- 名bank reserve

These could include increasing bank reserve requirements .
And the Fed was signalling from late 1936 that it would put an end to abnormal monetary ease by raising bank reserve requirements .
Second , the Federal Reserve is boosting the money supply by creating commercial bank reserves , the modern day equivalent of printing money .
Similarly this financial turmoil in the US shows that if one allows under provisioning by banks , does not prevent fraud , and institutionalises useless AAA ratings , bad things happen .
The purpose would be to moderate excessive lending , and build up bank reserves during boom times .
Besides the cut , the central bank also slashed the bank reserve requirement ratio in February and April .
Even though inflation is now coming down , most economists believe further tightening of monetary policy and banking reserve ratios lies ahead .
Since January 2010 , the required reserve ratio and benchmark deposit and lending rates have been raised 12 times and four times respectively .
And after repeatedly ratcheting up banks ' reserve requirements to reach 15 per cent , they have the scope to introduce a looser credit regime .
They can continue to cut interest rates and bank reserve requirements in a bid to stimulate bank lending and keep the economy growing fairly strongly .
That would mean some combination of higher interest rates , increased reserve requirements for banks , a significantly lower quota for lending and currency appreciation .
Although economic weakness and excess capacity are keeping current inflation low , the explosive rise of bank reserves created by Fed policy provides fuel for future inflation .
And reserves are an attractive vehicle for that : they are one of the world 's few remaining risk-free assets , and at0.25 % , they pay more than Treasury bills .
Mr derrick says the multiple raising of reserve requirements and appreciation of the renminbi are making themselves felt , with the latest figures showing inflationary pressures are declining somewhat in China .
To meet that target , it has raised interest rates three times and banks'reserve requirements five times since October , while also using a series of direct controls to cap price rises .
China last week signalled a shift into tightening mode , but monetary policy steps , such as hiking banks ' reserve requirements and interest rates , have so far had little impact .
By issuing bonds and lifting bank reserve requirements , the authorities have so far managed to prevent the inflows from causing money supply to grow too sharply , which would boost inflation .
So far , only Australia , Malaysia and Vietnam have raised interest rates since the crisis , with the Chinese and Indian central banks relying on raising bank reserves requirements to tighten policy .
And while inflows are relatively easy to manage through conventional policy tools such as open market operations or changes to the reserve requirement ratio , sudden outflows would be more problematic , Mr Kurtz said .
But now the large US fiscal deficits are being accompanied by rapid increases in the money supply and by even more ominous increases in commercial bank reserves that could later be converted into faster money growth .
Because the electronic money can reduce the cashes in circulation , so under the condition that the bank 's total quantity of law reserve not change , the basic money will reduce and the money multiplier will expand .
The Fed now has a greater control over the reserve choices of banks because it can raise the return on reserves relative to banks ' lending opportunities , and thereby better manage credit and money growth in a recovery .
Even so , knowing that prices can be wrong suggests that governments could usefully adopt automatic stabilising activity , such as linking the down-payment for mortgages to a measure of real estate frothiness or ensuring that bank reserve requirements are set dynamically according to market conditions .
China has , in turn , heavily criticised the new round of quantitative easing by the US Federal Reserve and announced on Wednesday it was raising bank reserve requirements by 0.5 percentage points , amid concerns about rising inflation .
For example , while the various Basel accords have brought a measure of uniformity to bank reserve requirements , in other key areas , nations continue to go their own ways .
The People 's Bank of China may have renewed interest in the market this week by cutting the amount of reserves banks must hold , which should free up liquidity .
Indeed last week the central bank cut the banking reserve requirement by 100 basis points , the largest single reduction since 2008 . But the slowdown in growth is ingrained , and no material change in this trajectory is likely in the rest of the year .
The People 's Bank of China 's recent cut to commercial banks " reserve requirement ratio took place during the March survey period , and MNI says this was partly reflected in the results , with the cost of credit measure edging lower from February .
Taxing bank reserves could encourage greater lending , although not necessarily .
These policies include reducing bank deposit reserve rate .