
  • 网络tannery wastewater;tanning wastewater
  1. 采用硼泥复合混凝剂(PSC)对制革废水进行处理。

    In this paper , we treat tanning wastewater with boron sludge compound coagulant ( PSC ) .

  2. 主要研究成果如下:(1)本文通过静态吸附实验考察了粉煤灰、鹅卵石和砂土三种基质对制革废水中COD、氨氮、氯化物、六价铬和总铬的吸附性能。

    The main conclusions of this dissertation were as follows : ( 1 ) Contaminant adsorption characteristics of fly ash , cobble and sand were studied through isotherm batch-experiments to the COD 、 NH4 + - N 、 Chloride 、 Cr6 + and total chromium in tanning wastewater .

  3. 介绍了物化水解酸化CAST工艺在处理制革废水中的应用。

    The application of physico chemical hydrolytic acidification CAST process treating tannery wastewater is presented .

  4. 从制革废水中萃取回收DMF的液液相平衡及MATLAB辅助工艺的设计

    Liquid-liquid equilibrium and MATLAB aided technics design for recovering DMF from tannery wastewater

  5. 牛皮制革废水COD和氮素排放特征研究

    Investigation on the Characteristic of COD and Nitrogen in Waste Water from Making Cattle Leather

  6. PSA絮凝剂和粉煤灰基混凝剂处理制革废水

    Treatment of Tanning Wastewater with PSA Flocculant and Flyash - based Coagulant

  7. 重点突出了SBR工艺在制革废水处理上的优越性。

    The advantages of SBR technology in waste water treatment were discussed in detail .

  8. 掺杂过渡金属离子的纳米TiO2光催化降解制革废水

    Study on photocatalytic degradation of tannery wastewater with transition metal-doped TiO_2 nanoparticles

  9. DMF对制革废水处理的影响及处理方法

    Impact of DMF on tannery wastewater treatment and the treatment method

  10. 确定了处理制革废水时各混凝剂的最佳投药量和最适pH值范围,以及助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺的最佳投加量。

    The most appropriate range of coagulant dosage and pH for treating waste water of leather industry was ascertained respectively as well as the PAM dosage .

  11. 制革废水UASB处理的几个主要影响因素

    Some important factors influencing tannery wastewater treatment with UASB system

  12. CAF空穴气浮&生物接触氧化工艺在制革废水处理中的应用

    Application of cavitation air flotation and biological contact oxidation in treatment of Tannery Wastewater

  13. 加碱混凝沉淀法去除蓝皮制革废水中Cr~(3+)及COD的研究

    Study on Removing Cr ~ ( 3 + ) and COD in the Blue-Wet Skin Wastewater Through Adding Alkali and Coagulating

  14. 取自扬州某外资皮革厂的蓝皮制革废水舍有大量的Cr3+和COD。

    The blue-wet skin wastewater getting from certain foreign capital leather factory in Yangzhou contains a mass of Cr3 and COD .

  15. 阳离子高分子絮凝剂P(DMC-AM)在制革废水处理中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Cationic High Polymers Flocculant P ( DMC-AM ) in Leather Wastewater

  16. 介绍了将DMF废水分流收集后的处理方法,可在制革废水处理实践中应用。

    The treatment of tannery wastewater contained DMF is discussed and might be helpful in practical applications .

  17. SBR法由于其工艺简单、运行灵活、基建和运行费用低、耐高盐负荷冲击能力,它特别适合制革废水的处理。

    SBR process is especially suitable to treat tannery wastewater owing to its simplicity , to its operating flexibility , to low capital expenditure and high salt load .

  18. 实验还进一步对体系中·OH表观生成率的影响进行研究,为提高电&Fenton法深度处理制革废水和村镇混合污水效率提供了理论依据。

    The influence on apparent generation rate of · OH in this system was also studied to provide a useful parameter to improve the efficiency for advanced treatment of tannery wastewater and villages mixed wastewater by Electro-Fenton reagent .

  19. 碱&混凝剂法处理蓝皮制革废水对其中的Cr~(3+)和COD有较好的去除效果。

    The main results as below : ( 1 ) Adopting the method of alkali-flocculation can get preferable effect on the removal of Cr ~ ( 3 + ) and COD in wet-blue waste water .

  20. 本文首先采用纳米TiO2粉末处理模拟制革废水,试验效果较好,证明了TiO2光催化法处理制革废水的可行性。

    Photocatalytic degradation of simulative tannery wastewater had been studied by using nanometer-sized TiO_2 powder as photocatalyst . The better result proved that the means of photocatalytic was feasible to degrade tannery wastewater .

  21. 介绍了间歇式活性污泥法(SBR法)处理制革废水的工程概况及工程调试和试运转情况,认为SBR法的特殊运行工序是适合处理制革废水的。

    The engineering situation , the setup and trial running of SBR process to treat tannery wastewater are given in this paper , it is considered that the special running process of SBR is suitable for the tannery wastewater .

  22. 针对这种情况,把SBR曝气池活性污泥的培养分为2个阶段,第1阶段使污泥适应此制革废水,并使其对COD有较高的去除率;

    According to this situation , the cultivation of activated sludge in SBR aeration tank is classified into two stages : the first stage , making sludge adapt to leather making wastewater and making it have high removal rate to COD ;

  23. 结果表明:PBS与聚硅酸铝(PSA)絮凝剂配合处理制革废水,SS、COD、硫化物和铬的去除率可分别达到91.8%、83.6%、93.3%和87.3%。

    The results show that the removal rates of SS , COD , sulfide and total chromium in tanning waste water were 91.8 % , 83.6 % , 93.3 % and 87.3 % respectively , combined with polysilicate aluminum .

  24. AF-CASS工艺处理制革废水的研究

    Research of AF-CASS Processes to Tannery Wastewater Treatment

  25. 利用这些复合的多种微生物对浓度高的制革废水进行处理,COD、BOD、色度去除率达85%以上,S2-去除率达95%以上,有效地提高了治理效果。

    By the compound multi-microorganisms , the leather-making wastewater with high comcentration was treated . The results showed that the removal rates of COD , BOD and colority reached to over 85 % and S2-removal rate reached to over 95 % , effectively improving the treating effect .

  26. 介绍了一种新型无机高分子絮凝剂&硅钙复合型聚合氯化铝铁(SCPAFC)在制革废水处理中的应用。

    Applicaton of a new inorganic high polymer coagulant-silicon-calcium Poly aluminum-ferric Chloride ( SCPAFC ) in treatment of tannery waste water was introduced .

  27. 介绍日排放量为200m3的制革废水的处理工程实例,并阐述了制革废水工艺调试启动过程记录及遇到的问题和解决办法。

    An engineering case of 200 m3 / d tannery wastewater treatment was described . Problems and relevant solvents emerged during the process of commissioning in tannery wastewater treatment were expatiated .

  28. 高分散系、高传质均匀受限曝气处理制革废水研究

    Investigation on Well-Dispersion / Limited-Aeration System for Treatment of Tannery Wastewater

  29. 研究结果可为制革废水的厌氧处理提供依据。

    The experiment conclusions are helpful for the tannery wastewater treatment .

  30. 制革废水生物处理技术和循环经济分析

    Analysis on Recycle Economy and Biological Processes for Treating Tannery Wastewater