
yín lóu
  • silverware shop;jeweler's shop
银楼 [yín lóu]
  • [silvreware shop] 旧时生产金银首饰器皿并从事交易的商店

银楼[yín lóu]
  1. 本银楼优惠价供应金银珠宝。

    Our jewelry shop provides gold , silver and jewelry at favoraBle prices .

  2. 但愿看到本简章的同学都能成为未来金行银楼中的老板。

    We hope that students who have seen the page will become the bosses of gold line in the future .

  3. 窃贼也在过去2个月内杀害3名珠宝商,因为他们试图阻止窃贼打劫银楼。

    Thieves have also killed three jewellers in the last two months when they tried to stop them from looting their shops .

  4. 随着上海经济发展的不断变化,逐渐有新的商区出现,银楼店铺也会跟随着新的商业街区扩大经营区域的范围。

    As the development of Shanghai economy , there are more and more new commercial districts , the jewelry shops will extant its business scale with the development of the commercial districts .