
yín xìnɡ shù
  • ginkgo tree;gingko tree;maidenhair-tree
  1. 你看,这株银杏树的周围簇拥着许多小银杏树。

    You see , this gingko tree is embraced by many smaller gingko trees .

  2. 我还是头一次看到这么大的银杏树。

    This is the first time I 've seen such a huge gingko tree .

  3. 高大的银杏树构成建筑物生动的入口,在低矮的石墙后面的开花乔木和云南黄馨围绕在建筑的VIP停车场和入口区域。

    Tall ginkgo trees frame the building 's dramatic entry and flowering trees and cascading jasmine behind low stone walls enclose the building 's VIP parking and entry court .

  4. 世界上最古老的树种是中国的银杏树。

    The oldest tree in the world is China 's gingko .

  5. 安徽古银杏树资源的调查

    Investigation on Resources of Old Ginkgo tree in Anhui Province

  6. 韩佳,你又把银杏树给拟人化了。

    Han Jia , you are personifying these gingko trees .

  7. 断根处理对银杏树体水力特征及生长的影响

    Effects of root-excision on trunk hydraulic traits and growth status of Ginkgo biloba

  8. 几个世纪以来,中国人一直在银杏树上提取药材。

    For centuries , the Chinese have derived medicines from the ginkgo tree .

  9. 银杏树在园林绿化中的重要地位及应用

    Ginkgo Tree " Its Importance in Gardening and Its Application to Afforesting "

  10. 银杏树可是宝树。

    The ginkgo is a tree of treasures .

  11. 银杏树是祖父江有代表性的树。

    Ginkgo is a representative tree of sobue .

  12. 三千多年的银杏树依然枝繁叶茂。

    This more-than-3,000-year-old gingko still has luxuriant foliage .

  13. 银杏树的审美价值与精神

    Aesthetic and moral values of Ginkgo biloba

  14. 那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。

    The street is overarched by ginkgoes .

  15. 时装月已经成为一种文化现象,像银杏树一样遍及全球。

    Fashion month has become a cultural phenomenon as globally pervasive as the ginkgo tree .

  16. 银杏树乳

    Milk of Ginkgo biloba

  17. 断根处理对银杏树体生长、养分吸收及根系再生的影响

    Effects on the tree growth , nutrient absorption and the root regeneration of Ginkgo by cutting lateral root

  18. 而且我知道银杏树的果实、树叶、树皮都是珍贵的药材。

    And I also know that the tree 's fruit , leaves and bark are all valuable medicinal materials .

  19. 化肥对幼龄银杏树生长和叶片黄酮含量影响的分析

    The Analysis of the influences of Chemical Fertilizer on the Growth of Young Ginkgo Tree and Its Leaf Flavone

  20. 今天,我们又去了一趟三里河看银杏树,现在大部分树叶都黄了。

    Today , we went there again , most of the leaves were yellow , some of them were green .

  21. 我的家乡有着植物的“大熊猫”美誉的“活化石”&银杏树。

    My hometown has a plant of " panda " reputation as the " living fossil " - ginkgo tree .

  22. 区分雌雄银杏树的方法就是雌树结果,雄树不结果。

    The method of telling a female from a male ginkgo tree is that females bear fruit and males don 't.

  23. 我们沿着一排美丽的网格状建筑前行,拐进了一条狭窄的街道,两旁种满了金黄色的银杏树。

    We walked along the row of beautiful latticed buildings andturned down a narrow street lined with yellowing gingko trees .

  24. 与该省其他地区的银杏树相比,顺德银杏物候期包括萌芽、开花和种子成熟等各主要时期均较迟。

    Its phenology including sprouting date , bloom date and seed ripen date is later than that in other area of Guangdong Province .

  25. 银杏树是我国特有的植物之一,因其特有的有益成分,而被广泛的用于医疗,保健,饲料等。

    Ginkgo is one of the specific plants in China . Because of its special beneficial ingredient , ginkgo is widely used in medical treatments , health care and forage .

  26. 恐龙的灭绝作为银杏树种子传播的潜在媒介,有可能对这类植物的衰落产生了影响,这种推测与化石记录一致。

    The extinction of the dinosaurs as potential seed dispersers of the tree 's large seeds may also have influenced this decline , which is in line with the fossil records .

  27. 深秋的电子科技大学,在一片片银杏树的金色落叶里,校园风景格外美丽。

    PS : In the deep fall , the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China was was extraordinarily beautiful , with the great golden leaves flaked down from Ginkgo trees .

  28. 上海长青岛动工修路,从田地经过里面有银杏树及蔬菜问下商业价值和动迁价值是怎么算的,大体可以补偿多少?

    Shanghai Long Qingdao begins construction long road , how do from inside cropland course ginkgo tree and vegetable ask next commerce value and resettlement value calculate , how much can cardinal principle compensate ?

  29. 记的小时候,我经常去那里玩,那时我还小,以为这是很多见的、我早以司空见惯的银杏树,没有什么奇怪的,于是我就摘银杏叶,把它当作我的玩具。

    Remember a child , I often go there to play , I was still small , thought it was a lot to see , as I have in common the ginkgo tree , there is nothing strange , so I picked Ginkgo biloba on it as my toy .

  30. 银杏雌树成熟叶cDNA文库的构建

    Construction of cDNA Library by Mature Foliage from Female Tree of Ginkgo biloba