
  • 网络The ancient ginkgo;ancient gingkos
  1. 西峡县古银杏种群结构比较完备,雄株数量较多。

    The ancient Ginkgo population in Xixia county is integrated and there are many male trees in it .

  2. 古银杏种质遗传关系及特异种质的AFLP分析

    AFLP analysis in genetic relationship and specific Germplasms of Ancient Ginkgo biloba germplasms

  3. 分别依据古银杏叶片样品的RAPD和ISSR标记数据,进行了群体和单株聚类分析。

    According to the data of RAPD and ISSR molecular markers of the leaf samples , UPGMA cluster was made at population level and individual level .

  4. 安徽古银杏树资源的调查

    Investigation on Resources of Old Ginkgo tree in Anhui Province

  5. 巴东古银杏资源研究

    Research on Ancient Ginkgo Biloba Tree Resource in Badong County

  6. 调查研究结果表明:调查地区内至今还存在着一个树龄极大已处于濒死木阶段的古银杏群体。

    Investigation shows that there are dying ancient ginkgo populations in these areas .

  7. 利用幼龄根用砧群抢救濒危古银杏研究

    Saving dying old ginkgo trees by using a group of young root stocks

  8. 人文艺术馆位于古镇入口处,东邻两棵470年树龄的古银杏。

    The site , located at the entry of the old town , faces two470-year-old ginkgo trees .

  9. 务川县野银杏&贵州古银杏种质资源考察资料Ⅶ

    INVESTIGATION OF WILD GINKGO BILOBA IN WUCHUAN COUNTY OF GUIZHOU , CHINA & Guizhou Ancient Ginkgo Biloba Germplasm resources investigation - ⅶ

  10. 井边有两株古银杏,主干挺秀、枝叶繁茂,当地人说这是李白亲手栽种的。

    Towering over the well are two ancient gingko trees standing tall and erect with luxuriant foliage . These , the local people say , were planted by Li Bai himself .

  11. 愈合成活率好的这两种根用砧银杏幼树根系能够替代被拯救古银杏树的死亡根系吸收养分和水分,从而使濒危古银杏树恢复生机。

    The roots of healing and surviving rootstocks could substitute for the dead roots of old ginkgo trees to absorb nutrients and water and so the dying old trees regain vigor .

  12. 通过调查,嘉兴市共有古树名木373株,分属29科47种,以樟科最多,依次为银杏科、榆科、木樨科,其中树龄最长的树龄最长的为1490余年的古银杏。

    Investigation on ancient trees in Jiaxing , Zhejiang province demonstrated that there are 373 ancient trees belonging to 47 species of 29 families , among which Lauraceae has the most , then Ginkgoaceae , Ulmaceae and Olea - ceae .

  13. 古侧柏与行道树银杏立地土壤微生物及作用强度研究那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。

    Edaphon and Function Intensity of Ancient Platycladus Orientalis and Roadside Trees Gingko Biloba Setting up in the Soil Research The street is overarched by ginkgoes .