
  • 网络phosphorus deposit
  1. 滇东磷矿床中粘土矿物的研究

    On the clay minerals of phosphate ore deposit in East Yunnan

  2. 滇东磷矿床中粘土矿物分布比较广泛,在震旦系到寒武系各地层中均有分布。

    The clay minerals of phosphate ore deposit are widespread in Sinian and Cambrian strata .

  3. 海州式磷矿床沉积环境探析

    Depositional conditions of haizhou-type phosphate deposits

  4. 超大型金刚石矿床、磷矿床、油气田、油页岩矿床与碳质球粒陨石星子的成因联系

    Genetic relationship of supergiant diamond deposits , phosphorite deposits , oil-gas fields and oil shale deposits to carbonaceous chondrite planetesimals

  5. “昆阳式磷矿床”经前人的大量工作,已成为磷矿床的找矿勘探和研究的对比标准。

    Because of a large amount of previous studies , Kunyany P deposit has become a correlation criterion in the exploration and study of P deposit .

  6. 通过对太阳系起源的研究,笔者指出,超大型金刚石矿床、磷矿床、油气田和油页岩矿床,都与碳质球粒陨石星子有成因联系。

    Based on a study of the origin of the solar system , the author believes that there exists genetic relationship of supergiant diamond deposits , phosphorite deposits , oil-gas fields and oil shale deposits with carbonaceous chondrite planetesimals .

  7. 本文研究了银星石矿物的地质产状、物理化学性质,以及银星石赖于发育的氧化带地质特征,同时指出了研究银星石和磷矿氧化带对表生矿物学、磷矿床找矿勘探均有实际意义。

    At the same time , the authors consider that the study of wavellite is of significance not only for hypergene mineralogy , but also to phosphorus ore prospecting .