
  1. 无论出于何种理由,出口限制往往会减少目标产品的出口量,将供应转向国内市场,对这些产品的国内价格构成下行压力,WTO报告表示。

    Export restraints for whatever reason tend to reduce export volumes of the targeted products and divert supplies to the domestic market , leading to a downward pressure on the domestic prices of these products , the WTO said .

  2. 计划于明年投产的工厂,将使全球lng产能增加30%,从而对全球天然气价格构成下行压力,尤其是在美国和英国。

    Plants scheduled to come on stream over the next year will increase global LNG production capacity by 30 per cent , putting downward pressure on natural gas prices worldwide , particularly in the US and Britain .

  3. 国际谷物协会的高级经济学家库珀(DarrenCooper)说,如果泰国成功地处理掉过剩的大米,无疑将给价格带来下行压力。

    ' If Thailand is successful in offloading its rice , it will certainly put downward pressure on prices , ' said Darren Cooper , a senior economist with the International Grains Council .

  4. 花旗集团(Citigroup)经济学家丁爽说,中国经济持续面临下行压力,未来两个季度经济增速将进一步回落至7%。

    ' There is continued downward pressure on the economy , ' said Ding Shuang , an economist at Citigroup . ' Economic growth will continue to decline to 7 % over the next two quarters . '

  5. 天达资产管理公司(investecassetmanagement)全球能源组合联席经理麦莱斯(marklacey)表示,与2009年石油价格的强劲走势相反,美国天然气市场一直面临着下行压力,目前反弹的时机似乎已经成熟。

    In contrast with the strong performance of oil in 2009 , the US natural gas market has seen steady downward pressure and looks ripe for a rebound , says Mark Lacey , global energy portfolio co-manager at Investec Asset Management .

  6. 产油国的卡特尔——石油输出国组织(OPEC,中文简称“欧佩克”)上周决定不为支撑油价而减产,此举引发原油价格进一步下跌,加大了卢布的下行压力。

    Pressure on the rouble grew after last week 's decision by Opec , the oil producers " cartel , not to cut output to shore up prices , provoking a further fall in the crude price .

  7. 增长停滞的经济体对稀土需求疲弱,已对价格构成了下行压力。

    Weak demand from stagnating economies has put downward pressure on prices .

  8. 中国进口下降对大宗商品市场构成下行压力。

    The drop in Chinese imports weighed on commodities markets .

  9. 未售库存将对房价造成下行压力。

    The inventory overhang will keep downward pressure on prices .

  10. 但价格下行压力并非板上钉钉之事。

    But downward price pressure is no sure thing .

  11. 可能出现的过多止赎会给房价带来下行压力。

    And a potential glut of foreclosures could put downward pressure on prices .

  12. 这肯定会进一步加大稀土价格的下行压力。

    It is bound to put further downward pressure on rare earth prices .

  13. 他补充说:油价很可能会因此面临下行压力。

    Oil prices are therefore likely to come under pressure , he added .

  14. 要说去年最大的挑战,那还是经济下行压力加大的挑战。

    The biggest challenge last year was the increased downward pressure on our economy .

  15. 尽管有相当大的下行压力,中国经济正在稳步前进。

    Despite considerable downward pressure , China 's economy is moving on a steady course .

  16. 如今下行压力已经减轻,这对金融市场构成了提振。

    The downward pressure has now diminished and this has given financial markets a lift .

  17. 保护主义的源头之一,是全球化给非熟练劳动力相对工资带来的下行压力。

    One source of protectionism is the downward pressure on the relative rewards of unskilled labour .

  18. 美元兑欧元及日元的汇率波动不大,而英镑汇率则面临下行压力。

    The dollar was little changed against the euro and yen . Sterling was under pressure .

  19. 每一份此类违约都会对目前房价带来下行压力,增加出现更多违约的可能性。

    Each such default puts downward pressure on existing prices , increasing the likelihood of further defaults .

  20. 但总有一天利率将会上涨,届时房地产价格将会承受更多的下行压力。

    But one day rates will rise and that will put more downward pressure on property prices .

  21. 由于国内外需求的停滞不前,如今中国的皮革皮毛产业正面临着巨大的下行压力。

    Stagnant domestic and global demand is exerting downward pressure on China 's leather and fur industry .

  22. 美国长期国债收益率的持续下行压力表明,市场中已经有了一丝谨慎的情绪。

    The continuing downward pressure on US Treasury bond yields indicates a degree of caution in the air .

  23. ,许多国家都面临经济下行压力,中国和中东欧国家也不例外。

    ; and many countries are facing downward pressures , with China and CEE countries being no exception .

  24. 事实上,银行利润率承受着巨大下行压力,盈利能力也仍是个大问题。

    In fact , the margins for banks are under tremendous pressure and profitability remains a huge issue .

  25. 上周一,一份报告显示,在经济下行压力下,我国企业感到日益上涨的成本造成了他们的负担。

    Chinese firms are feeling burdened by rising costs amid downward economic pressure , a report showed last Monday .

  26. 确实,允许大量外国劳动者进入可能会对薪资构成下行压力,至少一开始会如此。

    True , allowing in lots of foreign workers might put downward pressure on wages , at least initially .

  27. 美联储最新的“褐皮书”中关于经济情况的报告中指出存在价格和工资的下行压力。

    The Fed 's latest " Beige Book " report on economic conditions suggested downward pressure on prices and wages .

  28. 2011年,紧缩的货币政策和对房地产建设的严格限制,继续令钢铁价格面临下行压力。

    In 2011 , tight money policies and harsh restrictions on property construction continued to put downward pressure on steel prices .

  29. 今年以来,中国发展虽面临较大下行压力,但经济运行总体平稳。

    Since the beginning of this year , the Chinese economy has maintained stability on the whole despite considerable downward pressure .

  30. 首先,它们可以大幅增加路面上可供租赁的汽车数量,从而为价格造成下行压力。

    First , they substantially increase the supply of for-hire vehicles on the road , which puts downward pressure on prices .