
gǔ wán
  • antique;curio
古玩 [gǔ wán]
  • [curio,antique] 可供玩赏的古董器物

  • 古玩收藏家

  • 若到人家里,见了那好古玩好器皿,琴棋书画,教那伴当们借将来。--《元曲选.武汉臣.生金阁.楔子》

古玩[gǔ wán]
  1. 他在拍卖行、古玩店和跳蚤市场中寻宝。

    He finds material at auctions , antique shops and flea markets .

  2. 我对于这种古玩物件一无所知。

    I don 't know anything about this antique stuff

  3. 维多利亚时代的雕花玻璃器皿或许是古玩玻璃器皿市场上价值被低估得最严重的一个品种。

    Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market .

  4. 欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店。

    Osage Beach has shopping centers , factory outlet stores , and small shops with country crafts and antiques .

  5. 你买那些古玩得花大钱。

    You 'll have to pay through the nose for those curios .

  6. 他是一个享有盛名的古玩收藏家。

    He enjoyed a great reputation as an antiquarian .

  7. 这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品。

    This carved chest is a genuine antique .

  8. 我在一家古玩店的橱窗里看见了这个花瓶。

    I saw the vase in the window of an antique shop .

  9. 你在你书房里聚藏了多少古玩?

    How many curios do you hoard in your study ?

  10. 他喜欢收藏古董古玩,无论价格多么昂贵,都要买下来。

    He was so fond of collecting them that he would buy them nomatter how costly2 they were .

  11. 马萨诸塞州桑德维奇的莱塞伍德古玩馆有花朵装饰的德国尖角字体证书(5800美元两份)。它们最初属于伊迪丝·格莱格尔·哈尔珀特,后来又属于安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)。

    Leatherwood Antiques from Sandwich , Mass . , has floral certificates ( $ 5800 for a pair ) that belonged to Edith Gregor Halpert and then Andy Warhol .

  12. 杰梅恩上学时曾参加棒球队除了姐姐,杰米恩还经常与基尼·柏林格(GinnyBerliner)联络。柏林格是位64岁的老太太,曾在罗伯逊大街开过古玩店,那时两人成了朋友。

    In addition to his sister , Mr. Jermyn speaks regularly with Ginny Berliner , a 64-year-old woman who befriended him when she owned an antique shop on Robertson .

  13. 一男子从一古玩店里买了一座大摆钟。

    A man bought a grandfather clock from an antique shop .

  14. 古玩是古代的手工艺品。

    Antiques are arts and crafts made in the ancient time .

  15. 对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。

    I am sorry the export of these curios are prohibit .

  16. 在伯蒙德西古玩市场有适合每个人的东西。

    There 's something for everyone at the Bermondsey Antique Market .

  17. 在度假期间,我们无意中发现一间有趣的古玩店。

    On our holidays we chanced upon an interesting antique store .

  18. 我在那古玩店里意外地发现了这张老版画。

    I ran upon this old print in the antique shop .

  19. 一位专家来对我的古玩作了估价。

    An expert came to appraise the value of my antiques .

  20. 古玩又称古董,包罗万像,五花八门。

    Curios also are called antiques , are various and complicated .

  21. 如今我们那仙子般的装饰家为秋天他把古玩店扮靓;

    And now our fairy decorator brightens his shop for fall ;

  22. 城南古玩市场与北京文化中心

    The Antique Market in South Beijing and the Cultural City

  23. 完善和发展中国古玩市场的对策研究

    A Research on Improvement and Development of Chinese Antique Market

  24. 酒店的大堂很高,装饰着旧时精美的古玩。

    The lobby is tall , decorated with fine antiques from yesteryear .

  25. 解读《老古玩店》中的回归主题

    Interpreting the Theme of Reclamation in the Old Curiosity Shop

  26. 我经常去这些古玩小商店找些便宜货。

    I always look out for bargains in these small antique shops .

  27. 杯子,天然石料(非宝石)制(不包括古玩)

    Cup of natural stone ( non-precious )( excl. antiques )

  28. 古玩的买卖是受市场规则的支配的。

    Antique buying and selling is played by bazaar rules .

  29. 旧家具、屏风、古玩精品。

    Old Furniture , Screen , Antique & Fine Arts .

  30. 你这儿有这么多古玩和中国画。

    You have so many antiques and Chinese paintings here .