
  1. 我用上两把梳子制造声音。

    I actually used a couple of combs to create a sound .

  2. 表演者会觉得他们要努力制造声音,填满房间。

    Performers would feel they have to struggle to fill the room with sound .

  3. 最初的时候,比尔森和哈钦斯尝试利用两层锡箔和一层绝缘的烘焙纸制造声音。

    Originally Billson and Hutchins conducted trials creating sound with two sheets of tin-foil and an insulating layer of baking paper .

  4. 他的小说创作不断制造声音,倍受学界和社会的关注,引爆批评界的争鸣与热议。

    His novels continue to " create sound ", cause academic and social concerns , and set off the hot debate of critics .

  5. 有时候因为雾太浓而看不到这些灯塔,但大多数灯塔有大雾钟或者大雾警报器;大雾警报器很多是通过蒸汽来制造声音的,在很远的地方都可以听到。

    Sometimes the fog is so dense that these lights can not be seen , but most lighthouses have great fog bells or fog horns ; some of the latter are made to sound by steam , and can be heard for a long distance .

  6. 装在汽车上制造警告声音的装置。

    A device on an automobile for making a warning noise .

  7. 你的原料可以是你之前作品中所制造的声音档。

    Your raw materials can be any of the sound files you 've created for the previous pieces .

  8. 因为在梦里,是我的大脑在制造电子声音,而非这个软件,

    because in my dreams , it was my brain creating electronic sounds . It wasn 't the software ,

  9. 那天晚上,沃兹尼亚克在森尼韦尔电子商店关门之前跑了过去,买到了制造模拟声音发生器需要的零部件。

    Wozniak went to Sunnyvale Electronics before it closed that evening and bought the parts to make an analog tone generator .

  10. 藉由一些基本指令完成剪切,粘贴和复制,来制造高保真声音在个人计算机上。

    With a few basic commands such as cut , copy , and paste , you can produce high-fidelity audio on your PC.

  11. 该外罩是一种精心设计的、由超介质材料制造的声音线路,超材料可以加强线路结构的特性与功能。

    The cloak is made of metamaterial , a class of artificial materials that have enhanced properties as a result of their carefully engineered structure .

  12. 你们想加入吗?制造奇怪的声音。

    You guys want to join us ? Make a weird noise .

  13. 在-图画的制造业者声音层次仪表为广播的电视和影像制造。

    Manufacturers of in-picture audio level meters for broadcast TV and video production .

  14. 加倍制造,比如声音或者词语的词素。

    Form by reduplication , as of sounds or morphemes of a word .

  15. 如果你听到男的制造出的声音比女的大,请举手

    Now raise your hand if the man was making more noise than the woman .

  16. 在我城市的上空有很多战斗机,我从来没听到过这么多战斗机制造出来的声音。

    A sound I have never heard before is the sound of the many fighter jets that are in the sky in my city .

  17. 蟋蟀的叫声会掩盖忍者们制造的所有声音。忍者还使用一种特殊的化学物质,确保需要时蟋蟀能够鸣叫。

    The chirping of the insects disguised any stray sound the ninjas made.Ninjas had a special mixture of chemicals to make sure the crickets chirped when they needed them to .

  18. 在所有这些研究中,并没有什么广告狂人去刻意制造出一些声音,给这些声音赋予某种意义,然后反复播放直到它们浸入听者的内心。

    In all of these cases , it didn 't take a Mad Man to invent the sounds , infuse them with meaning and then play them over and over until the subjects internalized them .

  19. 如果系列赛第一场在克利夫兰取得了胜利,对于猛龙的信心意义将会不一样,并且可能给骑士制造一些质疑声音,让人们觉得今年的骑士不会重复上赛季的历程。

    A series-opening win in Cleveland would 've meant more for Toronto 's confidence - and possibly given an inkling of doubt to the Cavaliers - that this won 't be a repeat of what occurred last season .

  20. 这些政策对台湾人的语言生活和社会生活产生了重大的冲击,利弊众说纷纭,但是,我们已经看到某些别有用心的人把语言政策作为制造不和谐声音的政治斗争工具。

    These policies had a great impact on the language life and social life of the Taiwanese . About the policies , different people think differently . And some have used them as a political tool to make some social unrest .

  21. 邻居们都认为那男人使用黑魔法,他让一些猫猫狗狗的失踪,并制造出奇怪的声音。

    They believed he practiced black magic and was responsible for missing cats and dogs , and strange sounds at all hours .

  22. 世界的领导制造业者数位声音光碟,薄膜,后段,广播,和法院的使用的恢复系统和模组。

    The world 's leading manufacturer of digital audio restoration systems and modules for CD , film , post , broadcast , and forensic use .