
  • 网络general right
  1. 然而,由于专利权的垄断性是法定的,所以它比一般权利更加容易被滥用。

    But patents have a legitimate monopoly cloak , compared with the general right is more easily to be abused .

  2. 研究首先阐述了教师的职业权利和教师作为公民的一般权利及其保护的合法性依据。

    The study begins with the teachers'job rights and general rights as a citizen , and the legitimacy basis of protecting them .

  3. 笔者通过系统深入的研究,将生育权区分为一般权利和民事权利来分析。

    With the systematic and deepgoing research , the paper analyzes the childbearing right from the aspects of the common right and civil right .

  4. 在此基础上,文章提出了电信消费者的一般权利的特殊表现和特殊性权利,并分析了现实生活中侵害电信消费者权利的主要表现。

    The context poses in this extent the special expression of their general rights and the special rights , and analyses the most phenomena that infringe on the rights of consumers in the society .

  5. 但是这并不意味着公正审判权的具体内容仅限于上述16项权利,因为《公约》第14条第1款还规定了公正审判的一般权利或公正审判的原则。

    However , the content of fair trial rights is not limited to the 16 types of rights mentioned above , for section 1 of article 14 in the Covenant also rule out the general rights to a fair trial or the principle of fair trial .

  6. 其次,教师的职业权利和作为普通公民的一般权利是统一的,教师享有学术自由权、教育教学活动权、指导评定权等职业权利。

    Second , the teachers ' professional rights are in accordance with their general citizen rights . Teachers are entitled the professional rights such as the rights of academic freedom , the rights to carry out education and teaching activities and the rights to guide and evaluate , etc. .

  7. 他们将同性恋婚姻视为一般公民权利议题。

    They see gay marriage as a civil rights issue .

  8. 法律对权利的限制一般采用权利附条件的方式来实现,从表面看它是对权利的主体资格和行为自由的限制;

    The pattern adopted by law to limit right is condition attached to right .

  9. 民间环保组织享有非营利组织普遍享有的一般性权利,而环境权利对于民间环保组织来说具有特别的意义。

    Environmental NGOs have the common rights as other non-profit organizations . But environmental rights are especially significant to environmental NGOs .

  10. 著作权具有较强的人身属性,故其质押在标的选择、法律体系架构等方面不同于一般的权利质押。

    The pledge of copyright is different from other right pledge in the subject-electing and law system-building as a result of moral rights .

  11. 人力资本产权既具有与一般财产权利相似的属性,又具有自身的独特性。

    Human capital property rights not only has the same similar attributes as general property rights , it also has its own unique attributes .

  12. 笔者认为不仅传统的律师一般职业权利应当延伸到律师的非诉讼领域,而且律师在非诉讼中还应享有两项重要的权利:调查权和独立发表法律意见权。

    The author holds that an attorney should be granted two important rights : a. right to investigate ; b. right to provide legal advice independently in non - contentious cases .

  13. 版权制度正是为了保护这一特殊的人类精神产品而产生的,它起源于封建社会的特权,并区别于其他一般民事权利,具有无形性、专有性、时间性、地域性等法律特征。

    The copyright system is produced in order to protect this special human intellectual product . It is originated from " privilege " of the feudal society and is different from other general civil rights .

  14. 一般包括权利和义务、数量和质量、价款和酬金、有效期、履行地点和方式、违约责任等。

    The content usually includes : right and duty , quality and quantity , price and remuneration , period of validity , place , fashion of fulfillment , and responsibility of breach of faith , etc.

  15. 在民事诉讼理论界和实务界,对案外人因生效判决侵害其利益而提出异议的权利属于申诉权、诉权、还是一般诉讼权利或者其他性质的权利,现阶段尚无定论。

    In civil lawsuit theory and practice fields , because of legally effective judgment against interests and rights of the person other than involved in the case to appeal objections , litigation , or general litigation rights or other property rights is still uncertain nowadays .

  16. 第五章是从股东具体权利如表决权、股利分配请求权的行使基础进一步论证一般股东权利行使的基础在于股东资格的取得,而不是对公司的出资。

    Chapter Five discusses the basis for shareholders to exercise their specific rights such as voting right and right of dividends and concludes in the following that the foundation of shareholders ' rights is the acquisition of shareholders ' qualification but not the capital contribution to the company .

  17. 直到优帝时代,一般的契约权利让与才被正式认可。

    The general assignment of contractual rights was not formally recognized until the Justinian era .

  18. 在维护性租赁中,出租人保留拥有资产的一般风险和权利。

    In an operating lease the lessor retains the usual risks and rights of owning the asset .

  19. 将诉权理解为一般的法律权利,已不足以对我国公民的法律权利提供有效的保护。

    To regard litigious right as common legal right is not sufficient to provide effective protection for Chinese citizens ' legal right .

  20. 一般而言,权利的缔约自由往往与利益最大化实现的预期是一致的,但在某些特殊情形下,缔约自由可能要服从于其他因素的考量。

    In general , the freedom of contract often expected to achieve maximum benefit ; but in some exceptional circumstances , freedom of contract may be subject to consideration of other factors .

  21. 高校学生具有国家公民和受教育者的双重身份,既享有公民应享有的一般的法定权利,又享有受教育者应享有的特殊的法定权利。

    University students who have dual identities of the national citizen and the educatee , not only enjoy the general rights given to the citizens , but also the special rights given to the educatee .

  22. 票据利益返还请求权并非一般的民事权利,而是票据法上的非票据权利。

    The right to claim restitution interest for loss of the right to negotiable instruments is not the civil right in the usual sense , but a special civil right outside the rights on the instrument .

  23. 而另一方面,广播组织、电影和录音公司一般愿意自己进行权利清算。

    Broadcasters , film and recording companies , on the other hand , generally preferred to clear rights themselves .

  24. 法律意义上的权利和义务就是这种一般意义上的权利和义务在法律领域里的特殊化和具体化。

    The rights and duties in the legal sense are the specialty and specification of the ordinary rights and duties in the legal field .

  25. 十到十五年前,如果你问人们钻石是的用途,人们一般认为钻石是权利的象征。

    Ten or15 years ago , if you asked people what diamonds were for they would tell you they were used in power tools .

  26. 首先,由一般意义上的权利冲突概念演绎推理出商标权利冲突的概念。

    First of all , the author deduces the conception of the conflict of trademark rights from the general conception of the rights conflict .

  27. 但是,教育毕竟有它的特殊性,因此,也要避免把一般的政治哲学权利理论粗糙挪用到学生权利分析上来。

    But , education has its particularity after all , therefore , we must avoid analyzing the student rights roughly with the general theories of political philosophy .

  28. 29纳税人有按税法规定,向税务机关申请增值税一般纳税资格的权利。行市价格,一般价格

    Tax payers have the right to apply for entitlement of normal Value Added Tax ( hereafter as VAT ) payers in accordance with tax law . ruling price

  29. 为什么立宪者们狂热的支持财产权制度,却不肯给创造性财产与其他一般财产同样的权利?

    Why did the framers , fanatical property types that they were , reject the claim that creative property be given the same rights as all other property ?

  30. 根据税收契约,国王基于分封土地而获得取得一般财政收入的权利,而封臣也有义务提供上述税收。

    According to the taxation contract , kings owned the right of collecting the general tax based upon the subinfeudation while vassals also had the responsibility to hand in above tax .