
  • Afternoon;Good afternoon;Good morning
  1. 下午好,先生。

    Good afternoon to you , sir .

  2. 下午好,女士们,先生们。

    Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen .

  3. N:下午好!我是南茜,很高兴认识你!

    N : Good afternoon ! I 'm Nancy.Nice to meet you !

  4. 她清了清嗓子说:"下午好,我是艾米丽。"

    She cleared her throat and said , " Good afternoon . I 'm Emily . "

  5. "下午好,艾米丽,请坐。"布莱尔夫人回答道。

    " Good afternoon , Emily . Take a seat , please . " Mrs. Blair replied .

  6. 登机前的广播下午好各位乘客。这是89B航班飞往罗马的登机前广播。

    Good afternoon passengers . This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome .

  7. 下午好,White先生,White太太。

    Good afternoon , Mr and Mrs White .

  8. W:客房服务部,下午好!

    W : Room service , good afternoon .

  9. ABC公司,下午好。

    Operator : Good afternoon , ABC Incorporated .

  10. 下午好,Harry。

    Good afternoon , Harry .

  11. 怎么了两位好下午好Matthew堂亲下午好

    Hello ! Good afternoon , Cousin Matthew.Good afternoon .

  12. 答案:鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)。)他这样讲述:你对一位首相说‘早上好’,对另一位首相说‘下午好’。

    ( Answer : Yukio Hatoyama . ) You say ' good morning ' to one prime minister and ' good afternoon ' to a different one , was how he put it .

  13. EndieulaSt.Jean:“我刚来美国时,因为不会讲英语,我感到非常非常生气和不安,我只会说‘早上好’和‘下午好’,就这么多。”

    ENDIEULA ST. JEAN : " When I came to the United States , I was very , very , very angry , nervous because I [ couldn 't ] speak English . All I [ could ] say was ' good morning ' and ' good afternoon . ' That 's all . "

  14. Hande:“当老师走进教室时,你必须起立,向老师问好。老师会说,早上好,或者下午好,等等,然后,所有学生必须做出回答。而在美国的学校,我们不需要这样。”

    HANDE : " When a teacher comes into the class you have to stand up and the teacher . He or she says good morning or good afternoon or something like that and you all , as a class , you answer . We don 't do this in class here . "

  15. 下午好,陈先生。非常感谢。

    Good afternoon , Mr. Chen . Thank you very much .

  16. 下午好。请给我洗洗头,定型。

    Good afternoon . I 'd like a shampoo and set .

  17. 下午好,女士,我是杰里米-米歇尔军士。

    Good afternoon , madam . I 'm Sergeant Jeremy mitchell .

  18. 下午好,先生,谢谢,我很好。

    Good afternoon Sir , Thank you , I 'm fine .

  19. M:下午好,能为您做些什么吗?

    M : Good afternoon , how can I help you ?

  20. 下午好,还有别人住在这里吗?

    Good afternoon , do you have anyone else staying here ?

  21. 下午好。我们订了一张四人桌。

    Good afternoon . We 've booked a table for four .

  22. 各位下午好,有好几年没有来亚布力了。

    Good afternoon everybody , have several years not to Yabuli .

  23. 亲爱的吐司马斯特会员及尊敬的客人,下午好!

    Dear fellow toastmaster members and distinguish guests , Good afternoon !

  24. 下午好,种马你好,高茨,有什么新闻?

    Afternoon , Monty . Hello , Guts , what news ?

  25. 下午好,您对这个微波炉有兴趣吗?

    Good afternoon . Are you interested in this microwave oven ?

  26. 尊敬的先生女士们,亲爱的同学们,下午好。

    Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls .

  27. 女:下午好,欢迎来到工作日。

    Woman : Good afternoon , and welcome to Working Day .

  28. ?下午好,长官,我超速了吗?比规定速度快了十二英里。

    Afternoon officer , was I speeding Twelve miles over the limit .

  29. 大家下午好!欢迎收听今天的英语特别节目。

    Hello , and welcome to another Special English Program .

  30. 下午好,还有空房间吗?

    Good afternoon , is there a vacant room here ?