
  • 网络the Uniform Commercial Code;ucc;united states uniform commercial code
  1. 承诺附加条件之比较研究&谈从《美国统一商法典》第2-207条到《国际货物销售合同公约》第19条发生的变异

    The Comparing Research of Additional Conditions of Acceptance & The variation from section 2-207 of Uniform Commercial Code , USA to section 19 of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

  2. 世界上很多国家都有信用证法律的成文法,如著名的《美国统一商法典》第5篇,就是关于信用证的商业成文法。

    In many other countries , there have proclaimed special laws on letter of credit , including the well-known Uniform Commercial Code in the United States , with its Article 5 on letter of credit .

  3. 《国际货物销售合同公约》、《美国统一商法典》及我国《合同法》都对货物风险转移和承担采取交付主义原则,国际贸易术语对于风险转移也有明确划分。

    About the risk transfer , there 's definite partition of the international trade terms .

  4. 本篇分两章分别论述美国统一商法典第九编的基本内容及其在世界各地的影响。

    The two chapters in this part respectively present the basic content of Article 9 and its influence in the world .

  5. 韩国海上保险人代位求偿权行使条件美国统一商法典&买卖编中的模糊限制语研究

    On legal requirements for subrogation by marine insurers under korean commercial code On Hedges in the Uniform Commercial Code - Sales

  6. 美国统一商法典&买卖编作为美国统一商法典的典型代表,不仅是美国国内从事经济贸易活动的法律保障,而且随着美国成为全球经济最发达的国家,已经产生了世界性的影响。

    The Uniform Commercial Code-Sales , are not only the legal protection for business in America , but also have world influences in international business communications .

  7. 最后,在中关两国担保法制的横向比较研究中,笔者发现,美国统一商法典担保交易制度发展过程中积累的许多经验对于如何完善我国的担保法制不无启示。

    Last , by comparing American security law with Chinese , the author found that we could get inspiration from American experience that was accumulated in the security legal history to develop the security law of ourselves .

  8. 本文分析所需的样本材料分别选自《美国统一商法典》(8篇共2035个分句)和小说《红色英雄勋章》(8章共2165个分句)。

    Eight extracts including 2035 clauses from " Uniform Commercial Code " ( UCC ) and 8 chapters including 2165 clauses from the novel " The Red Badge of Courage " are respectively selected as sample English texts .

  9. 同时,我国可借鉴《美国统一商法典》及《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,增加有关知识产权瑕疵担保责任类似的规定。

    At the same time , China can learn from " the United States Uniform Commercial Code " and " United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ", to increase the responsibility of intellectual property rights Warranty similar provisions .

  10. 我国大额电子资金划拨立法应该借鉴美国《统一商法典》第4A编和《国际贷记划拨示范法》的做法,明确系统规则的法律地位。

    The legislation of large-value electronic funds transfer in our country should learn from Uniform Commercial Code Article 4A and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers and clarify the legal status of system rules .

  11. 作为世界上调整大额电子资金划拨最完善的法律,美国《统一商法典》第4A编创设了支付命令和安全程序等全新的概念与规则。

    As the most advanced law regulating large value electronic fund transfer , Article 4A of Uniform Commercial Code creates some new concepts and norms , say , " payment order ", " security procedure " .

  12. 试析美国《统一商法典》中信用证的法律适用

    Analyzing the Choice of Law in America 's Uniform Commercial Code

  13. 论商法的统一美国《统一商法典》(货物买卖篇)评析

    A Review of Article Two of the United States Uniform Commercial Code

  14. 通过详细考察美国《统一商法典第五-信用证》的成文法规定,介绍信用证欺诈例外原则的发展。

    Section 2 : Introduction to the basic theories of principle of fraud exception .

  15. 美国《统一商法典》买卖篇2003年修正研究

    A Studying of the Business Part of American Uniform Commercial Code Revised in 2003

  16. 从语篇类型看,促销信和美国《统一商法典》属于不同类型的语篇,有不同的指向性。

    Sales promotion letters and Uniform Commercial Code belong to different types of discourses and their orientations are very different .

  17. 我国《合同法》与美国《统一商法典》对附条件承诺在合同订立中的效力有不同的规定。

    The enclosing terms of conditional acceptance validity of contracting in our ~ country 's Contract Law is different from that in US Uniform Commercial Code .

  18. 但由于存在着明显的缺陷,后被美国《统一商法典》和《第二次合同法重述》所放弃。

    But due to its inherent shortcoming and weakness , the theory was discarded in the Uniform Commercial Code and the Restatement ( Second ) of Contracts .

  19. 经过修正,美国《统一商法典》买卖篇适应了世界电子商务发展的要求,对其它国家的电子商务立法有重要的指导意义。

    By revising , the business part of Uniform Commercial Code accommodated the development of electronic business affairs in the world , and it can guide the lawmaking of electronic business affairs of other country .

  20. 在大陆法系被称为所有权保留买卖的交易形式在美国《统一商法典》中却称为购买价金担保交易,究其原因,在于所持理念的不同。

    It is called reservation of ownership in civil law , but it is called purchase money security transaction in the United States Uniform Commercial Code . The reason is that they hold different concept .

  21. 此后,美国《统一商法典》也对浮动抵押制度作出了规定,但其在浮动抵押的创设以及可以设定浮动抵押的财产范围方面都与英国法有较大差别。

    Then America also set up the system of floating charge in its Uniform Commercial Code . But it is very different form the British laws about the set of floating charge and the range of the property that can be set the floating charge on .

  22. 在英国登记的效力为推定知悉,在美国由于《统一商法典》对担保权益的优先顺序有明确的规定,登记的公示效力有较好的体现。

    The effectiveness of the registration in the United Kingdom is " aware of the presumption ", because of " Uniform Commercial Code ", at the United States , the priority of security interests have specific requirements .

  23. 美国率先在美国《统一商法典》中规定了信用证欺诈例外原则的豁免,英国也通过一系列的判例对信用证欺诈例外的豁免给以肯定。

    USA is the leader of regulating the exemption of fraud exception rule , and UK also confirm it by a series of cases .

  24. 在美国,有关艺术品所有权的问题,美国的统一商法典有相当的适用空间。

    In the USA , the Uniform Commercial Code can be applied in the issues relating to the title in art trade .

  25. 美国关于中途停运权的法律规定于《美国统一商法典》,该法典规定当买方无力支付以及有其他违约情事发生时,卖方可以依法行使他对货物的中途停运权。

    The express law in American concerning the provisions of stoppage in transit is Uniform Commercial Code . The Code endows the seller with the right of stoppage in transit to the goods .

  26. 2003年5月美国法学会和统一州法全国委员会通过了美国《统一商法典》买卖篇(第二篇)修正案。

    In May 2003 , American Law Institute and National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws pass the revised draft of business part of Uniform Commercial Code .

  27. 而英美法系选取英国与美国作为代表,美国没有独立的票据法,其有关票据的内容均规定在《美国统一商法典》第3编中。

    British and the United States were selected as the representative of the British and US law system . The United States had no independent Law of Bills . The contents of the bills are provisions in the " American Uniform Commercial Code " & the third edition .