
zū lìn wù
  • lease;leased article;leased property
  1. 在租赁物登记制度、租赁物归属、取回占有制度、监管模式等问题上提出自己的见解。

    This paper puts forward the opinion on perfection of lease registration system , lease ownership , Retrieve possession system , and regulatory issues .

  2. 第二百四十七条承租人应当妥善保管、使用租赁物。

    The lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care .

  3. (二)出租人为承租人指定供货人或租赁物的;

    The leasor has appointed the supplier or leased property ;

  4. 然后文章归纳分析了租期内租赁物所有权变动的效力。

    The article then summarized the analysis of the rent during the lease-ownership changes in effect .

  5. 把全部或部分的租赁物再租给另一个人。

    Lease or rent all or part of ( a leased or rented property ) to another person .

  6. 其法律特征应包括四个方面:1、承租人自行选择并确定租赁物,租赁物的购买不依靠出租人的技能和判断。

    The legal characteristic includes four aspects : 1 . Lessee chooses leasehold by himself independent of lessor .

  7. 租赁物的所有权有分化的趋势,法律所有权与经济所有权并存并分别发挥了作用;

    The ownership of the asset is divided into legal ownership and economic ownership , which creates good effect .

  8. 承租人提起,出租人同意。可将租赁物,转租第三人。

    Subject to consent by the lessor , the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person .

  9. 承租人应当履行占有租赁物期间的维修义务。

    While in possession of the lease item , the lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair thereof .

  10. 二是租赁物是否为出租人所有而让与租赁物,不同情况下买卖不破租赁的适用是不同的。

    The second is the lease for all , the shipowner with the lease , different circumstances and not applicable leases are different .

  11. 除上列情形外,出租人对租赁物的质量、数量等问题一般不承担责任。

    Save as stated in the above , the leasor shall generally not bear any responsibilities for the quantity or quality of the leased property .

  12. 因维修租赁物影响承租人使用的,应当相应减少租金或者延长租期。

    Where the maintenance affects the use of the leased property , the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended correspondingly .

  13. 租赁物的使用地为融资租赁合同的履行地。

    The place where the leased property is used shall be deemed to be the place of the performance of the contract for financial leasing .

  14. 返还的租赁物应当符合按照约定或者租赁物的性质使用后的状态。

    The property returned shall be in conformity with the conditions after use according to the terms of the contract or the nature of the leased property .

  15. 租赁物价值大于出租人债权的,其超出部分应退还承租人;

    Where the value of the leased property is greater than the credit of the leasor , the amount above the credit shall be returned to the lessee ;

  16. 第二百二十三条承租人经出租人同意,可以对租赁物进行改善或者增设他物。

    On the Improvement of Chinese Third Party of Administrative Litigation Subject to consent by the lessor , the lessee may make improvement on or addition to the lease item .

  17. 租赁物正在继续使用且发挥效益的,对租赁物是否返还,可以协商解决;

    If the leased property is in use currently and is producing economic benefits , the leasor and lessee may decide through negotiation whether the leased property shall be returned ;

  18. 对农地转租中低地租现象的一种解释第二百二十四条承租人经出租人同意,可以将租赁物转租给第三人。

    An Explanation on Low Land Tax in Farmland Tenancy Article 224 Sublease Subject to consent by the lessor , the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person .

  19. 承租方因工作需要,可以把租赁物转让给第三方承租使用,但必须事先征提出租方的同意。

    The lessee may , because of work requirements , assign the use of the leased property to a third party , but it must first obtain the consent of the lessor .

  20. (三)出租人擅自变更承租人已选定的供货人或租赁物的。一连串提供饮料的一人售货亭

    The leasor , not subject to the approval of the lessee , has changed the supplier or leased property chosen by the lessee . a succession of one-man stalls offered soft drinks

  21. 九、租赁物从境外购买的,融资租赁合同当事人约定用外币支付租金,应认定为有效。

    Article 9 The leased property purchased from foreign countries and for which the litigants in the contract for financial leasing agreed in the contract to pay the rent in foreign currency , such contract shall be deemed valid .

  22. 该项诉讼请求是否应该得到法院的支持?审判实践中,对这一问题的认识并不统一,甚至相互冲突。其三,租赁物的善意取得制度。

    Should this claims get support from court ? Try it in practice , the understanding of this question is not unified , even conflict each other . Third , lease making the system with good intention of the thing .

  23. 截至9月底,花旗拟出售但尚未出售的贷款和租赁物债权增加到约420亿美元,较6个月前增长了一倍多。

    The bank 's portfolio of loans and leases it would like to sell , but has yet to do so , more than doubled over the same six-month period to about $ 42 billion at the end of September .

  24. 承租人经催告后在合理期限内仍不支付租金的,出租人可以要求支付全部租金;也可以解除合同,收回租赁物。

    Where the lessee fails to pay the rent within a reasonable period after receiving demand for payment from the lessor , the lessor may require payment of the full rent ; or it may terminate the contract and repossess the lease item .

  25. 租赁期间覆盖租赁物使用周期的实质部分。

    Lease period almost is the same as equipment 's lifecycle .

  26. 第二百五十条出租人和承租人可以约定租赁期间届满租赁物的归属。

    The lessor and the lessee may agree on the ownership of the lease item at the end of the lease term .

  27. 融资租赁是以融物为形式、以融资为特征的一种具有融资与融物双重属性的融资方式。

    Financial leasing is financing pattern with double attributes of financing and leasing assets in the form of leasing-assets and with financing as the characteristics .

  28. 笔者赞同三要件说,即须存在合法有效的租赁合同;租赁物已被交付且处于占有状态;租赁物所有权被让与第三人。

    I agree that the three elements that must exist valid lease contract ; leasehold has been in the possession and delivery status of leasehold title with a third person to be .

  29. 融资租赁是以融物的形式达到融资的目的,这就决定了融资租赁具有自身的、不同于其他融资方式的一些特点。

    Finance lease is a form of financial property to achieve the purpose of financing , which determines the financial leasing has its own , unlike some of the features of other financing .

  30. 第二百一十三条租赁合同的内容包括租赁物的名称、数量、用途、租赁期限、租金及其支付期限和方式、租赁物维修等条款。

    A leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor delivers to the lessee the lease item for it to use or accrue benefit from , and the lessee pays the rent .