
  • 网络government bond;us government securities;treasury securities
  1. 投资者纷纷寻求美国政府债券的相对安全性。

    Investors sought the comparative safety of United States government bonds .

  2. 这种特权的主要受益人是美国政府债券和美元。

    The main beneficiaries of the privilege are US government bonds and the dollar .

  3. 有利息的美国政府债券,也广泛使用。

    Interest-bearing U.S.government savings bonds are also available and widely used .

  4. 央行至今仍百无聊赖地保有着大量的美国政府债券。

    It keeps a big chunk of its reserves in boring American government securities .

  5. 这笔资金可以投资于美国政府债券或免税的市政债券。

    The funds can be invested in United States government bonds or tax-exempt municipal bonds .

  6. 减持反映出基金管理者对美国政府债券的看法发生重大改变。

    The sell-off reflects a big change in the way fund managers view US government debt .

  7. 据惠誉的研究,有930百亿美元,美国政府债券市场比别的国家都大。

    At $ 9.3 trillion , the U.S.government bond market is massive compared with those of other countries .

  8. 不包括社保基金,公众持有的美国政府债券总额约为5.5万亿美元。

    Government debt held by the public , excluding obligations to Social Security , totals about $ 5.5 trillion .

  9. 债券市场的另一个影响因素是,境外国家购买美国政府债券的意愿。

    Another influence on the bond market is the willingness of the foreign countries to buy US government debt .

  10. 通过购买美国政府债券而筹资支持对美国的出口,中国正是这样做的。

    After all , that is what China was doing when it was financing its exports to America by buying US government bonds .

  11. 美元非但没有暴跌,反而走强;美国政府债券的利率非但没有大幅上升,反而下滑。

    Rather than collapsing , the dollar has strengthened . Rather than rising sharply , interest rates on US government debt have fallen .

  12. 然而,扩大对美国政府债券的充足需求的蓝图早已存在,随着选择余地变窄,这张蓝图本身也产生了不可避免的意味。

    Yet a blueprint for increasing adequate demand for US government debt has long been available , producing its own air of inevitability as alternatives narrow .

  13. 因此,尽管北京方面确实将减少美国政府债券的购买量,但华盛顿方面也确实将减少美国政府债券的供应量。

    So it is true that Beijing would be buying fewer US government bonds , but it is also true that Washington would be selling fewer .

  14. 投资者对新兴市场日益增长的信心同样也反映在新兴市场债券和美国政府债券迅速减小的利差上。

    Increased investor confidence in emerging markets is also reflected in the sharply reduced spread in interest margins between emerging market bonds and those of US government bonds .

  15. 格林斯潘说,外国投资者对美国政府债券的购买欲望不是无限的,而最近长期债券利率的上升“可能是市场担心的信号”。

    Mr Greenspan said foreign investor appetite for US government debt was not unlimited , and the recent rise in long term interest rates " may be signalling market concerns " .

  16. 无论如何,世界上唯一一个具有足够的规模和深度吸纳这些资金的市场正是美国政府债券市场。

    And the only market in the world that has the size and depth to handle that kind of money is , for better or worse , the U.S. government debt market .

  17. 由于对议员们在接下来几天控制赤字和提高联邦债务上限失败的担心与日俱增,投资者都在寻觅美国政府债券的替代品。

    Investors are seeking alternatives to United States Treasury bonds as worries escalate that lawmakers will fail to rein in the deficit and raise the federal debt limit in the coming days .

  18. 信用评级机构发现的第二个风险是:如今几乎半数的美国政府债券都由外国投资者持有,而上述未来的负债让这一风险变得明显。

    These future liabilities also make more palpable the second risk identified by the rating agencies : the fact that almost half of all Treasury securities are now in the hands of foreigners .

  19. 货币市场投资者正在成为最新上演的全球金融剧的推动者,他们避开商业票据,大举涌入短期美国政府债券,搅乱了信贷市场,令借贷企业受害。

    Money market investors are emerging as drivers of the latest global financial drama , roiling credit markets and hurting corporate borrowers by shunning commercial paper and piling into short-term US government debt .

  20. 由于投资者寻求更为安全的短期美国政府债券,同时美国政府官员在竭力克服来自国会和其它方面关于纾困方案越来越多的阻碍,银行同业拆借利率急剧上升。

    The rates that banks charge each other soared as investors sought the safety of short-dated US government debt and US officials struggled to address mounting objections to the rescue plan in Congress and beyond .

  21. 在将美国政府相关债券的持有比重削减至零之后,totalreturn持有的资产主要是美国抵押贷款、企业债券、高息及新兴市场债券。

    After slashing its government related holdings to zero , the total return funds assets are primarily in US mortgages , corporate bonds , high yield and emerging market debt .

  22. 外国投资者同时还增持美国政府机构债券和企业债券。

    Foreign investors also added to their holdings of US government agency bonds and corporate debt .

  23. 另一个对债券市场有影响的是有其他国家愿意购买美国政府的债券。

    Another influence on the bond market is the willingness of foreign countries to buy United States government debt .

  24. 标准人寿投资的投资主管理查德巴蒂(RichardBatty)表示:在美国和英国政府债券市场上,风险已显著增加。

    Richard Batty , investment director at Standard Life Investments , said : The risks have heightened sharply in the US and UK government bond markets .

  25. 投资者出于焦虑,不加区分地抛售风险较大的资产,买进被认为安全的美国及德国政府债券等避险品种。

    Investors showed their anxiety by indiscriminately selling riskier assets and moving into perceived havens such as us and German government debt .

  26. 这一做法让市场产生了“记忆”,市场开始认为美元信用是“可置信”的,于是市场资金开始扑向美国政府信用的债券,并拉升美元指数。

    This move awaked the market and US dollars were then thought to be " credible " . So capitals on the market began to swarm into US government for its bond , bringing about the rise of USDX .

  27. 面对股市的下跌,美国和欧洲的政府债券市场上涨。

    US and European government bond markets rallied in the face of the equity sell-off .

  28. 股票市场正在进行的风险规避活动使美国及欧洲的政府债券获益。

    The ongoing risk aversion in equity markets has benefited US and European government bonds .

  29. 已发行的美国长期可流通政府债券中,至少一半为各国政府持有。

    The official sector holds at least half of all long-term US marketable government securities outstanding .

  30. 他说,日本各银行所持的美国政府支持企业的债券违约风险极小。

    The default risk of the GSE bonds that Japanese banks owned was extremely small , he said .