
  1. 美联储的基准利率或者影响银行短期贷款的利率,自金融危机以来在近期又创新低。

    The Fed 's benchmark rate , or the rate it charges banks on short-term loans , has been near record lows since the end of the financial crisis .

  2. 欧洲央行把对商业银行短期贷款的利率从0.15%下调到0.05%,对于银行在央行存放资金的收费也从0.1%提高到0.2%。

    The rate at which the E.C.B. issues short-term loans to banks fell to 0.05 percent from 0.15 percent . The central bank also increased the fee it imposes on banks to store money at the E.C.B. , to 0.2 percent from 0.1 percent .

  3. 在找到其它资金来源之前,我们打算先向银行申请短期贷款。

    We are going to request a short-term accommodation from the bank until we can find other funds .

  4. 我们准备向银行请求短期贷款以支付这些款项,直到找到其他资金。

    We 're going to request a short-term accommodation from the bank to cover these payments until we can find other funds .

  5. 下周位于华盛顿的美国联邦储备局有望在银行间削减短期贷款的目标利率。

    Next week , the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between banks .

  6. 银行间短期同业贷款利率有所下降,预示着银行也许更愿意出借资金。

    Interest rates for short-term loans between banks fell , in a sign that banks may be more willing to lend .

  7. 这种现象的存在也就使得短期融资券在对商业银行的中短期贷款具有替代作用的同时,对商业银行的长期贷款形成了替代作用。

    The existence of this phenomenon makes short-term financing bills in the short-term loans to commercial banks with an alternative role , and also forms a substitution for long-term loans .

  8. 银行对短期和长期贷款采用完全不同的处理方式。

    The short-term and long-term loan are handled very different by the bank .

  9. 银行对长期与短期贷款的处理很不相同。

    The short-term and long-term loan are handled very differently by the bank .

  10. 其构想是刺激银行发放更短期的贷款,以刺激经济增长。

    The idea is to stimulate the economy by giving banks more incentive to offer shorter-term loans .

  11. 这项由国际结算银行安排的短期过渡贷款,显示各央行对泰国国家中央银行的支持。

    The short-term bis bridging facility is a demonstration of the support from the international central bank community for the Bank of thailand .

  12. 这意味着资金已停止在金融体系内流转,银行也过于依赖短期贷款,而这类贷款对于偿还即将到期的债务几乎于事无补。

    That means that cash isn 't being circulated through the financial system and banks are relying too heavily on short-term loans , which does little to help pay off looming debts .

  13. 国际清算银行曾多次向一些国家的中央银行提供短期贷款,帮助后者解决国际收支失衡。

    The BIS extends short-term credits to central banks of some countries , helping these countries to solve the disequilibrium of balance of payment .

  14. 这种失衡状况加重了本已面临融资麻烦的欧洲银行的压力,fed最终不得不再次出马,为公司和银行直接提供短期贷款。

    The imbalance squeezed European banks already having trouble funding themselves , and the Fed ultimately had to step in again to offer short-term loans directly to companies and banks .

  15. 通常使用的一种方式是:银行通过信托向企业发放贷款,然后将该信托资产用作抵押从另外一家银行获得短期贷款。

    A often-used method has been for a bank to make a loan to a company through a trust and then use the trust asset as collateral for a short-term loan from another bank .

  16. 企业短期融资券在优化商业银行资产结构、促进盈利模式的调整、提高银行资产管理能力和经营效率的同时,对商业银行短期贷款产生替代效应,增大银行经营风险。

    Short-term financing bills market will help commercial banks improve asset structure and management , accelerate the upgrading of business models . At the same time short-term financing bills market has negative impacts on commercial banks , such as the substitution effect and possible increase of operation risk .