
  1. 外汇占款与我国银行体系流动性过剩分析

    Position for Forex Purchase and Excess Liquidity of Chinese Banking System

  2. 二是大频度降息和增加银行体系流动性。

    Second , frequently cut the interest and increase the liquidity of banking system .

  3. 该部分内容还对准备金变动如何影响银行体系流动性的作用机理进行了概括。

    This part also summarizes on how reserve changes affect the liquidity in the banking system .

  4. 积极运用各种货币政策工具保持银行体系流动性充足。

    A wide range of monetary policy tools will be employed to maintain sufficient liquidity of the banking system .

  5. 金融体系稳健运行,银行体系流动性和信贷资产质量保持在较好水平。

    The financial system functioned well and the banking system kept its liquidity and credit asset quality at a healthy level .

  6. 我们还大幅度降息和增加银行体系流动性,出台了一系列金融措施。

    We have also cut interest rates by a large margin , increased liquidity in the banking system and adopted a range of financial measures .

  7. 我们必须使用货币政策工具的范围,适当控制货币信贷总量,有效地解决银行体系流动性过剩的问题。

    We must employ a full range of monetary policy tools to appropriately control the supply of money and credit and effectively address the problem of excess liquidity in the banking system .

  8. 本文通过分析,探究银行体系流动性过剩背景下银行信贷的过度支持与房地产泡沫之间以及房地产泡沫和房地产金融风险之间的深层次关系。

    This paper explores deep-rooted relations between excess liquidity of the banking system and the real estate bubble , and explores deep-rooted relations between the real estate bubble and financial risks of the real estate .

  9. 在此基础上,文章通过四个比较有代表性的金融创新:短期融资券、央行票据、资产证券化、理财业务,具体分析其对银行体系流动性的影响。

    Based on the research of 4 representative finance innovations such as short-term financing bills , central bank bill , asset securitization , financing business , we can see financial innovation influence bank liquidity in two ways .

  10. 截止到2008年底,央行已经25次调节存款准备金率,银行体系流动性过剩的现象有所缓解,一些中小银行甚至出现资金不足的情况。

    By the end of 2008 , the central bank has adjust the deposit-reserve ratio 25 times , the phenomenon of excessive liquidity of banking system has eased , and a number of small and medium-sized banks even have been run out of cash in a tight situation .

  11. 它加强了支持盯住美元的货币局(currencyboard)制度,增加了银行体系的流动性,严格了股市规则。

    It beefed up the currency board backing the peg to the US dollar , increased liquidity in the banking system and tightened stock market rules .

  12. 尽管随着投资者欢迎欧洲央行(ECB)向欧洲银行体系注入流动性,今年一季度市场显著复苏,但除了美国外,其他国家的经济增长和就业前景都变得更加不确定了。

    Although markets recovered significantly in the first quarter of the year as investors welcomed the European Central Bank 's injection of liquidity into the eurozone 's banks , the outlook for growth and jobs has become more precarious almost everywhere except in the US .

  13. 论银行体系的流动性过剩

    On the Liquidity Surplus in China 's Banking Sector

  14. 发现系统性风险、并准备好一系列适宜的工具,以便迅速地为银行体系注入流动性,应该作为要务。

    It should be a priority to identify systemic risks and make ready a battery of Prudential instruments to provide liquidity to the banking system quickly .

  15. 最初建立存款准备金制度的目的是为了确保银行体系的流动性,为存款机构提供支付和清算保证,保护居民存款安全,保证银行不会因大规模挤兑而倒闭。

    The establishment of the deposit reserve system is designed to ensure the liquidity of the banking system for deposit-taking institutions and ensure banks will not large-scale collapse .

  16. 中国央行昨日表示,将“保持银行体系的流动性充裕,保证货币信贷总量满足经济发展需要”。

    The central bank said yesterday it would " maintain liquidity in the banking system , and ensure that monetary supply is sufficient to meet the needs of economic development " .

  17. 昨日,土耳其央行以10%的新基准利率向银行体系注入流动性,但令参与者吃惊的是,央行接受了所有订单,而不是像其他时候那样仅接受大约三分之一的订单。

    Yesterday , the central bank provided liquidity to banks at its new 10 per cent benchmark rate but surprised participants by fulfilling all orders , rather than only about a third as it has done on other occasions .

  18. 与美联储不同的是,欧洲央行不是通过买入高风险证券来扩大资产负债表,而是在向银行体系提供流动性的过程中,允许使用更多种类的证券作为抵押物。

    Unlike the Fed , the ECB is not buying up dodgy securities to boost the balance sheet , but it allows a larger group of securities to serve as collateral against which it provides the banking system with liquidity .

  19. 此举旨在减少银行体系中的流动性,遏制通胀,近几个月来,中国通胀居高不下。

    The increase is designed to reduce liquidity in the system and curb inflation , which has remained stubbornly high in recent months .

  20. 印度已开始采取初步行动,抽离银行体系内的流动性,周二,该国央行要求本土银行提高准备金率,为明年初的加息扫清道路。

    India on Tuesday asked local banks to boost their reserves as it took its first steps to withdraw liquidity from the system , paving the way for a rate rise early next year .

  21. 然而银行体系之外的市场流动性却十分充裕,社会和企业所需的资金量得到了较好满足。

    But the market has ample liquidity outside the banking system , and the demand of society and enterprises for money has been satisfied .

  22. 卡如纳表示,危机来临时被广泛认为是银行体系致命缺陷的流动性不足问题,也必须加以解决。

    Insufficient liquidity , widely recognised as a fatal flaw of the banking system when the crisis came , must also be addressed , the BIS chief says .

  23. 从2006年开始,国内金融界的专家和学者开始关注银行体系存在着的流动性过剩问题,中央银行也开始采取紧缩的货币政策,逐步调高法定存款准备金率,并且连续上调存贷款基准利率。

    From 2006 , the domestic financial experts and scholars started to pay attention to the d surplus liquidity which existed in the bank of system , the Central Bank also adopted the contracted monetary policy , raises the legal reserve ratio against deposits gradually .

  24. 换言之,央行一直在为银行提供廉价的卢布贷款,以求增加银行体系中的流动性,但银行反而用这些卢布来买进美元,而不是放贷到实体经济中。

    In other words , the central bank has been providing cheap rouble loans for banks , to boost liquidity in the banking sector , but rather than lending these roubles into the economy , the borrowers would turn around and buy dollars .

  25. 中国银监会主席尚福林缓解公众对中国银行流动性状况的担忧,他表示,中国中国银行体系的流动性并不短缺,而且存款准备金率也很充裕。

    China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin has soothed concerns over Chinese banks ' liquidity conditions , saying there is no liquidity shortage in China 's banking system as both and required reserves are adequate .

  26. 上周六,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)采取紧急行动,向该国银行体系注入大量流动性。目前人们担心的是,全球金融危机将大幅压低印度经济增长。

    On Saturday , the Reserve Bank of India took emergency action to pump liquidity into the country 's banking system amid concerns that the global financial crisis would cut significantly India 's economic growth .