
yín bái yánɡ
  • white poplar
银白杨 [yín bái yáng]
  • [white poplar] 一种落叶乔木,树皮灰白色,叶互生,卵形,掌状分裂,叶背有白绒毛。木材白色,质地细致,供建筑、造船、造纸、制牙签和火柴用

  1. 银白杨皮部的IAA/ABA比值和玉米素含量高,潜伏根原基有迅速恢复生长的条件,能自发生根成活。

    The high IAA / ABA ratio and zeatin content in bark of P.alba allowed the latent root primodia to resume their growth , and the cuttings could root and survive spontaneously .

  2. 采用400或600万单位/L的青霉素无菌水溶液处理细菌污染苗,分别浸泡60min或40min.可有效控制银白杨组织培养细菌污染。幼苗生长和产量的影响。

    Using sterile aqueous solution of penicillin with 4 or 9 million units per liter and per hour to deal with polluted seedlings can effectively control the pollution of tissue culture for Populus alba .

  3. 银白杨遗传转化中抗生素浓度优化的研究。

    Optimization of antibiotic concentration in genetic transformation of Populus alba .

  4. 银白杨叶片不定芽再生影响因素的研究北美一球悬铃木高效遗传转化体系的建立

    Establishment of High Frequency Regeneration System of Adventitious Bud of Platanus occidentalis Linn

  5. 结果显示:影响银白杨植株再生的最主要因素是激素浓度和类型,其次是培养基种类和外植体类型;

    The results show that the main factors affecting the efficiencies of regeneration system are hormone concentration and types as well as culture medium kinds and explants types .

  6. 采用了保水剂拌土+生根粉、保水剂拌土、生根粉蘸根、覆膜、覆秸秆、覆石头和覆膜+保水剂拌土七种造林技术措施,试验树种为银白杨。

    Seven different treatment measures are taken , aquasorb mix soil + rooting powder , aquasorb mix soil , rooting powder dipping the root , film mulching , straw mulching , pebble mulching , film mulching + aquasorb mix soil , and the test tree planting is populus alba .