
  1. 这种公司所投资的地盘,大多数开发商都会避而远之,而此类公司所签土地租赁合同的期限也另很多地主瞠目结舌。

    They invest in land most developers would shun and use tenancy contracts that would make other landlords shudder .

  2. 不过任何明智的新政权都必须出台土地审核政策,给予合理的补偿,安排土地租赁、管理合同,担保土地占有权和个人房地契,包括公共土地部分。

    But any sensible new administration must first carry out a land audit , give decent compensation , then arrange for leaseholds , management contracts , surety of tenure and individual title deeds across the land , including the communal areas .