
  • 网络phosphorus pollution
  1. 基于GIS技术的农用地非点源磷污染危险性评价

    The risk appraisal to the non-point source phosphorus pollution of agricultural land based on the GIS technology

  2. 夏季主要以COD、BOD有机污染为主,冬季以氮、磷污染为主。

    In summer , COD and BOD are the main pollutants , nitrogen and phosphorus pollution happens in winter .

  3. 本文通过建立非点源污染的数学模型,将模型用于长沙市非点源氮、磷污染的预测,并采用GIS技术进行计算和可视化显示。

    Through establishing the prediction model of non-point source pollution and using this model in Changsha City to calculate non-point source pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus .

  4. 由于受纳污染物类型和总量上的差异,香花桥镇水网中小河流氮磷污染程度还存在明显的空间分异:居民区附近的小河流受NH4~+和P的污染很重;

    Spatial variations of N and P pollution have been observed , as the creeks in different places accepted different types and amounts of pollutants .

  5. 氮磷污染近年来有加重趋势,氮磷比大致呈逐年增加趋势,P成为近年来渤海湾浮游植物生长的限制因子。

    The pollution of N and P has being heavier in recent years and the rate of N and P increases year by year . P has been the limitation factor of phytoplankton growth in Bohai Bay in recent years .

  6. 养殖场附近的小河流,NH4~+和P常有突发性暴增的现象。(3)中小河流氮磷污染,还受河流季节性生态环境演变的影响。

    The creeks nearby livestock farms often witnessed sudden soaring of NH4 + and P. ( 3 ) N and P loadings of the creeks are also affected by the seasonal evolvement of ecological environment .

  7. PID技术是处理废水中氮、磷污染的技术。它通常由两个或三个相同的氧化沟组成,这些氧化沟周期性处于好氧、缺氧或沉淀等工作状态,一个工作周期4h。

    PID is a technique used for treating nitrogen and phosphorous pollution in wastewater , it usually consists of two or three oxygen ditches , these ditches are standing in the states of oxygen depletion , oxygen enrichment and sediment periodically , one period takes four hours .

  8. 该池塘形成的历史,地下水的流入池塘,出现磷污染。

    Pond formation history , groundwater flow-through ponds , phosphorous contamination .

  9. 排污交易控制太湖磷污染应用研究

    Application of discharge trading to control of phosphorus pollution in Taihu Lake

  10. 水产养殖氮磷污染负荷估算初探

    Discussion on Estimating Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Loads in Aquaculture

  11. 广州市河涌磷污染及控制研究

    Study on Phosphorus Contamination and Rehabilitation of Urban River Surge

  12. 底泥磷污染已遍布整个城区。

    The phosphorus pollution in sediment has covered the whole city proper .

  13. 奶牛集约化生产体系中磷污染的研究进展

    Research Progress in Phosphorus Pollution in Intensive Dairy Production System

  14. 鄱阳湖水体氮磷污染特征及控制对策

    Characters of nitrogen and phosphorus of the Poyang Lake

  15. 农业非点源磷污染对水体富营养化的影响及对策

    Contribution of Agricultural Phosphorus Losses to Eutrophication of Waters and Its Controlling Strategies

  16. 而植酸酶是解决磷污染的有效途径之一。

    Phytase is one of the effective ways in solution of phosphorus pollution .

  17. 化学药剂处理湖泊沉积物磷污染的实验研究

    Application of Chemicals to Controlling Phosphorus in Lake Sediment

  18. 太湖一级保护区非点源磷污染的定量化研究

    Quantification of non-point sources phosphorus pollution in key protection area of Taihu Lake

  19. 人工湿地对岩溶区农田排水氮磷污染的控制

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Control of Farmland Drainage for Constructed Wetland in Karst Region

  20. 在分析磷污染的污染状况、污染源的基础上,介绍了防治对策。

    Application of discharge trading to control of phosphorus pollution in Taihu Lake ;

  21. 农田径流氮磷污染负荷的田间施肥控制效应

    Effect of Fertilizer Application on Controlling Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Loading from Farmland Runoff

  22. 氮,磷污染是导致水体富营养化的主要原因。

    The Pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus is the main cause for water ultra-nutrition .

  23. 天然沸石吸附技术防治暴雨径流氮磷污染

    The Technology of Natural Zeolite Absorbing Prevents Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution in Storm Runoff

  24. 动物饲料中的骨粉含量及其废水的磷污染

    The Content of Bone Dust in Animal Feed and Phosphorus Pollution from its Waste Water

  25. 地表水体底泥氮磷污染原位控制技术及相关机理研究

    Research on In-situ Control Technology of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Sediments and Its Mechanisms

  26. 上海市郊中小河流氮磷污染特征

    Characteristics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution in the Middle and Small Creeks , Suburban Shanghai

  27. 结果表明,大河流域氮、磷污染十分严重。

    The result showed that the nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in Dahe watershed were serious .

  28. 杭州城市内河底泥磷污染与磷释放水力模拟

    Phosphorus Pollution of the Sediment from Hangzhou Urban River and Hydraulic Simulation of Phosphorus Release

  29. 洗涤剂富磷污染及其对策宜宾市主要江河水质现状及污染防治对策

    Current Situation of Water Quality of Main Rivers in Yibin City and Its Preventive Countermeasures

  30. 上海市小城镇河流沉积物磷污染特征研究

    Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Phosphorus in River Sediment of Small Towns in Shanghai City