
  1. 据李大光所说,中国社会似乎做好了采取这一模式的准备。

    According to Li , Chinese society seems ready to adopt this model .

  2. 不过李大光同时指出,应该对接受资助的科普项目进行独立和科学的评估。

    But Li cautioned that the projects that attract funding should be independently evaluated .

  3. 同时,李大光也认为科普作品列入国家科技奖也会促进出版商把更多资金投入这个领域。

    Li thinks the awards will prompt publishers to pour more money into the field as well .

  4. 李大光认为,科学家而不是政府应该领导起解释现代技术的利益和风险的工作。

    Scientists , not government , should lead efforts to explain the benefits and risks of modern technology , says Li Daguang .

  5. 中科院研究生院的科学政策专家李大光对呼吁进行更多研究表示赞同。

    Li Daguang , a science policy expert at the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , agreed with calls for more research .

  6. 最终该工厂由于强大的公众压力而暂停,然而,李大光指出,该听证程序还是很难让人满意。

    Eventually the plant was suspended as a result of strong public pressure . But , as Li pointed out , the procedure was far from satisfactory .

  7. 中科院研究生院科技传播研究中心的李大光教授表示,通过基金的方式运作科普资金可以提高效率。

    Li Daguang , a professor of science communication at the Chinese Academy of Sciences , says it will mean that the money is spent more efficiently .

  8. “提高公众科学素养,最有效的办法是正规教育。”李大光认为这类科普教育只是正规教育的一个辅助。

    " The most efficient way to improve science understanding is through formal education ," he said , adding that the foundation 's work can only complement this .

  9. 中国科学院研究生院传播教研室主任李大光对科普教育基金表示了赞赏,他认为,这个基金走出了民间组织从事科普教育工作的第一步。

    Li Daguang , director of the Science Communication Centre at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , commended the nongovernmental sector 's first step towards science popularisation .