
  • 网络phospholipid metabolism;metabolism of phospholipids
  1. 植物体内肌醇磷脂代谢与渗透胁迫信号转导

    Inositol Phospholipid Metabolism and Osmotic Stress Signal Transduction in plants

  2. 内毒素对山羊肝线粒体膜磷脂代谢及膜流动性的影响

    Effects of endotoxin on phospholipid metabolism and membrane fluidity in liver mitochondria of goats

  3. GM3对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞磷脂代谢转换率的影响

    The Effect of GM_3 on Phospholipid Turnover of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages

  4. 6m2细胞转化与肌醇磷脂代谢相关性研究

    The Relationship Between the Turnover of Inositol Phospholipids and 6m 2 Cell Transformation

  5. LPS激活膜磷脂代谢的反应特性表现出典型的酶促动力学特性。

    The LPS activating effect of HUVEC membrane lipid showed a typical property of enzymatic dynamics .

  6. 2,4-D和GA3对绿豆黄化幼苗肌醇磷脂代谢的影响

    Effects of 2 , 4-D and GA_3 on Phosphoinositide Metabolism in Dark-Grown Phaseolus radiatus Seedlings

  7. 对牛精子中分离的一种蛋白激酶C(PKC)大分子抑制剂对大白鼠输精管平滑肌肌醇磷脂代谢的影响进行了研究。

    The effect of the protein kinase C inhibitor from bovine spermatozoa on the turnover of inositol phospholipid of smooth muscle cells from rat spermatic duct had been studied .

  8. 将PPS与S180细胞膜在适当条件下一同温育,发现PPS干扰膜的肌醇磷脂代谢,明显抑制磷脂酰肌醇转换。

    The phosphatidylinositol turnover of S180 cell membrane was inhibited strongly when PPS acted on cell membranes at suitable condition .

  9. 提示脑梗死患者的红细胞膜存在以PC、PE变化为主的磷脂代谢障碍,并对红细胞流变特性产生影响。

    These results indicated that the erythrocyte membrane phospholipids , especially PE and PC , produced serious metabolic disorders and had an effect on the rheological properties of the erythrocyte in cerebral infarction .

  10. 31PMRS能无创性提供活体脑肿瘤pH值、能量状况及其磷脂代谢等方面的信息,有利于脑肿瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断。

    31P MRS is capable of providing information about cerebral tumor pH , metabolism of energy and phospholipid . It is helpful for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of brain tumor .

  11. 通过对实验性自身免疫性脑炎(EAE)大鼠模型的研究,发现了血浆磷脂代谢紊乱与多发性硬化症密切相关,并找出多发性硬化症早期的生物标志物。

    An Experimental Autoimmune Encephalitis ( EAE ) rat model of multiple sclerosis showed significant difference of plasma phospholipids metabolism compared with the controls indicating the close relationship between phospholipids metabolism and multiple sclerosis .

  12. 长春新碱对HL&60细胞肌醇磷脂代谢和增殖的影响

    Vincristine inhibits HL-60 Cells proliferation by interfering the metabolism of phosphoinositides

  13. 由此可见,生物素主要影响磷脂代谢。

    It maybe concluded that biotin mostly influences the metabolism of phospholipid .

  14. 肌醇磷脂代谢与输精管平滑肌收缩之间的关系

    Relationship between the Turnover of Inositol Phospholipid and the Contraction of Smooth Muscle

  15. 自发性高血压大鼠动脉平滑肌细胞内肌醇磷脂代谢的改变

    Alteration of inositol phosphate metabolism in aortic smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rat

  16. 克山病磷脂代谢障碍、膜损伤的实验研究

    Metabolic disorder of phospholipid and membrane damage in Keshan disease patients and their significance

  17. 3'-甲基-4-二甲氨基偶氯苯对大鼠肝脏磷脂代谢的影响

    Effect of 3 ' - me-dab on the metabolism of phospholipid in rat liver

  18. 植物体内磷脂代谢和信号转导

    Phospholipid metabolism and signal transduction in plants

  19. 阿的平调节β-肾上腺素受体、膜磷脂代谢及预防热损伤的研究

    Preventive effect of quinacrine on the development of heat injury by stabilizing membrane phospholipids metabolism and β - adrenoceptor

  20. 急性热应激对大鼠肺细胞膜磷脂代谢及膜流动性的影响

    Effect of acute heat stress on the contents of phospholipids and the fluidity of cell membrane in rat lung

  21. 卵磷脂胆固醇脂酰转移酶可促进组织、细胞内胆固醇的清除、维持细胞胆固醇稳态,在磷脂代谢中有重要的作用。

    Study on the association of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase gene polymorphisms with the lipid metabolism in coronary atherosclerotic heart disease ;

  22. 热应激时大鼠肺组织中β-肾上腺素受体的变化与膜磷脂代谢的关系

    Relationship between the change of β - adrenoceptor content and the metabolism of phospholipids in lung tissue from acute heat stressed rats

  23. 此项结果提示了神经节苷脂的一个新的功能&调节磷脂代谢,但其具体机制尚待阐明。

    This study suggests a new function of ganglioside & regulation of phospholipid metabolism , the mechanism of which remains to be elucidated .

  24. 而脱敏的机制则涉及受体磷酸化、受体内移、受体的负协同效应、膜磷脂代谢的变化及信号传导系统的变化等诸多方面。

    Multiple mechanisms account for desensitization : receptor phosphorylation , receptor internalization , negative cooperativity , and variations of membrane phospholipid and signaling pathways .

  25. 已知肝脏的磷脂代谢中,总有部分转化为缩醛形式,含量很低的肝源性缩醛磷脂,通常只占0-5%,但它却能直接被转移到脂蛋白上。

    In the lipid metabolism of liver , there were always some parts of phospholipids turn to plasmalogen forms which only account for 0 ~ 5 % .

  26. 因此认为,细胞内一定量的肌醇和Ca2+是果树花粉萌发和花粉管生长所必需的,并对维持正常的肌醇磷脂代谢是至关重要的。

    It is believed that a certain amount of inositol and ca2 + in the cells is necessary for pollen germination and tube growth , and is quite important for maintaining the normal phosphoinositide metabolism of pollen .

  27. 我室前期研究表明,阿的平有对抗热效应的作用,其作用可能与抑制细胞膜磷脂代谢、稳定细胞膜的作用有关,但阿的平对微波损伤的作用缺乏研究。

    Function of QA may probably be involved in the inhibition of cell membrane phospholipids metabolism and stabilization cell membrane fluidity , however , seldom research work was focused on the effect of Quinacrine on microwave radiation induced injury .

  28. 方法:以细胞实际信号传递过程为基础、以准稳态近似为原则,利用微分方程建立数学模型模拟肌醇磷脂的代谢过程。

    MEHTODS : Based on the cellular signal transduction and the Law of the Quasi Steady State Approximation , the metabolizability of inositol phospholipid was simulated by making use of mathematical model of differential equations .

  29. 磷脂酰肌醇代谢对体温调节中枢胆碱能受体功能的调节作用

    Modulatory effect of phosphatidylinositol turnover on cholinergic receptors in thermoregulation center

  30. 阻断磷脂酰肌醇代谢后可部分抑制上述生化参数的变化。

    Blocking phosphatidylinositol metabolism partially inhibited these changes .