
quán miàn lǚ xínɡ
  • full performance;overall performance
  1. 中国迈入WTO的大门后,就要全面履行自己在知识产权领域中承担的权利和义务,这必将对我国以及重庆知识产权工作的发展产生深刻的影响。

    After China joins the WTO , it will fulfil its rights and duties in the field of intellectual property . This will influence the development of the work related to intellectual property of Chongqing as well as China .

  2. 声明要求朝鲜不要再进一步发射火箭,呼吁所有联合国成员全面履行2006年10月对朝鲜实施的常规武器、核以及弹道导弹部件禁运。

    The document demands North Korea conduct no further rocket launches .

  3. 改变领导体制全面履行职能

    Exercise all-round functions with the change of the leadership structure

  4. 当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务。

    The parties shall fully perform their respective obligations in accordance with the contract .

  5. 这包括加强国家法律和政策,全面履行我们一致同意的承诺。

    This includes strengthening national laws and policies , and fully implementing the commitments we have agreed to .

  6. 用人单位与劳动者应当按照劳动合同的约定,全面履行各自的义务。

    Employers and workers shall fully perform their obligations respectively in accordance with the stipulations in the labor contract .

  7. 他补充说,各国必须改善核储存信息交流,“全面履行”联合国有关决议。

    He added that nations had to improve their information exchange on nuclear stockpiles and " fully implement " related UN resolutions .

  8. 对于提高地方政府能力,全面履行政府职能,构建社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。

    There is a great significance for improving local government capacity , full implementation of government functions , building a harmonious socialist society .

  9. 最后对如何更好地推动我国商业银行全面履行、实践社会责任提出了建设性意见。

    Finally , this paper gives some constructive advice on how to better promote the fulfilling and practicing social responsibilities of domestic commercial banks .

  10. 一个国家只有通过全面履行其国际义务,成为国际大家庭的一员,才能实现这个目标。

    It must be reached by a nation that takes its place in the international community by fully living up to its international obligations .

  11. 中国于1984年加入《禁止生物武器公约》,认真、全面履行了自己所承担的义务。

    China acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention ( BWC ) in 1984 , and has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations under the Convention .

  12. 总统去世后,代总统应该全面履行总统和武装部队总司令的职责。

    After the death of President , the acting president should fully implement the duties of the president and commander in chief of the armed forces .

  13. 当然,脱离企业自身条件,强制要求其向所有利益相关者全面履行社会责任也是不理智的。

    Of course , ignoring the conditions of the business , asking them to fulfill their social responsibility to all stakeholders , that is not sensible .

  14. 如果伊朗在这个为期6个月的阶段没有全面履行其承诺,我们就将停止实行松动措施并加大施加压力。

    And if Iran does not fully meet its commitments during this six-month phase , we will turn off the relief and ratchet up the pressure .

  15. [结论]构建国境口岸突发公共卫生事件应急预案框架体系对于提高检验检疫机构预防和处置口岸突发公共卫生事件的能力,全面履行卫生检疫行政职能具有十分重要的意义。

    Conclusions It is of great significance to set up the framework of public health emergency and upgrade the capacity of administration at the frontier port .

  16. 在乙方全面履行本合同约定的义务的前提下进行费用支付时,向乙方索取发票或收据的原件。

    To demand originals of invoices or receipts from Party B when making the payments on the premise that Party B has fully performed the contracted obligations .

  17. 所有企业都坚持诚信,全面履行上述责任,整个社会经济运行就能顺畅有效。

    If all the enterprises can adhere to the credits and fully fulfill the above responsibilities , the whole social economic operation will be smooth and effective .

  18. 在解决争议过程中,双方除有争议的事项外,须继续全面履行本合同。

    During the period when a dispute is being resolved , the parties shall continue to perform this contract in all respects other than the issue in dispute .

  19. 各级工会组织要抓住机遇,乘势而上,充分调动、发挥职工群众在安全生产工作中的主力军作用,同时,工会要全面履行维护职工安全健康合法权益的职责。

    Trade unions at different level should get hold of the opportunities and give full play to worker masses of the role of main force in safety in production .

  20. 建立总监理工程师必须按岗位职责要求全面履行总监职责,对本标段监理工作的质量负总责。

    The chief engineer must completely fultill his responsibilities on basis of the requirements of job responsibilities and be fully responsible for the supervision work of the construction lot .

  21. 专项审计调查已经成为审计机关全面履行审计监督职责、充分发挥审计监督建设性作用的重要手段。

    To carry out special investigations has been an important way for the audit institutions to completely perform their auditing supervising functions and to fully exert the constructive effect of supervision .

  22. 总监理工程师是代表监理单位全面履行监理合同,具体实施建设监理的主要责任人。在既定的业主、工程项目和客观环境下,总监只有通过改进工作方法而改善工作效果。

    Chief inspection engineer is the person who , on behalf of project client , is responsible for the fulfillment of an inspection contract and the implementation of the project under inspection .

  23. 两岸均认可合同履行应遵循诚实信用原则和全面履行(适当履行、正确履行)原则和情事变更原则。

    Both sides of the Straits accept that performance of contract should be subject to principles such as faith , complete performance ( suitable performance , right performance ) and changed circumstances .

  24. 自2001年加入世界贸易组织以来,中国全面履行承诺,开放程度已经接近发达成员平均水平。

    Since its entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) in 2001 , China has fully implemented its commitment and its openness is approaching the average level of WTOs developed members .

  25. 几周前微软刚刚遭遇败诉,未能在法庭上推翻欧盟对其的8.99亿欧元罚款。欧盟向微软处以这笔罚款是因为它没有全面履行一项反垄断裁决。

    The investigation comes just weeks after Microsoft lost a court case to overturn an € 899m EU fine , which was imposed because it failed to apply an antitrust decision in full .

  26. 安南周日表示,近日频繁发生暴力冲突是“不可接受的”;他提醒叙利亚政府“有必要全面履行其承诺”。

    Mr Annan said on Sunday that the recent surge in violence was " unacceptable " , and reminded the Syrian government of the " the need for full implementation of its commitments " .

  27. 专利工作站负责人应全面履行管理专利工作站的职责,积极配合和参与国家知识产权局有关专利工作站的活动。

    The persons in charge shall perform their duties as to the patent work station management , actively coordinate and participate in the activities related to the patent work stations held by the sipo .

  28. 在加入世界贸易组织后的十年中,中国全面履行了全部废除与世贸规则不相匹配的国内法律、法规的承诺,给予了外国公司国民待遇。

    Over the past decade since its accession to the WTO , China has fully honored its commitments by abolishing all domestic laws and regulations incompatible with WTO rules and giving foreign companies national treatment .

  29. 批准本公约的各成员国承诺按第六条规定的方式全面履行公约的规定,以确保海员体面就业的权利。

    Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to give complete effect to its provisions in the manner set out in Article VI in order to secure the right of all seafarers to decent employment .

  30. 虽然本公司目前没有安排将所持有的个人资料以联机方式提供查阅及改正,但本公司已全面履行条例所规定的「查阅及改正资料的权利」责任。

    Although we do not currently provide online access to and correction of personal data held by the Company , we fully comply with the " Rights of Access and Correction " obligations of the Ordinance .