
  • 网络EFA;Education for All;universal education
  1. 十余年来,全民教育的实现取得了重大进展。

    The goal of the EFA has been achieved progressively in the resent years .

  2. 要重视教育的基础作用,开展全民教育。

    To the basic role of the importance of education , to the EFA .

  3. 真是天才点子。但对发展中世界来说,更美好的事物将是全民教育、消除腐败、法治,或许还有民主制度,尽管最后这点在我的B清单上。

    Even better for the developing world will be universal education , the elimination of corruption , the rule of law , perhaps democracy , although that is on my B-list .

  4. 作为人类增长与发展的一个推手,教育是实现所有千年发展目标(MDGs)和全民教育(EFA)目标的关键所在。

    As a catalyst for human growth and development , education is key to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) and Education for All ( EFA ) targets .

  5. 亚洲开发银行(adb)和联合国(un)机构昨日联合发布的报告显示,未来8年,亚太地区多数国家有望将贫困减少一半,实现全民教育以及教育方面的男女平等。

    Most countries in the region are on track to reduce poverty by half , attain universal education and achieve gender parity in education in the next eight years , according to the report released yesterday by the Asian Development Bank and UN agencies .

  6. 为此,政府会持续推行多媒体全民教育。

    To this end , government will sustain multi-media community education .

  7. 全民教育全纳化:教师的准备与行动

    Inclusive Education for All People : Teachers ' Preparation and Action

  8. 化社会为学校,实行全民教育;

    Turn society into school and carry out civil education .

  9. 论科学技术与我国全民教育的相互影响

    The Relationship between the Science and Technology and the Education of China

  10. 芬兰全民教育的最新国家行动

    Education for All Finnish : Recent National Action Plan

  11. 老年教育是全民教育的重要组成部分。

    Education of the elderly is a very important part of civil education .

  12. 开展礼貌运动,利用节日进行全民教育。

    Conduct polite movement , using the festival to carry out the national education .

  13. 浅析全民教育思潮背景下的优质教育

    Quality Education in the Context of General Education

  14. 论现代全民教育观

    On the Concept of Modern Education for All

  15. 试论如何利用现代远程教育促进全民教育发展

    On Utilizing Modern Teleeducation to Promote Mass Education

  16. 社会进步不但要求人们向更高层次发展,而且特别强调所有人的发展,强调终身教育和全民教育。

    Social progress demands not only people 's furthermore development but also all-people 's development .

  17. 构建全民教育质量评估体系的蓝图&《2005全球全民教育监测报告》述评

    The Blueprint of Quality Assessment of EFA & Comments on EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005

  18. 国家倡导和全民教育办事处

    National Office for Promotion and Popular Education

  19. 如果有疑问,红细胞全民教育测试可以准确地确定你所需要的的。

    If in doubt , red blood cell EFA testing can determine exactly what you need .

  20. 第一,实现全民教育目标,不断提高普及教育水平。

    To realize the goal of education for all and constantly raise the level of education universalization .

  21. 其实,培养高素质人才也是全民教育的最终目的。

    Actually , talent of education high quality also is the ultimate goal that the whole people teachs .

  22. 终身教育、全民教育、高等教育大众化等思潮是其思想动力;

    Life & long study , civil education , and popularity of higher education are ideological motive force ;

  23. 其目的是通过竞赛来提高全民教育水平。

    It says the goal is to improve , through competition , the quality of education for all .

  24. 他说道:这个国家被赋予的独特之处就是全民教育计划。

    The genius of this country , he said , is a program of education for all its citizens .

  25. 世界教育发展浪潮中的全民教育是教育内部变革的基本走向,也必然成为印度农村教育改革的价值取向。

    Education for all is the education internal reform and will become the value orientation of rural education reform .

  26. 但去年五月提出的“全民教育法”,还没有得到国会议院任意一方的批准。

    The Education For All Act was introduced last May , but has not passed either house of Congress .

  27. 为迎接面临的挑战做好充分的准备,全民教育的实现,依然需要社会各界的积极努力。

    To face the challenges and the realization of EFA , still need the active efforts of the whole community .

  28. 吉尔吉斯斯坦有较高的识字率(1994年是97%),也有比较强的全民教育的传统。

    Kyrgyzstan has a high literacy rate ( 97 % in1994 ), and a strong tradition of educating all citizens .

  29. 终身教育·全民教育·全纳教育&对战后三大国际教育思潮的剖析

    Lifelong Education · Education for All · Inclusive Education & Parse of the Three International Educational Thoughts of Post-world War ⅱ

  30. 远程教育是教育体系的重要组成部分,是实现全民教育和终身学习的不可缺少的教育手段。

    Distance learning is a important part of education system , it is a necessary instrumentality for civil and life education .