的资本深化存在内生性。

    Furthermore , capital deepening is endogenous by the empirical analysis .

  5. 资本深化、技术进步与全球化下的劳动报酬份额

    Effects of Capital-deepening , Technology Progress and Globalization on Labor Income Share

  6. 资本深化、人力资本积累与中国经济持续增长

    Deepening of Capital 、 Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Sustained Growth in China

  7. 市场分割、资本深化和教育深化&关于就业问题的进一步思考

    On the Division of the Market and the Optimization of Capital and Education

  8. 资本深化对我国制造业就业的影响如何?

    How does the capital deepen influence our country manufacturing industry employment influence ?

  9. 资本深化、劳动收入份额与消费需求

    Capital Deepening , Labor Income Share and Consumption Demand

  10. 技术效率、资本深化与地区差异&基于随机前沿模型的中国地区收敛分析

    Technical Efficiency , Capital Deepening and Regional Disparity

  11. 资本深化和中国经济增长

    Capital deepening and Chinese economic growth

  12. 技术进步、资本深化与就业变动:中国实证与区域比较

    Technical Progress , Capital Deepening and Employment Variation : A Comparative Study on China 's Regions

  13. 这些研究结果与新古典模型关于资本深化以及内生增长理论关于进口的论断是一致的。

    These findings are consistent with the predictions of some features of Solow growth model and endogenous theory .

  14. 而长期来看,高新技术产品出口可以带来资本深化和技术进步,从而提高我国的就业技能结构。

    In the long run , hi-tech goods exports improve the skill structure of the employment in China .

  15. 中国工业行业的面板数据构造及资本深化评估:1985~2003

    Construction of Panel Data of China 's Industries and Evaluation on It 's Capital Deepening : 1985 ~ 2003

  16. 资本深化、全要素生产率与中国住宿餐饮业增长

    Capital Deepening , Total Factor Productivity ( TFP ) and the Increase of China 's Lodging and Catering Industry

  17. 随着技术进步和生产力水平提高,我国制造业各行业均出现了资本深化现象。

    Along with the technology advancement and the productive improvement , every profession of our country manufacturing industry presented the capital deepening phenomenon .

  18. 本文针对中国经济转轨过程中近年来呈现资本深化的特征,引入人力资本积累因素进行分析。

    China 's economic growth has been characterized by capital formation in recent years , we take human capital accumulation into account to analyze .

  19. 我们发现,相对较不发达的西部地区有比其他相对发达地区更高的投资率以及资本深化程度,这一现象值得关注。

    The undeveloped west China has the higher investment rate and capital deepening degree than other developed region , which is a notable phenomenon .

  20. 文章在1952~2004年的时间区间上验证了上述假说,并分析了导致这种资本深化的经济和体制因素。

    This hypothesis is verified by the data during the period of1952 ~ 2004.Finally the paper analyzes the economic and systemic factors attributive to the capital deepening .

  21. 第五章使用大中型工业企业省际面板数据,探讨了资本深化和不同类型的科技投入对省区工业劳动生产率的影响。

    Use medium-sized industrial enterprises Chapter provincial panel data to explore the different types of capital deepening and technological inputs on the productivity of industrial labor provinces .

  22. 组建中国金融资本深化国企改革&从建立新型银企关系看国企改革

    Establishing China 's " Financial Capital ", Deepening Reform of State-Owned Enterprises ─ Viewing the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises on the Basis of Establishing New Financial Enterprise Relations

  23. 从要素生产效率这一产业竞争力的表现层指标来看,制造业资本深化进程中的竞争力提升趋势不显著,甚至有下滑迹象。

    In this aspect , the promotion tendency of manufacturing industries ' competitiveness during capital deepening was not very marked , even a falling tendency could be observed .

  24. 本文认为,城镇国有企业出现的资本深化和中小民营企业出现的劳动深化都会抑制企业对劳动力的需求,从而加剧失业。

    The paper discusses that it is capital deepening in state-owned enterprises and labor deepening in private enterprises lead to low labour demand and high unemployment in China .

  25. 资本深化贯穿于整个工业化过程,具有明显的伴生性特征,也不管资本深化为何种因素诱致,它在劳动生产率的增长中所起的作用确是不可忽视的。

    Capital deepening process accompanies the whole industrialization , no matter what factors induces this capital deepening process . Capital deepening plays an important role in raising the labor productivity .

  26. 因此建议政策制定部门不能一味追求资本深化,而应多利用其他因素对于劳动收入占比的正面影响。

    Therefore recommended that policy-making department cannot just pursue capital deepening , but should make more use of other factors accounting for the positive impact of labor income . 2 .

  27. 劳动配置结构变化贡献度较小,与劳动力跨部门流转的交易成本较高有关,而行业内部生产率提高与分工演进、资本深化、资本有机构成提高等密切相关。

    The latter is related to the high costs of labor mobility among industries , while the former to division evolution , capital deepening , and increase of capital organic composition .

  28. 二元劳动供求结构和资本深化的角度,对其非同一般的演变轨迹提供一种解析。

    The thesis then moves forward to explore its unconventional evolvement and trend according to the special labor supply and demand background of Guangdong : dual labor structure and capital deepening .

  29. 本文的结论以及相关的政策建议主要有以下几点:1.资本深化对劳动收入占比有正向影响,但影响程度在逐渐减小。

    The conclusions and policy recommendations related to the following main points : 1 . labor income share of capital deepening has a positive impact , but the effect is gradually reduced .

  30. 但随着我国资本深化和技术进步,资本投资带来的就业却是越来越少了,也即资本就业弹性是递减的。

    However , with the capital deepening and technical progress , the capital investment brings less employment opportunities than before , and it also means that the employment elasticity of the capital is declining gradually .